Sentences with phrase «public debates»

How often have we heard such arguments in public debates about planning?
I think it is good that Douglas Alexander accepted our invitation to come and debate this: we do take the view that getting ministers to engage in open public debates with a range of different critical voices is a good thing.
Interest in this year's European Parliamentary elections has been growing steadily: citizens» groups and political organisations started organising election panels and public debates by January — several...
Kerem Öktem deconstructed attitudes to the Arab world in Turkey, by presenting a critical reading of Turkish public debates and the potentially counterrevolutionary policies of the ruling party in Turkey on the Egyptian revolution.
The second is that public debates about science represent a messy clash between two, not just different, but diametrically opposed approaches to argument: scientific argument and advocacy.
A question I often pose when taking part in public debates is «if not us who?»
We will also move beyond party manifestos, - admittedly the least emotional collection of texts -, and analyse public debates, leadership speeches, media content, and public documents.
Yet, the topic of immigration remains fraught and the unprecedented refugee crisis playing out in Europe has heightened the already acute political challenges bound in with public debates.
But in recent years, widely circulated videos of parents spanking or striking their children with repeated blows have sparked angry public debates about the practice.
Public debates over farmgate milk prices will take place across Britain over the next couple of weeks, as producers and campaign groups look to maintain pressure on retailers and processors.
In these public debates the way food is made is being repeatedly challenged.
Public debates followed in which Luther was maneuvered into saying that not only Popes but Ecumenical Councils might err, and that Hus's views were «Christian and evangelical.»
We've yet to reckon with this change in our public debates.
(CNN)- Public debates on evolution and creation have become increasingly rare.
(CNN)- All the public debates between celebrity atheists and evangelical pastors are as meaningless as literary awards and Oscar night.
Alex McFarland, the Christian director of Worldview and Apologetics at North Greenville University, holds regular public debates with Silverman about God and the place of religion in American culture.
Reno rightly sees sexual identity politics as central to public debates today.
Related to the third problem, above, there is no change in the public debates over cloning, abortion, euthanasia, and so on.
This negative reaction to black conservatives by most blacks partly explains the reluctance of the new black conservatives to engage in public debates in the black community, and their contrasting eagerness to do so in the mass media, where a few go so far as to portray themselves as courageous, embattled critics of a black liberal establishment — while their salaries, honorariums and travel expenses are paid by well - endowed conservative foundations and corporations.
Although there have been some clever moves in political philosophy to explain why the religious voice should not be a part of our public debates, such theories wind up describing debates from which deeply religious people are simply absent.
This kind of commitment to reason and truth should characterize our public debates, but increasingly it does not.
Although the debate over marriage is a clear and current case in point, the dearth of reason is endemic to the public debates of our time.
On the other hand, Tracy, McCann and I (and possibly Groome and Ogletree) would want to abstract from the Christian story a more philosophically identifiable set of principles and procedures which could be used in public debates over the common good.
This position signifies a failure of theological and moral imagination, and raises the question of why the church reacts automatically in public debates instead of helping to advance the discussion.
If we can no longer conduct public debates according to the «objective» language of «self - evident truths» — ways of reasoning that purport to cut across religious and cultural distinctions — how will political debate move forward?
Forty - nine percent said they think churches should have a say in public debates about political and social questions.
Even so, our most loyal readers are ordinary people deeply invested in the public debates that shape our day.
Given these public debates, it will be interesting to see how Malaysia will apply goals of shared cultural prosperity from early iterations of the NEP to the current social context.
A public debate led by the House Finance Committee would strengthen the central bank's credibility by showing all possibilities were considered.
That has been a sharp contrast to other recent mass shootings where public debate quickly moved on after the perfunctory «thoughts and prayers» offered by many Republican politicians and outrage expressed by Democrats.
Culture secretary Matt Hancock added: «Robust high quality journalism is important for public debate and scrutiny - but as print circulations decline and more readers move online, the press faces an uncertain future.
«It has the power to influence public debate, mobilize communities, and — most importantly — offer creative solutions to help people receive better care, no matter where they live or who they are,» write Richards and Karp, who believe that the tech industry owes its success to both of its employees as well as the communities it serves, whose health needs are often partially met by Planned Parenthood itself.
«This review will look at the sustainability of the national, regional and local press, how content creators are appropriately rewarded for their online creations, and ensure that the UK has a vibrant, independent and plural free press as one of the cornerstones of our public debate
The tech industry may become more engaged once the public debate becomes clearer, Abdo said.
The billionaire investor says a free press is «vital for public debate,» but that journalists must «exercise judgment» when it comes to invading a person's privacy, and should condemn those who willfully cross it.
It was aimed at critics of the deal known as the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, including left - leaning politicians in Europe as well as the clamouring anti-trade civil society movement, as an «unambiguous statement» to assuage concerns over «provisions that have been the object of public debate and concerns.»
«We need a serious public debate on healthcare with an open - minded approach to the options,» wrote one respondent.
«Automakers have been working to mitigate distraction in vehicles since we developed the first set of distraction guidelines in 2003 — years before this issue entered the broader public debate and a full decade before NHTSA published its guidelines for vehicles,» said the Alliance of Automotive Makers, an automotive trade group made up of 12 car and light truck manufacturers including BMW, Chrysler, Ford, GM and Toyota.
Despite the bipartisan popularity of business - friendly proposals, including increasing the cap on H - 1B work visas for skilled workers and creating a visa category for venture - backed entrepreneurs, the public debate frequently devolves into shouting matches over whether people should be deported and how quickly.
Since a shooting at a Florida high school last month that left 17 people dead, there has been an intensifying public debate
There has been a public debate about whether Canadians will have sufficient income in retirement given that generally people live longer, that there are more people of retirement age and that savings rates are low debt levels high.
This has been one of the most cited stats in the public debate during the Great Recession.
With its ability to influence opinions, social media does remarkable harm by playing a role in the rigging of elections and public debate.
Theoretically, these are meant to be local policy experiments, and the data gleaned from them should ostensibly inform public debate on health policy.
«The U.S. places great importance on free speech and the value of open public debate,» Hamilton said.
It has the power to influence public debate, mobilize communities, and — most importantly — offer creative solutions to help people receive better care, no matter where they live or who they are.
News organizations once had a more central role in setting the terms of public debate, balancing money - making aspects of publishing with more civically minded accountability journalism.
Fake news, filter bubbles, the «post-truth society,» and the decline of trust in the media are dominating the public debate.
How many companies would tolerate an active, even public debate by employees over a key product?
And on the basis of catching this questionable fish May claims: «This is indeed historic... We are a party whose ideas and policies are now in the mainstream of the public debate
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