Sentences with phrase «public consultation initiative»

The importance of engaging in sustained public debate to win a consensus about the problem to be tackled before solutions are unveiled lies behind the government's «big conversation» public consultation initiative.

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Insofar as they take the initiative to provide what in their judgment is needed, they decide this in consultation, not with public officials, but with business leaders.
The public consultation on the government's Making Tax Digital initiative only closed a few weeks ago, so we were unsure whether there'd be any news on it today.
In other words, reform initiatives could benefit hugely from greater and more sensitive public consultation.
I'm hopeful, though: this is exactly the kind of initiative that can bring out the policy questions that we haven't heard in the run - up to the most recent copyright bill, but did hear in the 2009 public consultation.
While previous iterations or initiatives — like the 1999 Justice Canada initiative, the 2005 public consultation or the 2007 Public Safety request for submissions on Customer Name and Address access — may have served as background, they did not colour our anapublic consultation or the 2007 Public Safety request for submissions on Customer Name and Address access — may have served as background, they did not colour our anaPublic Safety request for submissions on Customer Name and Address access — may have served as background, they did not colour our analysis.
Center for State Constitutional Studies The Center for State Constitutional Studies at Rutgers University is an interdisciplinary institute dedicated to promoting public understanding of American state constitutions and of sub-national constitutions in other federal systems through research, publications, lectures, conferences, consultation services, and educational initiatives.
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