Sentences with phrase «psychological phenomenon»

«That sounds to me like saying we don't understand this basic psychological phenomenon, we don't understand quantum mechanics, therefore the two must be related,» he says.
When we step back and think like people instead of scientists, we realize the absurdity of using such crude approaches to capture the complexity of psychological phenomena such as resilience and spirituality.
I directed said inspector to be extra hard on the properties in question, because the inspection report is the last resort for a buyer to exercise his / her right to withdraw from the purchase based upon that very real psychological phenomenon known as buyer's remorse.
According to this view, social cognition is a level of analysis that aims to understand social psychological phenomena by investigating the cognitive processes that underlie them.
Does some miraculous psychological phenomenon take place for the duration of the street in which children are suddenly unimpressionable?
Maybe there's some other Shakespearean - inspired psychological phenomenon to help me deal with my lies?
«These findings show that even famous psychological phenomena may not be present all the time.
«People seem to be happier buying something at 50 percent off for $ 50 as opposed to having it marked at $ 40 and there being no discount, which is sort of an interesting psychological phenomenon.
The artists included in Custom Car Commandos utilize the auto body as a vehicle for socioeconomic, political, environmental, and psychological phenomena brought about by the current crisis.
Phantom vibration syndrome,» or perceived vibrations from a device that is not really vibrating, is a recent psychological phenomenon that has attracted the attention of the media and medical community.
Imposter syndrome, also known as the imposter phenomenon, is a specific psychological phenomenon that is linked to self - doubt.
Whether they were from LA, Las Vegas or Phoenix, I think they were caught up in a weird psychological phenomenon.
It's down to a psychological phenomenon called the Zeigarnik effect, which says that unfinished tasks are more likely to get stuck in your memory.
A psychological phenomenon known as «negative social proof» would argue that the «right thing» to do becomes questionable when people see the right people doing the wrong things.
Wikipedia defines social proof, also known as informational social influence, as «a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation.»
The bandwagon effect is a psychological phenomenon in which people do something primarily because other people are doing it, regardless of their own beliefs, which they may ignore or override.
Its perceived value is entirely derived from a psychological phenomenon.
This psychological phenomenon occurs when investors filter out potentially useful facts that don't coincide with their preconceived notions, then suffer as a result.
Fundamentalism is a psychological phenomenon.
Now if, in addition to all of this, we recall another psychological phenomenon in ancient Israel, the normative sense of corporate personality among the people of Israel (and the East in general, as over against the West), we are in a position to understand as fully as is possible the personality of Jeremiah or Ezekiel.
Psychology is the basis for any study of cultural imagery, Sentiment and identification are psychological phenomena, and «archaeology» a familiar metaphor for the probing of a troubled mind.
This assumption is common among highly intelligent people, like Weinberg, who haven't thought much about the history and character of Christianity except as a sociological or psychological phenomenon.
Projection: The psychological phenomenon of seeing in others what actually abides in ourselves.
And if we are still left with certain physiological and psychological phenomena which we can only assign to mysterious and enigmatic causes, we are still assigning them to causes, and thus far are trying to make them scientifically intelligible.
Now, if we recall another psychological phenomenon in ancient Israel, the normative sense of corporate personality, the identity of the one in the many and the many in the one, we are able to understand that in their application of Word and Symbol the prophets became not only executioners of Israel, but at once also their own executioners.
For whoever so judges either sees in prayer merely a psychological phenomenon, which can become the object of interesting analysis, or he arrogates to himself God's own right.
There's a psychological phenomena that researchers call «confirmation bias.»
Trauma symptoms (intrusive memories, hypervigilance, attempts to avoid triggers, numbing, etc.) are not just a psychological phenomenon.
The appetite is both a physical and psychological phenomenon.
Some of our intellectuals also fell victims to this psychological phenomenon and have still not recovered from that suppressive agenda worked on them.
But risk is a psychological phenomenon, not just a question of odds, and 2.5 per cent more of the workforce unemployed doesn't necessarily equal 2.5 per cent more fear — whatever that might mean.
Responding to some of her harshest critics, Witt has a new paper in Psychological Science that faces head - on the notion that her experimental subjects have been victims of a psychological phenomenon called response bias.
The project is inspired by the Proteus effect, a psychological phenomenon whereby a person adapts their behaviour to match a new digital persona.
Traud was suffering from what's known as imposter syndrome, a psychological phenomenon in which people feel like frauds.
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