Sentences with phrase «psychosocial risk factors using»

Assessments of parental concerns and psychosocial risk factors using validated approaches seem to be more accurate in identifying developmental problems than clinicians» appraisals.
Data Synthesis Assessments of parental concerns and psychosocial risk factors using validated approaches seem to be more accurate in identifying developmental problems than clinicians» appraisals.

Not exact matches

To date, results from several longitudinal studies indicate that e-cigarette use among nonsmoking youth increases the likelihood of future use of conventional cigarettes.5 — 10 Specifically, the pooled odds ratio (OR) in a recent meta - analysis of studies of adolescents and young adults (aged 14 — 30) indicates that those who had ever used e-cigarettes were 3.62 times more likely to report using cigarettes at follow - up compared with those who had not used e - cigarettes.11 This finding was robust and remained significant when adjusting for known risk factors associated with cigarette smoking, including demographic, psychosocial, and behavioral variables such as cigarette susceptibility.
Inclusion criteria: ≤ 25 years, low educational level (primary school or prevocational secondary school), maximum 28 weeks of gestation, no previous live birth, understood Dutch, and at least 1 of the following additional risk factors: no social support, previously or currently experiencing domestic violence, psychosocial symptoms, unwanted and / or unplanned pregnancy, financial problems, housing difficulties, no education and / or employment and alcohol and / or drug use
Using the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study, we systematically and prospectively investigated the relationships of the 3 main components of the type A behavior pattern — hostile attitudes (hostility), time urgency / impatience (TUI), and achievement striving / competitiveness (ASC)-- and 2 other major psychosocial factors, depression and anxiety, with long - term risk of developing hypertensRisk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study, we systematically and prospectively investigated the relationships of the 3 main components of the type A behavior pattern — hostile attitudes (hostility), time urgency / impatience (TUI), and achievement striving / competitiveness (ASC)-- and 2 other major psychosocial factors, depression and anxiety, with long - term risk of developing hypertensrisk of developing hypertension.
Mothers were eligible to participate if they did not require the use of an interpreter, and reported one or more of the following risk factors for poor maternal or child outcomes in their responses to routine standardised psychosocial and domestic violence screening conducted by midwives for every mother booking in to the local hospital for confinement: maternal age under 19 years; current probable distress (assessed as an Edinburgh Depression Scale (EDS) 17 score of 10 or more)(as a lower cut - off score was used than the antenatal validated cut - off score for depression, the term «distress» is used rather than «depression»; use of this cut - off to indicate those distressed approximated the subgroups labelled in other trials as «psychologically vulnerable» or as having «low psychological resources» 14); lack of emotional and practical support; late antenatal care (after 20 weeks gestation); major stressors in the past 12 months; current substance misuse; current or history of mental health problem or disorder; history of abuse in mother's own childhood; and history of domestic violence.
Four a priori analyses were undertaken comparing outcomes for the hypothesised subgroups using 2 × 2 factorial ANOVA to assess main (intervention vs comparison group) effects and interaction (intervention by subgroup effects for mothers who were Australian - born vs overseas - born, first - time vs multiparous, had one vs multiple risk factors, and scored EDS ≥ 10 (antenatal psychosocial distress) vs EDS < 10), while maintaining the power of the whole sample.
As the Adverse Childhood Experience Study score increased, so did the number of risk factors for the leading causes of death.16, 17 Shonkoff uses the phrase «toxic stress» to describe high cumulative psychosocial risk in the absence of supportive caregiving18, 19; this type of unremitting stress ultimately compromises children's ability to regulate their stress response system effectively and can lead to adverse long - term structural and functional changes in the brain and elsewhere in the body.
Physicians underestimated substantially the prevalence of intrafamilial violence, maternal psychosocial distress, and associated behavior problems in children compared with use of a questionnaire for this purpose.23 The use of a clinic questionnaire identified significantly more mothers with potential risk factors for poor parenting compared with review of medical records.24 Shorter versions of this questionnaire for evaluating parental depressive disorders, 25 substance abuse, 26 and parental history of physical abuse as a child27 compared favorably to the original measures in terms of accuracy.
In summary, the literature on the effectiveness of psychosocial assessment in office settings indicates that the accuracy of identifying psychosocial risk factors can be improved by using questionnaires and that there is also some evidence supporting the validity of home environment and parent - child assessments.
This review highlights several key psychosocial factors that could be used to assist in the identification of prospective IVF patients at high risk of psychological distress.
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