Sentences with phrase «public disagreement over»

In studies funded by the National Science Foundation, his research has investigated public disagreement over climate change, public reactions to emerging technologies, and conflicting public impressions of scientific consensus.
Cuomo declined to endorse in Miner's primary race following a year of very public disagreement over the governor's pension smoothing proposal.
There was even a second hug between Skelos and Silver, who had had a public disagreement over priorities in the budget talks.
Christian Horner and Maurizio Arrivabene had a very public disagreement over Ferrari's hiring of former FIA safety director Laurent Mekies
The new pope's comments suggest he sees eye - to - eye on the Falklands issue with Argentine president Cristina Kirchner, even though the two are known for their public disagreements over gay marriage and adoption.
Lansbury resigned as leader in 1935 after public disagreements over foreign policy.

Not exact matches

Benchmark has been assumed the most likely seller given its fierce disagreements over the direction of the company, which burst into public view in the lawsuit against Kalanick this week.
But the argument over the motive for Cochran's firing and its effect on civil and religious liberties obscures a deeper disagreement over Christian conceptions of sin and the consequences of those ideas in a public work environment.
I went through 5 years of Catholic school before my parents moved me to public school (rather nasty disagreement over the Catholic school management and lay staff behavior).
The Guardian: Peter Higgs criticizes Richard Dawkins over anti-religious «fundamentalism» As public disagreements go, few can have boasted such heavy - hitting antagonists.
The unusual display of affections seemed to indicate at least a public posture of conciliation among agency officials who in the last several months have been beset by internal squabbling and disagreement over a long list of park plans.
Since becoming speaker 12 months ago, Heastie has had few public policy disagreements with Cuomo, save for the tug - of - war over education reform measures in last year's budget.
The measure does seems to have overwhelming public support, but it stalled last session primarily due to disagreements over insurance requirements.
In this edition of the Campbell Conversations, he discusses the environmental issues he became known for as mayor, economic development, and the current Syracuse mayor's disagreement with the governor over public pensions.
Miner is a former state Democratic Committee co-chair who departed the role after a public disagreement with Gov. Andrew Cuomo over local government policy.
Recently, disagreements between Scamardella and Councilman James Oddo's over the Mid-Island primary, last year's South Shore Assembly race and a pick for the Board of Elections appointee went public, with Oddo telling the Advance that the two haven't spoken in months.
The announcement comes one day after the most recent public disagreement between de Blasio and Bratton: over an interaction between police officers and Michael Blake, a black state assemblyman who said police roughly tossed him against a gate for inquiring about an arrest.
While the annual spending document has long produced disagreements over taxes, school aid and hospital reimbursement rates, fights about other public policies — often with minimal fiscal impacts — have now become flash points and stumbling blocks.
The caveat to this is that issues get thrashed out in Cabinet, where any major disagreements are fought over in secret, away from the public glare.
There have been, are, and will be disagreements between myself and the incumbent over matters of public policy.
Disagreements over «what kinds of uniforms are appropriate for home - school cheerleaders and whether rock music may be played at home - school events» are not uncommon, says Beinart, as lifelong home schoolers rub shoulders with families fresh from the public schools.
Due process hearing — An informal administrative process before a special education hearing officer to resolve disagreements over such issues as a child's eligibility for special education and related services, evaluation of a child with a disability, appropriateness of a child's services and / or placement, or any other matter under free, appropriate public education, including disciplinary matters.
For more than a decade, the debate over public school reform has created friction between teachers unions, administrators, school boards, parents, policymakers, and other stakeholders in public education and has fueled disagreements over how to improve the quality of teaching and learning for children.
Suggest a word that captures the behavior you see in the mails where the over arching concern appears to be how the public will view a valid disagreement between scientists, a word that captures the careful attention they pay to the crafting of the message, a word that captures the attitudes displayed towards those who stray from the message.
The core of the argument is a disagreement over the issue of private car traffic in the city's streets, with the city hesitant to reduce road space for cars in favor of public transport solutions on the surface, while proponents of surface transit point out that less car traffic in the city center would create better urbanism.
The Gallagher case has been analysed in the wake of calls for family courts to be more transparent and at a time when senior judges are in disagreement over how much the public should be told about money fights between separated couples.
As a professional trade association, ORRA offers its members and the public a distinct service regarding disagreements over the details of a real estate transaction — filing an ethics complaint against a REALTOR ®.
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