Sentences with word «psychrometer»

This covers 8 common weather forecasting tools Weather vanes and wind socks Thermometer Barometer Psychrometer Hygrometer Rain gauge Doppler radar Anemometer Weather balloon Weather satellite There is a separate page including a detailed description of each of these 10 weather tools that students can read and write a summary for each tool.
Think wetbulb sling psychrometer in reverse.
Instruments include wet - and dry - bulb psychrometer and dew point hygrometer
• Extra: Calibrate your hair hygrometer by comparing it with another instrument, such as a psychrometer or an electric hygrometer.
If you compared the readings of your hygrometer with another instrument that measures humidity, such as a psychrometer or an electric hygrometer, you may find that your hygrometer is 20 percent to 30 percent inaccurate, but you can recalibrate it using these devices to increase its accuracy.
They should swing the psychrometer like a pendulum, and not over their head or in a circle.
Once all groups have finished building tell students that they will be swinging their psychrometers for one minute and then immediately reading first the wet bulb and then the dry bulb thermometer and recording the temperature.
Stress that it is important to be aware of others when swinging the psychrometer, and that the point of swinging the tool is to get air flowing across the bulbs.
(The term comes from the operation of a psychrometer, a widely used instrument for measuring humidity, in which a pair of thermometers, one of which has a wetted piece of cotton on the bulb, is ventilated.
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