Sentences with phrase «psychologists studying»

Psychologists studying the relationship between how we make choices and our life satisfaction have found that those who put the greatest effort into making choices are rewarded with less... Read More»
Psychologists studying the relationship between how we make choices and our life satisfaction have found that those who put the greatest effort into making choices are rewarded with less happiness.
Psychologists studying climate communication make two additional (and related) points about why the warming - snow link is going to be exceedingly difficult for much of the public to accept: 1) people's confirmation biases lead them to pay skewed attention to weather events, in such a way as to confirm their preexisting beliefs about climate change (see p. 4 of this report); 2) people have mental models of «global warming» that tend to rule out wintry impacts.
Despite decades of relying on standardized test scores to assess and guide education policy and practice, surprisingly little work has been done to connect these measures of learning with the measures developed over a century of research by cognitive psychologists studying individual differences in cognition.
He made extensive use of interviews with the psychologists studying Mr M, and with well - known experts on memory.
Psychologists studying how we think about money are revealing why many of us have such fraught relationships with our cash
Psychologists studying child development have examined why some individuals seem more adaptable to change than others.
Ironically, psychologists themselves study that behavior, and call it motivated reasoning.
The psychologists studied two sets of sixth - graders from a Southern California public school: 51 who lived together for five days at the Pali Institute, a nature and science camp about 70 miles east of Los Angeles, and 54 others from the same school.
Comparative psychologists study animal behavior to understand how they think.
Taiwanese psychologists studied the relationship between a blood type and features of people's character.
Rachel Shelley is Dr Kirsty McCloud, an academic criminal psychologist studying the murders of notorious serial killer Leo Rook (Christopher Adamson).
In particular, I was drawn to how psychologists study human development and cognition.
According to the American Psychologist study «Zero Tolerance Policies,» such policies are widespread among schools nationwide which «mandates the application of predetermined consequences, most often severe and punitive in nature that are intended to be applied regardless of the gravity of behavior, mitigating circumstances or situational context.»
98, Ed.D.» 05, a neuroscientist and human development psychologist studying social and emotional functioning of children and how it relates to the development of self and empathy.
With such a bundle of benefits it's little surprise that psychologists study how to tap into people's gratitude reserves.
As part of their roles, organizational psychologists study the reception of new products by a market and apply the results of their findings in influencing the production decisions of an organization.
-- Forensic psychologists study the motivations and actions of criminals.
To many adoptive parents going overseas, that designation sounds suspiciously like «damaged goods,» says Michael Grand, a University of Guelph psychologist studying adoption issues.
Formerly a research psychologist studying attachment and other aspects of human development, Dr. Colin has been providing family mediation services since 1999.
[6][7][8] Developmental psychologists study the development of social cognition abilities.
Emotional work is something that we rarely hear about but psychologists study this topic as a factor in relationship happiness.
After a long career as research psychologist studying spoken language, Sarah Wayland, PhD, became a Special Needs Care Navigator with the goal of ensuring that no parent ever felt as lost and confused as she and her husband did when embarking on their journey as parents of two exceptional children with special needs.

Not exact matches

Amy Cuddy, a psychologist at the Harvard Business School, has been studying first impressions for more than a decade.
Psychologist Angela Duckworth has spent years studying kids and adults, and found that one characteristic is a significant predictor of success: grit.
In his studies of truly great performers, K. Anders Ericsson, the psychologist and author of several landmark studies on elite performance... found that they practiced and rested a lot more than their good but not elite peers.
Psychologists call this feeling of freedom to do your job as you see fit «autonomy» and have found in studies that not only does autonomy make employees happy, it also makes them more productive.
According to a fascinating TED talk by Stanford University health psychologist Kelly McGonigal, new studies suggest the answer might be stress.
A new study from University College London and Oxford University diverges from the famous Yale University study from the 1970s by psychologist Stanley Milgram who found that most people would obey direct orders to send what appeared to be increasingly painful shocks to an unseen stranger.
Environmental psychologist Sally Augustin, Ph.D. notes in Psychology Today that the color green has been linked in studies to producing more creative thinking, making it a good option for artwork or for an accent wall in your home office.
In fact, the classic «marshmallow study,» led by psychologist Walter Mischel in the 1960s, found that kids who were able to delay the delicious gratification of eating a marshmallow wound up more successful as adults.
«Highly conscientious employees do a series of things better than the rest of us,» says University of Illinois psychologist Brent Roberts, who studies conscientiousness.
Dr. Paloma Mari - Beffa, the co-author and psychologist behind the study, says that simply hearing oneself while talking out loud offers many benefits.
It sounds like a good idea, but it's dead wrong,» psychologist Jeffrey Lohr, who has studied venting, memorably explained.
According to studies conducted by Jayne Gackenbach, a psychologist at Grant MacEwan University, «people who frequently played video games were more likely to report lucid dreams, observer dreams where they viewed themselves from outside their bodies, and dream control that allowed people to actively influence or change their dream worlds — qualities suggestive of watching or controlling the action of a video - game character.»
Another study led by Michael Kane, a psychologist at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, and published in Psychological Science also found that some forms of mind wandering can be beneficial.
A new study by an international team of psychologists builds on this common recommendation.
In another study conducted by psychologists Jane Vignovic and Lori Foster Thompson that focused solely on electronic communication, writers of the message were found to «be less conscientious, intelligent and trustworthy when the message contained many grammatical errors.»
Perhaps the findings of a study done by psychologists at San Francisco State University will encourage you to take time away from work and have a little fun.
It seems beyond odd that having some random letter inserted between your first and last names would impact others» opinions of your intellectual capabilities, but that's what a study by two European psychologists found.
For years psychologists have been studying exactly what traits and behaviors make a person charming.
Carney even goes on to say she discourages other psychologists from studying the topic.
That's the good news from a study conducted by University of Virginia psychologist Rachel Narr and colleagues that tracked a diverse group of 169 teenagers from ages 15 to 25.
After spending decades studying how people deal with setbacks, psychologist Martin Seligman found that there are three Ps — personalization, pervasiveness, and permanence — that are critical to how we bounce back from hardship,» Sandberg said.
According to a 2014 study entitled «Trolls Just Want to Have Fun» from psychologists Erin Buckels, Paul Trapnell and Delroy Paulhus, «trolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism,» which are a part of the «Dark Tetard» of personality traits.
A group of psychologists from Yale and other universities tested this in 2009 with a study published in «Psychological Science».
After spending decades studying how people deal with setbacks, psychologist Martin Seligman found that there are three P's — personalization, pervasiveness, and permanence — that are critical to how we bounce back from hardship.
According to the most thorough study on goal setting to date, by psychologists Edwin Locke and Gary Latham, very specific and challenging goals such as «Create three logo variations by the end of the day» push people to work harder than nonspecific goals like «Work on logo variations.»
Her argument is based on the work of Duke psychologist Patricia W. Linville, who studies «self - complexity.»
To uncover the influencers of employee motivation, satisfaction and dissatisfaction, psychologist Frederick Herzberg conducted a series of studies and stumbled across a fascinating discovery: The contributors to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction aren't related.
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