Sentences with phrase «psychological constructs in»

This article discusses the possible application of psychological constructs in a legal setting.
As far as the conclusions and recommendations from child custody evaluations, they just make up whatever they want based on their own personal beliefs and inherent personal biases, they then apply some psychological constructs in entirely haphazard and idiosyncratic ways to justify whatever biased and idiosyncratic conclusion was reached, and they usually take a middle - of - the road risk - management response of recommending the status quo with the addition of «reunification therapy» and an admonishment to both parents that the degree of parental conflict is harming the child and that the parents need to co-parent better.
When answering our question do opposites really attract, looking at personality is a fundamental psychological construct in appeal and relationships.

Not exact matches

With that discovery it becomes impossible even for a moment to take seriously either a realistic metaphysics according to which metaphysical propositions state our empirical knowledge of the categorical characteristics of reality, or an idealistic or psychological metaphysics according to which these depend upon the way in which the human mind as such is always and everywhere constructed... We must start again at the beginning and construct a new metaphysical theory which will face the facts revealed by history.
Finally, they summarize ideas of how psychological «defenses of peace» — a phrase in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) preamble — can be constructed in the human mind.
We have now our on - line course, The Nerd Health Academy, that digs into the remainder of the puzzle: the way to correctly energy prepare, the way to construction your weight loss program, and construct a stable psychological angle on the subject of getting in nice form.
From an opening sequence in a haunted house with an intricately constructed soundtrack to a high - tension, cat - and - mouse game on a trip from Paris to London and back set entirely to text messaging, Personal Shopper brings the psychological and supernatural thriller into the digital age.
(In education, this is often achievement in a specific domain, but constructs also can be psychological traits, attitudes, and so onIn education, this is often achievement in a specific domain, but constructs also can be psychological traits, attitudes, and so onin a specific domain, but constructs also can be psychological traits, attitudes, and so on.)
It has to be said that in Hershman Leeson's movie - as - memoir, never for an instant does she traffic in histrionics, self - pity, or a sense of pushing the boundaries of truth to serve a set of artificial psychological constructs.
Seamlessly blending pop cultural imagery, color theory, and psychology, Yuskavage draws on classical and modern painterly techniques and, in particular, marshals color as a conduit for complex psychological constructs.
The psychological pain of living in a world that is not constructed for one's body can, at times, feel insurmountable, but, together, these artists offer a space to unlearn preset values that create and inform «otherness.»
His work explores physical and psychological relationships between humans and machines in constructed environments.
Hapless, Helpless and Hopeless is a video by Rob Kennedy and Peter Dowling produced entirely of sampled television advertisements that attempts to adapt and re-define the codes at work in these sales pitches, building a «grammar» that can be used to suggest other readings, other outcomes, other problems, than those nominally prescribed in the role of the advertisement, This is not in some vain attempt at trying to negate the power of these adverts, but in order to construct a constantly shifting series of relationships that mines the psychological, emotional and semiotic power of these highly produced images and sounds.
... And that ambiguity is also entirely the point of Schutz's work, which looks for problems in the realm of painting — problems about how a painting is made and what it is made out of — that are also psychological problems: ones not necessarily specific to the painter as an individual, but that might be encountered by anyone trying to construct a life out of the ready - made materials of the world we've been thrown into.»
The SCAD exhibitions department presents «Room In My Head: Staging Psychological Spaces,» a group exhibition featuring contemporary photographers whose constructed or manipulated interiors present varied states of mind.
In the exhibition «Our House», Varelas explores typology, its psychological classification and how our minds are constructed by personal experiences.
The works construct a personal, narrative journey in which magic dominates and transcends physical and psychological space ultimately leading the viewer to a unique understanding of the nature of knowledge itself and how we come to construct, acquire and utilize this powerful tool.
In 1950, Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno helped to assemble a volume titled «The Authoritarian Personality,» which constructed a psychological and sociological profile of the «potentially fascistic individual.»
The system has to be constructed according to the wastes in a given location,» she says, adding that «now it is necessary to break through a psychological barrier in Israel.
And, unfortunately for many attorneys who define their existence by a hard - earned membership in the legal profession, the powerful despair they experience when that profession overwhelms and demoralizes them doesn't leave them much psychological real estate for constructing a future they can believe in.
In conclusion, there exists a robust relationship between the cultural construct individualism — collectivism and the prevalence of alleles at several polymorphisms with apparent psychological effects.
This handout discusses, in a question and answer format, the family systems construct of an enmeshed psychological relationship
So while PA is not in the DSM - 5, THE book of disorders, it may not technically be labeled a disorder, it is, however, a combination of personality disorders and cross-generational parent - child coalitions which are in fact standard psychological constructs familiar to professionals working with families and especially with families entrenched in the legal system.
In another recent study, Garcia et al. (2017) examined differences in subjective well - being and psychological well - being between Swedish and Italian adolescents and investigated if the relationships between the three constructs of subjective well - being (life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect) and psychological well - being were influenced by the adolescents» nationalitIn another recent study, Garcia et al. (2017) examined differences in subjective well - being and psychological well - being between Swedish and Italian adolescents and investigated if the relationships between the three constructs of subjective well - being (life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect) and psychological well - being were influenced by the adolescents» nationalitin subjective well - being and psychological well - being between Swedish and Italian adolescents and investigated if the relationships between the three constructs of subjective well - being (life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect) and psychological well - being were influenced by the adolescents» nationality.
Finally, in both countries, no significant differences in the relationship between the three constructs of subjective well - being and psychological well - being were found.
In general, the VAWI model was not replicated by PCA in the three - component model and other constructs were found which reflected more the severity rather than the types (psychological, physical and sexual) of violencIn general, the VAWI model was not replicated by PCA in the three - component model and other constructs were found which reflected more the severity rather than the types (psychological, physical and sexual) of violencin the three - component model and other constructs were found which reflected more the severity rather than the types (psychological, physical and sexual) of violence.
We discuss implications for research on resilience to academic stress, the power of the PsyCap construct to effect positive psychological outcomes in a variety of student situations, and implications for educators in developing and promoting positive outcomes based on this valuable personal capital.
In 1994 Allan Schore published his groundbreaking book, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self, in which he integrated a large number of experimental and clinical studies from both the psychological and biological disciplines in order to construct an overarching model of social and emotional developmenIn 1994 Allan Schore published his groundbreaking book, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self, in which he integrated a large number of experimental and clinical studies from both the psychological and biological disciplines in order to construct an overarching model of social and emotional developmenin which he integrated a large number of experimental and clinical studies from both the psychological and biological disciplines in order to construct an overarching model of social and emotional developmenin order to construct an overarching model of social and emotional development.
Objective: Burnout and work engagement are generally defined as psychological states but the methods used to measure these constructs are more in line with methods used to assess psychological traits.
Abstract: Objective: Burnout and work engagement are generally defined as psychological states but the methods used to measure these constructs are more in line with methods used to assess psychological traits.
Evidence of construct validity in relation to other measures from the psychological flexibility model was observed as well as evidence of clinical utility in relation to measures of pain - related functioning.
Convergent validity results further suggest the MCC's distinctiveness regarding other measures of commitment, by showing personal, but not moral or structural, commitment, to correlate with the Investment Model Scale (Rusbult et al. in Personal Relationships 5:357 — 387, 1998), defining commitment as a unitary construct pertaining a general long - term orientation and intent to persist in the relationship, and psychological attachment towards the partner.
Further, the constructs that were identified by the experts as controlling (n = 60) were divided in psychological control and harsh physical discipline by the first and second authors.
The critics cited that the Gardnerian PAS model was insufficiently grounded in established psychological principles and constructs.
An attachment - based model for the construct of «parental alienation» is based entirely in established psychological constructs and principles that are accepted by establishment mental health (i.e., the attachment system, personality disorder dynamics, delusional processes), which can then be used to establish professional standards of practice, and the single voice from mental health can then be used to efficiently and effectively guide decisions before the Court.
In the first three sections of Foundations I define and describe the areas of necessary professional competence from entirely within standard and established psychological principles and constructs.
Proving Gardner's model of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) in court can be extremely difficult, if not nearly impossible, because the theoretical understructure of PAS is based on anecdotal clinical indicators with no foundation in established psychological principles or constructs.
The criticism of Gardner's model of PAS as not being sufficiently grounded in scientifically established psychological principles and constructs is a valid criticism.
However, Gardner too quickly abandoned established psychological principles and constructs in proposing a new «syndrome» that was supposedly identifiable by a set of anecdotal clinical signs.
For psychological resource constructs, mastery and sense of coherence were related to lower cortisol level at baseline in standardized rest and high mastery was related to steeper diurnal slope in two studies.
The critics were right, Gardner's PAS definition of this clinical phenomenon lacked the necessary scientific foundation in established psychological principles and constructs.
This tendency to perceive a marital or committed relationship in unrealistically positive terms strongly resembles psychological constructs such as positive illusions (Taylor & Brown, 1988) and unrealistic optimism (Scheier & Carver, 1992), which have been shown to involve information - processing biases.
Sandplay therapy is a creative form of psychotherapy that uses a sandbox and a large collection of miniatures to enable a client to explore the deeper layers of the psyche in a totally new format; by constructing a series of «sand pictures,» a client is helped to illustrate and integrate his or her psychological condition (see
There are several theoretical perspectives on personality in psychology, which involve different ideas about the relationship between personality and other psychological constructs, as well as different theories about the way personality develops.
The primary constructs within the hypothesized framework are: (1) social position variables — characteristics that are used within societies to hierarchically stratify groups (race, gender, socioeconomic status); (2) parenting variables — familial mechanisms that may influence African American adolescents well - being, perceptions of competence, and attitudes towards others in various contexts (e.g., parenting practices and racial socialization messages); (3) racial discrimination — negative racially driven experiences that may influence feelings of competence, belongingness, and self - worth; (4) environmental / contextual factors — settings and surroundings that may impede or promote healthy identity development (e.g., academic settings); and (5) learner characteristics — individual characteristics that may promote or hinder positive psychological adjustment outcomes (e.g., racial identity, coping styles).
This exploratory study aimed to describe, explore and test a self - constructed conceptual framework designed to understand the relative impact of infertility - specific and general psychological characteristics, in predicting psychological distress.
Notably, our findings indicated that self - compassion may be a particularly important construct, both theoretically and clinically, in understanding psychological distress amongst those with higher levels of attachment avoidance.
School adjustment and satisfaction of basic psychological needs are widely analysed constructs in psychological studies because of their relevance to students» psychological well - being and overall success in school.
Here, we aimed to replicate and extend those initial studies by examining the factor structure, construct validity, and treatment sensitivity of the NSPS in samples of community - based participants with a principal diagnosis of social anxiety disorder (SAD), a principal anxiety disorder diagnosis other than SAD, or no history of psychological problems.
These psychological constructs provide a positive psychological state for engaging in health - related behaviour.
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