Sentences with phrase «psychology of religion»

Thus he helped to lay the foundation of the contemporary discipline of psychology of religion, an essential resource in counseling on spiritual issues.
This position may become more important in disciplines ancillary to theology than in theology itself; as liberalism left systematic theology and went to live with psychology of religion and Christian education for a while, so neo-orthodoxy may have its immediate future in history of doctrine, Old Testament and perhaps in ethics.
They are, respectively, professor of historical theology at Oxford, and lecturer in psychology of religion at Heythrop.
Psychology in many instances has taught us enough to thrust forward the bogey of autosuggestion but without presenting an intelligible and defensible psychology of religion.
Then I started to incorporate aspects of Carl Jung and psychology of religion into the book, and the working title became Mandala, after the patterns in Jung's Red Book which I was reading at the time.
The socio - historical approach had always been pursued in continuity with empirical inquiries into human beings and religious experience, and the early Chicago school was quite open to the new discipline of psychology of religion and its relevance to religious education.
I cherish instead the notion that if we could understand not only the sociology and psychology of religion but also the religion of religion; if we could get at the roots of conviction in the lives of profound believers in the open society; if we could combine civility with devotion — if we could do these things, religious forces might retrieve some initiative and offer examples for coexistence in the world of the nations and the military powers.
It is less inclined toward the psychology of religion or the sociology of religion than toward the theology of personhood and the theology of society.
The psychology of religion studied adolescent conversions before it asked why the psychologist left fundamentalism and became a Quaker, an Episcopalian, or a Unitarian.
By and large, music journalists aren't religious people, and, if the philosopher Max Scheler is to be believed, the non-religious are as able to describe the psychology of religion «as a person totally blind is able to describe the sensation and mood produced by vivid colors.»
Yet they lie right in the middle of our path; and if we are to touch the psychology of religion at all seriously, we must be willing to forget conventionalities, and dive below the smooth and lying official conversational surface.
The social gospel in synthesis with the psychology of religion had made it possible for the various pastoral functions to have coherence.
The psychology of religion was taking shape and influencing religious education and pastoral counseling.
He has done systematic theology, historical theology, the philosophy of religion, and maybe even the sociology and the psychology of religion.
We may teach pastoral care, pastoral counseling, pastoral psychology, pastoral theology, practical theology, religion and psychology, psychology of religion, religion and personality or religion and culture.
Students could work with professors and get a taste of what serious theological work can be, whether in Bible, church history, Christian ethics, psychology of religion, history of religions, or systematic theology.
Similarly, the importance of the psychology of religion can be acknowledged.
I refer to courses in Bible, church history, theology, and history of religions and in philosophy, sociology, and psychology of religion.
This is a matter of major consequence for a psychology of religion, especially from the point of view of Jungian analytical psychology.
What we have today is largely a study of comparative religion, the history and psychology of religion, and the like; this is why so many departments, including in many Catholic universities, are called departments of religious studies, not theology.
The same was done by the psychology of religion with respect to the realm of religious experience (Cf. Willi Hellpach, Grundriss der Religionspsychologie [Stuttgart, 1951]-RRB-.
Psychology of religion and sociology of religion became prominent.
It leaves out so much of the psychology of religion and self - transcendence.
With so many children from different cultures, the new study offers vital insights, said Benjamin Beit - Hallahmi, a psychologist at the University of Haifa in Israel and an expert in the psychology of religion.
Studies in the psychology of religion suggest that how one practices religion, or «what kind of religion,» is more significant for the quality of family relationships than how strongly one believes in a religion, or «how much religion.»
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