Sentences with phrase «psychological disturbances such»

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In today's cultural and political climate, however, to suggest that the current stampede to accept claims that a decade ago would have been regarded as signs of serious psychological disturbance — and that are still regarded as such by eminent psychiatrists — is to risk being shamed and cast to the margins of society as a bigot.
«Both factors independently affect brain function in different ways, which can lead to the development of other psychological disturbances, such as anxiety and depression.»
As such, it poses all sorts of questions about the intersection of art, celebrity and psychological disturbance in our media culture, but it also gives us Laura Albert as a shape - shifting artist of astonishing talent, resourcefulness and originality.
Further, research has established certain common disturbances in psychological development that can be expected, given such trauma.
For this symptomatological heterogeneity, the assessment of psychological disturbances in the postpartum period depends on factors such as time of assessment, definition of depression, instrument used to measure depression, and the cultural characteristics of the population studied.8
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