Sentences with phrase «public disagreements about»

He and Garnar have had public disagreements about how the proposal came about and who was involved in the decision making process.
Indeed, a recent Pew poll shows that there is a substantial and growing amount of public disagreement about basic scientific facts, including human evolution, the safety of vaccines and whether or not human - caused climate change is real and happening.
In fact, in the past, when there has been public disagreement about the future of Bitcoin, such precipitous and expedited Bitcoin price crashes have happened before.

Not exact matches

But the effect of such critique and disagreement is amplified in a world in which your customers as well as the general public can post online messages about you, more or less with impunity.
In a blog post about their return, Uber struck a conciliatory tone, writing «we're sorry, Austin — for leaving the way we did; for letting an honest disagreement about regulations and consumer choice turn into a public fight.»
There are disagreements about just how philosophical, public and dialectical practical theology should be.
Phycs like all others professionals are taught not to air out disagreements in public yet we see major cracks in the consistency and uniformity of this and other organizations about gay marriage that the gays don't want you to know about.
The fourth fact about the Catholic Church is that there are many points of disagreement on social policy among Catholics; there is no one Catholic line on most public issues.
While there are disagreements about the approach, both the disagreements and the do and don'ts - list focus on how journalists can make sure that they put their responsibility to the public and to truth before anything else.
Once gun - shy about criticizing him, legislators are increasingly emboldened to speak up when they are in public disagreement with him.
The announcement comes one day after the most recent public disagreement between de Blasio and Bratton: over an interaction between police officers and Michael Blake, a black state assemblyman who said police roughly tossed him against a gate for inquiring about an arrest.
While the annual spending document has long produced disagreements over taxes, school aid and hospital reimbursement rates, fights about other public policies — often with minimal fiscal impacts — have now become flash points and stumbling blocks.
«I chose not to speak publicly about these disagreements, however, because I feel my responsibility as CEO of Success Academy is not to advance my personal beliefs on a broad range of political issues but instead to focus all of my energies on advocating for our kids and public policies that expand educational opportunity and parent choice,» she wrote.
For example, Van Blerkom and Albertini have a gentlemanly disagreement about recent research that may spill out into the public discourse soon because it raises the possibility that some popular IVF techniques might have subtle but long - term health implications for children conceived in a dish.
Rather than forcing dissatisfied families to accept subpar services or to pursue legal action for relief, vouchers permit a lower - conflict, lower - cost method for resolving disagreements about the adequacy of public school efforts.
There are proposals for new approaches to public governance, research findings on the efficacy of decentralized systems, comparisons of cities that are expanding choice, ideas for accountability and school supply, and disagreements about who should have ultimate authority.
While there is no disagreement about the need to provide funding to support public education in the United States, there has always been dissension about how much funding to provide, for what purposes, and out of what pockets.
With disagreements swirling about the Park City School District's $ 56 million bond as Election Day nears, voters got to see supporters and detractors face off in a public setting Tuesday one last time before heading to the polls.
But it can not solve a more fundamental and subjective disagreement about whether public education should or should not continue to exist largely as it has for the last century.
Internationally, large populations of feral cats constitute an important and controversial issue due to their impact on cat overpopulation, animal welfare, public health, and the environment, and to disagreement about what are the best methods for their control.
The survey found that telling the public that scientists were in disagreement about the causes of climate change helped to erode their concern.
You are asked to suggest 5 reviewers, and any reviewers that you don't want (you need to provide a reason; simple disagreement won't work; not i can legitimately claim that Mann shouldn't review my papers because of public statements he has made about me)
There's also rising public doubt and growing political polarization about what scientists have to say on the environment, and a widespread perception that there is a lot of disagreement among scientists about whether global warming is happening.
There's also a graph on p. 40 showing divided opinion about whether individuals can make a difference to global warming, so the disagreement between Milan & Emily seems to reflect a broader split in public opinion.
The issue for me was that a cryosphere scientist was taking meaningless statistics at face value, though was taking a stand in a public disagreement superficially about a BBC programme, but in reality a broader debate about policy.
To name a few: Dr Nina Pierpont, USA, author of «The Wind Farm Syndrome»; Dr Sarah Laurie, Australia, Medical Director of the Waubra Foundation; Dr Bob Thorne, Australia, Psychoacoustician; and Dr Carl Phillips, a Harvard - trained epidemiologist specializing in public health policy, formerly tenured professor in the School of Public Health, University of Alberta, who wrote about governments denying the health problem: «The attempts to deny the evidence can not be seen as honest scientific disagreement and represent either gross incompetence or intentional bias.&public health policy, formerly tenured professor in the School of Public Health, University of Alberta, who wrote about governments denying the health problem: «The attempts to deny the evidence can not be seen as honest scientific disagreement and represent either gross incompetence or intentional bias.&Public Health, University of Alberta, who wrote about governments denying the health problem: «The attempts to deny the evidence can not be seen as honest scientific disagreement and represent either gross incompetence or intentional bias.»
There are perhaps even more who are concerned about how public disagreement might affect their careers.
Perception of Scientists & Evidence Changing But back to the issue of growing scientific evidence of warming: The percentage of people who think most scientists think climate change is happening dropped 13 point to 34 %, while 40 % of the American public believes there is «a lot of disagreement» among scientists about whether warming is happening or not.
Recent cases have illustrated disagreements between courts about what constitutes the public interest, and the extent to which regulatory bodies can decide about the public interest.
The Gallagher case has been analysed in the wake of calls for family courts to be more transparent and at a time when senior judges are in disagreement over how much the public should be told about money fights between separated couples.
The existence of a regulatory regime governing the function was considered to be a relevant factor by their lordships, however there was disagreement about what regulation tends to indicate: whether the regulated function is more likely to be public or private in nature.
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