Sentences with phrase «psychological difficulties caused»

The psychiatrist thought it «highly probable» that M's views on contact and the proceedings had been influenced directly by her mother as well as by the internal psychological difficulties caused by her conflicts of loyalty.

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«The emotional stress caused by the pursuit of perfection and the failure to achieve this goal can evolve into more severe psychological difficulties,» says Monica Ramirez Basco, psychologist and expert in cognitive - behavioral therapy, and the author of Never Good Enough: How To Use Perfectionism to Your Advantage.
These injuries, often caused by another party's negligence, may have long - term consequences for a motorist, from lifelong disabilities to psychological difficulties to burdensome financial expenses.
The distinction between whether Ms. Tan's psychological injuries and cognitive difficulties were caused by an MTBI or by Ms. Tan's chronic pain and sleep disturbances is relevant only to the quantum of general damages and to Ms. Tan's prognosis going forward.
Determine if there is a specific cause for a child's academic, social, or psychological difficulties
Indeed, Ajdukovic and Ajdukovic (1998) cautioned that the child's exposure to extreme intense trauma can have delayed effects and can cause difficulties in psychological functioning in adulthood.
«You can enter psychotherapy for a variety of reasons, all of which I can help you through - reduce emotional distress in order to regain a sense of fulfillment in life and / or restore the ability to function in daily activities, improve relationship difficulties caused by issues such as ineffective communication, gain control of unhealthy behaviors such as substance abuse or disordered eating, facilitate healing or promote well - being by nurturing the psychological, emotional, spiritual aspects of oneself, engage in a process of exploration to increase a sense of well - being and satisfaction with ones self, work, school and / or relationships.»
Psychological tests are recommended when both the psychologist, as well as the family, wants to gain a better understanding of what may be causing the child / adolescent to be having difficulty in the school and / or home.
Early chapters provide context in a theoretical discourse on the causes and consequences of psychological and attachment difficulties for children in care, including a discussion of maltreatment and foster care.
Provides a thorough theoretical discourse on the causes and consequences of psychological and attachment difficulties for children in care
From personality type evaluation to much more nuanced and mercurial diagnoses, psychological testing can help us answer a wide array of questions pertaining to issues that can confound us and / or cause varying degrees of difficulty in our lives.
Counseling offers us the opportunity to identify the factors that contribute to difficulties and to deal effectively with the psychological, behavioral, interpersonal and situational causes of those difficulties.
Exposure to alcohol in the womb can cause many problems including birth defects, learning difficulties, abnormal hearing or vision, and behavioural and psychological disorders.
Attachment theory developed by (BowlbyI980a) explained early childhood development and lays tremendous importance that a human infant has a biological need for protective attachment figure for survival and absence of such a figure can cause psychological difficulties in the child's emotional growth.
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