Sentences with phrase «psychological dissonance»

We also both agreed that unknown to them they are subconsciously protecting themselves from the psychological dissonance they are currently experiencing.
Paired with life - size graphite objects fixed to the surface (an oar, a ladder, a hand dryer, and a lavatory cistern) they generate a sense of psychological dissonance.
This is done by making changes to justify their stressful behavior, either by adding new parts to the cognition causing the psychological dissonance, or by actively avoiding social situations and / or contradictory information likely to increase the magnitude of the cognitive dissonance.

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These are very tho - rny issues we're talking about — a tangled mess of bad intentions, good intentions, misapplied intentions, and the whole range of psychological variations of mental illness, cognitive dissonance, and a bunch of other things not really complimentary to religions in general and to specific religions as well.
Compartmentalization is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.
Look up «Psychological Projection» and then you'll get a hint at the total made - up absurdities that humans have created over thousands of years in order to understand something that is beyond understanding along with their minds over rationalizing events that in a time without the understandings of basic science, they used imagination to ease their fear based cognitive dissonance.
Cognitive dissonance — that psychological term that refers to the way our brains respond when our beliefs and actions don't line up — is also a very real thing.
Because I just can't bear having another psychological syndrome to carry around — cognitive dissonance sounds like a colon condition — I have found something of value in most of them.
Kurt presents the «seven psychological death sins» you should be aware of in an attempt to downtone System 1 and advance System 2: 1) excessive self - confidence, 2) herd mentality, 3) blind orthodoxy, 4) denial, 5) confirmation bias, 6) deadlocked ideas and attitudes, 7) cognitive dissonance (the tendency to go with the thought that «feels best» when stuck with the choice between two contradicting ideas rather than investigating which is more rational).
The result is an exhibition that embodies a dissonance between the physical, psychological, and historical.
Andrew Curtis produces images of suburban dissonance by blurring physical and psychological reality.
Others in the sceptic blogosphere occasionally refer to «mass hysteria» or «cognitive dissonance», but I've yet to see a serious psychological analysis of the warmist phenomenon.
Whether you are working on the front lines of the climate issue, immersed in the science, trying to make policy or educate the public, or just an average person trying to make sense of the cognitive dissonance or grapple with frustration over this looming issue, What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming moves beyond the psychological barriers that block progress and opens new doorways to social and personal transformation.
A group of Swiss psychologists concluded from a similar focus group study that such arguments were «socio - psychological denial mechanisms» erected to bridge the gap («dissonance») between the understanding that something fundamental had to be changed in their lives — indeed in our entire industrial economy — and the reluctance to make such a big leap.
I am sure that you are aware of the psychological term «cognitive dissonance».
Hi Rod: Like you, I see the conflict, known in psychological circles as «Cogitive Dissonance» (when behaviour runs counter to conscience); I also personally feel the pull, or the stress, of the paradoxical situations that I find myself having to deal with, because I am human.
This is why there unknowingly exists in the minds of most real estate salespeople the split personality syndrome that underpins the psychological concept known as cognitive dissonance.
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