Sentences with phrase «public awareness of climate change»

But public awareness of climate change in Asia is limited.
Through its unique partnership between scientists and governments, the IPCC has heightened public awareness of climate change, raised the level of scientific debate, and influenced the science agendas of many nations.
Now, he devotes much of his time to raising public awareness of climate change — he's written well - received books on the topic, recommended policy solutions, and participated in demonstrations and protests all over the U.S.
Three decades since the GREENHOUSE 87 conference, credited as kickstarting public awareness of climate change in Australia, how far have we come, and how far do we have left to go in appreciating the risks?
Additionally, Christina enjoys science coordination and outreach, with the goal of raising public awareness of climate change.
This joint cooperation has led to an increased public awareness of climate change issues.

Not exact matches

Dr. Hayhoe is the co-author of the book A Climate for Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith - Based Decisions and describes herself as «a spokesperson with one principal goal — to bring public awareness to the simple truth that the scientific debate is over, and now it's time for all of us to take action.»
(Kutztown, PA) Today Rodale Institute announced the launch of a global campaign to generate public awareness of soil's ability to reverse climate change, but only when the health of the soil is maintained through organic regenerative agriculture.
«Meat — The Big Omission from the Talks on Emissions» Humane Society, Brighter Green, Chatham House 9 Dec 15:00 — 16:30 Observer Room 04 COP21 Paris — Le Bourget Site Leading experts and government officials will discuss the climate impacts of meat and dairy consumption, public awareness, and potential policy and behaviour - change solutions.
Rodale Institute announced the launch of a global campaign to generate public awareness of the soil's ability to reverse climate change, but only when the health of the soil is maintained through organic regenerative agriculture.
With public awareness of obesity, diabetes, food security and climate change, this evolving Berkeley story is opening up conversations across the country.
China is poorly prepared to tackle the impact of climate change that presents a serious threat to the country, thanks to a lack of planning and public awareness, the government said on Monday.
Axon suggests that following the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris in December 2015 there has been increased awareness of the growing problem of climate change among members of the Climate Change Conference in Paris in December 2015 there has been increased awareness of the growing problem of climate change among members of the pChange Conference in Paris in December 2015 there has been increased awareness of the growing problem of climate change among members of the climate change among members of the pchange among members of the public.
For example, tobacco smoking has been in a steady decline since the 1960s with all sorts of factors driving this trend — improved science and epidemiology, education through labeling and advertising campaigns, and greater public awareness of risks — all of which could be applied to behaviors that contribute to climate change.
Among the new species, Liturgusa algorei, is named for Albert Arnold «Al» Gore Jr., former vice president of the United States of America, to honor his environmental activism and efforts to raise public awareness of global climate change.
Formerly a project director Florida Atlantic University's Center for Environmental Studies, Hammer has consulted with Union of Concerned Scientists and now serves Florida field manager for the Moms Clean Air Force, a group seeking to «further the public's awareness of climate change on children's health,» the White House says in a blog post.
The Antarctic blogs, whether official or personal, raise awareness of climate change issues and communicate directly with the public on current polar projects and life on the ice.
Divestment creates the social and political will to shift public discussion on climate change and raise awareness of the risks that come with a hotter planet, they said.
Predictors of public climate change awareness and risk perception around the world.
Partnerships are built around various drivers: for example supporting the Polar regions in a period of rapid change; educating the public about polar sciences and climate; contributing to climate change awareness; mitigation and adaptation; defining and implementing CSR action plan; implementing technology solutions for low carbon emissions.
But public awareness of the urgency of the climate challenge remains low even as journalists report more deeply about how global warming will alter our cities and environment and how we'll have to adapt to those changes as wildfires rage, ice sheets melt and seas rise.
«The listing not only raised public awareness that climate change is already driving vulnerable species like the polar bear toward extinction, but also forced the Bush administration to adopt the consensus view of the world's scientists on global warming.»
Climate change seemed to have slipped out of the public awareness a little bit, and it wasn't helped at all during the election process, because nobody was talking about it much then, either.»
Category: Africa, Asia, Central America, Child Health, Combat HIV / AIDS, End Poverty and Hunger, English, Environmental Sustainability, Europe, Gender Equality, global citizenship education, Global Partnership, Maternal Health, Mercosur, Middle East, Millennium Development Goals, NGO, North America, Oceania, Private Institution, Public Institution, Refugee and displaced, South America, Transversal Studies, Universal Education, Voluntary Association, Your experiences, Your ideas · Tags: 23rd Century, awareness, Che Guevara, Climate Change, Colombia, Eduardo Galeano, Education, El Salvador, Environment, Environmental, Environmental Sustainability, extreme poverty, future, future we want, FW de Klerk, GCAP, Global Call to Action against Poverty, Global Citizens Movement, global citizenship, global citizenship education, Global Education Magazine, Human Rights, Human Rights Education, human rights - based approach to education, human traffic, humanism, humanity, Iberoamérica, José Martí, Latin America, Luther King, Marta Benavides, Mercosur, Mexico, Nelson Mandela, Nobel Peace Prize, Peacebuilding, poverty, rural areas, Siglo XXIII, Simón Bolivar, social change, Social Development, solidarity, South Africa, South America, sustainable development, UNESCO, UNHCR, United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, women, Women Rights, world, World Future Society, World we want, worChange, Colombia, Eduardo Galeano, Education, El Salvador, Environment, Environmental, Environmental Sustainability, extreme poverty, future, future we want, FW de Klerk, GCAP, Global Call to Action against Poverty, Global Citizens Movement, global citizenship, global citizenship education, Global Education Magazine, Human Rights, Human Rights Education, human rights - based approach to education, human traffic, humanism, humanity, Iberoamérica, José Martí, Latin America, Luther King, Marta Benavides, Mercosur, Mexico, Nelson Mandela, Nobel Peace Prize, Peacebuilding, poverty, rural areas, Siglo XXIII, Simón Bolivar, social change, Social Development, solidarity, South Africa, South America, sustainable development, UNESCO, UNHCR, United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, women, Women Rights, world, World Future Society, World we want, worchange, Social Development, solidarity, South Africa, South America, sustainable development, UNESCO, UNHCR, United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, women, Women Rights, world, World Future Society, World we want, worldlogy
And awareness of issues such as resource scarcity, climate change and creeping urbanization is also growing among the public.
The project was also aimed at raising public awareness of Arctic climate change.
(i) Promote and cooperate in education, training and public awareness related to climate change and encourage the widest participation in this process, including that of non-governmental organizations;
Several scientists at the time came forward to accuse the administration of censoring public awareness efforts about climate change.
The reasons include a lack of relevant city policies and action plans; existence of regulations on urban planning and environment which have not been adjusted to manage climate change; slow response to climate disasters due to lack of capacity and resources; and lack of public awareness on climate variability and climate change - induced hazard mitigation.
This technical document summarizes the views of Parties, relevant intergovernmental organizations and NGOs on possible elements of a successor work programme on Article 6 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that deals with climate change education, training and public awaClimate Change (UNFCCC) that deals with climate change education, training and public awarChange (UNFCCC) that deals with climate change education, training and public awaclimate change education, training and public awarchange education, training and public awareness.
Responding to the public's awareness of anthropogenic climate change, American Petroleum Institute's (API) 1996 «Reinventing Energy: Making the Right Choices,» supported climate denial and argued for inaction.
(Sec. 265) Authorizes the Secretary to establish a research program to: (1) identify the factors affecting consumer actions to conserve energy and make improvements in energy efficiency; and (2) make grants to institutions of higher education to study the effects of consumer behavior on total energy use, the potential energy savings from changes in consumption habits, the ability to reduce GHG emissions through changes in energy consumption habits, increasing public awareness of federal climate adaptation and mitigation programs, and the potential for alterations in consumer behavior to further American energy independence.
The Finance, Technology and Capacity - building (FTC) programme supports the mobilization of financial resources, international cooperation on technology development and transfer, capacity - building; and education, training and public awareness to enable enhanced action by Parties related to climate change.
The document is divided in three chapters: the first one contextualizes climate change and its impact in the region, the second one provides examples of education, training and public awareness initiatives and the third one summarized and concludes.
It could be due to a range of factors, the scientists say, from «a well - financed opposition» to the Cape Wind project on Cape Cod, to increasing public awareness and concern about changing climate and «global warming,» to health impacts and the recent electricity rate hikes in Delaware.
Through the program the Secretary will make grants to public and private institutions of higher education to study the effects of consumer behavior on total energy use; potential energy savings from changes in consumption habits; the ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through changes in energy consumption habits; increase public awareness of Federal climate adaptation and mitigation programs; and the potential for alterations in consumer behavior to further American energy independence.
This guidance document provides recommendations to policymakers in five areas: policy development; government and resources; curriculum development; capacity building of teachers and education planners; and public awareness, communication and stakeholder involvement, based on the case studies, as well as brief profiles of climate change and education in 16 countries» sustainable development policy processes.
They asked whether using alarmist language to describe the future of climate change is an effective way to develop public awareness of the risks that exist.
That this House notes Steve Posselt's efforts to raise public awareness of the risks from failing to address climate change
Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet, is a public art exhibition designed to raise awareness of solutions to climate change.
Their Secure American Future Program, dedicated to raising public awareness of the threat posed by climate change and creating a movement for action, recently released Climate Security Index (5.3 MB download), a report that looks at the impacts of global climate disruption as a U.S. national security pclimate change and creating a movement for action, recently released Climate Security Index (5.3 MB download), a report that looks at the impacts of global climate disruption as a U.S. national security pClimate Security Index (5.3 MB download), a report that looks at the impacts of global climate disruption as a U.S. national security pclimate disruption as a U.S. national security problem.
Tides Canada is supporting this partnership to increase public awareness and dialogue around the impacts of climate change on Canada's economy and communities.
He is also the head of the Dominican delegation to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) where he has constantly promoted the importance of Article 6 of the convention on education, training and public awareness - raising.
Driven by factors like the Bush administration's censorship of climate science communication, Al Gore's prominent role in promoting awareness of the science of global warming, and frequent Republican deployment of climate change denial and «skepticism» to oppose greenhouse gas regulation, a destructive dichotomy has been created suggesting that valuing the role of science in public policy is a matter of political partisanship.
There is an urgent need in most nations to raise public awareness of the ethical and justice issues entailed by climate change policymaking in general and ghg emissions commitments in particular.
Under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, countries recognized the critical importance of education, training, public awareness, public participation, public access to information and international cooperation to the success in tackling climate change, together called Action for Climate EmpowermentClimate Change, countries recognized the critical importance of education, training, public awareness, public participation, public access to information and international cooperation to the success in tackling climate change, together called Action for Climate Empowerment Change, countries recognized the critical importance of education, training, public awareness, public participation, public access to information and international cooperation to the success in tackling climate change, together called Action for Climate Empowermentclimate change, together called Action for Climate Empowerment change, together called Action for Climate EmpowermentClimate Empowerment (ACE).
Climate change signals are amplified in polar regions and indicators, such as the collapse of ice shelves and melting of sea ice, have raised public awareness of the consequences of a warming world.
The workshop focused the discussion on climate communication with diverse U.S. constituencies, and the challenge of building awareness among the disengaged and the unconvinced that climate change is occurring due to human causes, poses significant risks to our well - being, and can be addressed through changes in energy technologies, public policies, and the actions of individuals.
Support education and public awareness of the threats from climate change for public and children's health now and in the future.
The alleged «lack of general public awareness around the devastating future consequences implied by climate change» is of course, what has concerned all three major political parties, and thus the government, its departments, The United Nations and its organisations, the European Union and its organisations, NGOs, charities, and of course, all manner of public organisations.
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