Sentences with phrase «psychopathic killer movies»

Not exact matches

For a while Botham, as if hypnotized, went along with all this, and at one point it seemed that he would indeed land a film part, albeit one as a psychopathic killer, in something called The Perpetrator, a Ramboesque movie which, in fact, was never to be made.
In that movie, he played the teenage version of the film's psychopathic killer.
Regardless that this is a prequel so we know that Leatherface is going to survive and therefore lacks any suspense at all, as a movie Leatherface is all over the place with references to what comes later shoehorned in — like the blink - and - you'll - miss - it appearance of Grandpa in the opening scenes and the character of Hartman (the unscrupulous Mayor in Texas Chainsaw 3D was called Hartman, in case you'd forgotten)-- and details that just don't make sense, such as Drayton being portrayed as a psychopathic killer but yet in Tobe Hooper's original movie he «takes no pleasure in killing», and three people climbing into a cow's carcass to hide from the police which looks as dumb as it sounds.
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