Sentences with phrase «public correction»

Are there going to be public corrections of this and all similar remarks that were spread through the media weeks ago?
You owe them an apology and a public correction for your faulty reporting.
Gordon is an attorney in the public corrections and special prosecutions unit for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Boston, Main is a physical therapist and fellow rookie Emerald Peoples is a first lieutenant at Hanscom Air Force Base.
Even worse, despite having the error pointed out, neither the Gates Foundation nor the New York Times has considered it worthwhile to post a public correction.
The sooner Gates issues a public correction, the sooner we can move beyond this dispute over what is actually a sidebar in their report and focus instead on the enormously interesting project on which they've embarked to improve measures of teacher effectiveness.
Criticism, ridicule, or public correction is likely to exacerbate anxieties that ELLs may feel about having an accent or being different.
Criticism, ridicule, and public correction are likely to exacerbate anxieties that ELLs may suffer over having an accent or being different.
Once again, I am formally asking you for a public correction and apology.
When the scientists found that an article in The Telegraph misrepresented recent research by claiming that the world faced an impending ice age, the newspaper issued a public correction and substantially modified the online text.
«Once again, I am formally asking you for a public correction and apology,» Pielke wrote to Trenberth and his bosses.
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