Sentences with phrase «psychological processes»

On the question of the actual psychological processes involved in the birth of faith, and particularly on the question of whether faith is given once for all, we must exercise caution.
Her research is aimed at understanding how classroom environments, individual psychological processes and instruction together impact achievement outcomes in K - 12 settings.
His research has investigated basic psychological processes and the application of that understanding to the relief of emotional disorders.
We are a collaborative, multidisciplinary center dedicated to increasing the scientific understanding of social and psychological processes related to healthy development and family functioning.
The new findings will help researchers to understand better how psychological processes vary in different parts of the world.
Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes.
«A lot of times we assume there's a deep psychological process going on when really at this age it's about something so much simpler,» she notes.
One emphasis is on trying to create a coherent picture of a person and all his or her major psychological processes.
Yet it is also thought to be the basis out of which more mature psychological processes like empathy and intuition are formed.
But grief is a normal and natural psychological process that happens automatically if you allow it to.
Addressing bullying in schools is an important preventative health measure but many schools are failing to adopt the most promising psychological processes.
More broadly, these findings contribute to our growing understanding of the interactions among physical, social, and psychological processes involved in the sex difference in adolescent depression.
Beyond positive psychology: Toward a contextual view of psychological processes and well - being.
Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes.
As an extension of the minority stress model, the psychological mediation framework sheds light on psychological processes
psychological processes through social interactions with more experienced others.
Furthermore, it may not be conduct problems per se that lead to antisocial problems in adulthood but underlying psychological processes such as negative emotionality or an interaction of neurocognitive processes (Lösel and Bender 2003).
Participants revisit the CBT model, and information about psychological processes contributing to distress during a hot flush is introduced.
On the consideration of automatic as well as controlled psychological processes in aggression
In two lengthy chapters, Pinker describes psychological processes that make us either violent or peaceful, respectively.
In addition, it clarifies the interaction between psychological processes and the many physiological functions of the human body.
Powerful but invisible: Social psychological processes in student success.
In five studies among three groups and seven cultural contexts, researchers from Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the US show that the same psychological processes explain mutual outgroup hostility between non-Muslim Westerners, Muslim minorities living in the West, and Muslims living in the Middle East.
Neuroimaging, says Boston College social psychologist Lisa Feldman Barrett, allows scientists to tease apart the neural «ingredients» of complex psychological processes, which is hard to do by studying behavior alone.
The real nub of the question for many earnest minds is whether the voice of God is anything other than our own psychological processes.
Neuropsychology is a branch of psychology and neurology that aims to understand how the structure and function of the brain relate to specific psychological processes.
The act of lying or suppressing the truth triggers activities in the brain that send blood to the prefrontal cortex (located just above the eye sockets), which controls several psychological processes, including the one that takes place when a person crafts a new rather than a known response to something.
English physiologist Charles Sherrington suggested in the early 20th century that this blending was a mysterious psychological process occurring in the mind, requiring no actual confluence of messages into a single brain area.
Such a pattern may reflect a combination of psychological processes required for spontaneous improvisation, in which internally motivated, stimulus - independent behaviors unfold in the absence of central processes that typically mediate self - monitoring and conscious volitional control of ongoing performance.
In short, the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus had a marked effect on GABA [an inhibitory neurotransmitter that is significantly involved in regulating many physiological and psychological processes] levels in certain brain regions and lowered the stress - induced hormone corticosterone, resulting in reduced anxiety - and depression - related behavior.
«This important book provides educators with new ways of understanding the social, historical, and even psychological processes that lead to differential access to mathematics.
They are images of places she collected in New York and restaged; settings that occurred through a personal psychological process in order to reveal personal associations.
Yet for all their apparent spontaneity, his canvases are ultimately the product of an intense psychological process, with some pieces taking years to complete.
Thus, I also bring to you a strong academic and scientific background to help you understand underlying psychological processes so that you can advance your quest for a more fulfilling and happier life.»
Other authors have even explored specific neuro - developmental psychological processes and how they are damaged by early childhood trauma, leading to relational difficulties and ramifications for treatment (Siegel, 1999, 2007).
Posttraumatic growth reflects beneficial psychological processes in persons with traumatic experiences.
These symptoms have high rates of comorbidity and shared psychological processes have been proposed as maintaining factors.
They have taken the treatment of anxiety disorders far beyond the disease model that CBT has been stuck in by brilliantly examining the core psychological processes that make fear and anxiety disordered and explaining in clear language what all anxiety disorders have in common.
CONCLUSIONS: Results are discussed in terms of psychological processes regulating the relationships between the work - related factors (i.e., work motivation) and life - related factors (i.e., psychological distress and subjective well - being) of personal adjustment and accomplishment.
«The consistent trend toward larger effect sizes at follow - up suggests that psychodynamic psychotherapy sets in motion psychological processes that lead to ongoing change, even after therapy has ended,» Shedler said.
Aida has completed three year long trainings promoting psychological processes which include the body.
Another way to look at parental alienation is it is a process of an extreme example of socialization — a well - researched, well documented, universally accepted psychological process (Barden, 2013).
The focus will be on the reciprocal interaction of biological and psychological processes especially as it impacts psychoanalytic work (e.g. affect regulation, primitive defenses, object representations, counter-transference, etc.) with people who have severe and complex psychopathology.
All anxiety is produced by reactive psychological processes that fuel the emotion of anxiety itself.
Through considering the combined psychological processes of the body and mind, Denver Counseling Group focuses on dynamic therapeutic interventions to deepen the understanding of oneself.

Phrases with «psychological processes»

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