Sentences with phrase «public discourse because»

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Voices on all sides of the religious and political spectrum have begun to recognize — not least because of the increased presence of Islam in Western societies — that a purely secular, liberal approach to public discourse is not sustainable in a world increasingly shaped by religions.
Public discourse on the fallen is going to be an approximation, but if Hayes was going to wonder whether (for instance) troops who died because their Humvee ran over an IED or because they were shot by an Afghan security officer they were training should not be described as heroes, the calendar offers about 320 or so better days to bring up the subject.
1) multiple interpretations of the Bible exist 2) there are many ways to apply the teachings of the Bible to public life 3) no one denomination or spokesperson has a monopoly on how to accurately interpret the Bible and apply it to public life 4) because we live in a pluralistic society, we must learn to raise the level of public discourse so that we not only appeal to our specific religious tradition, but to a common sense of morality and justice
First, because it very provocatively addresses the question of truth, and specifically religious truth, in public discourse.
If sports have lately served as a staging ground for national discourse about concussions, domestic violence, child abuse, gay rights and racial sensitivity, it's because we have so few live, public spectacles around which discussion of any kind can take place.
If you google «Trump» and «Public Discourse» you will get some articles, but I am not aware of any serious study, largely because those take time.
Ultimately, if the idea the political Samaritan — of introducing openly religious texts and motifs into political discourse — leaves us uncomfortable, that may be because the business of negotiating different conceptions of the personal and public good that lies at the heart of politics, is an uncomfortable business.
We must demand a higher standard of factual accuracy in public political discourse, because, ultimately, factual accuracy in politics is about more than just facts.
«But Eric stood out because of his longtime commitment to sustainability, which has endured even as the environment has taken a back seat to the economy in the public discourse,» Hendrick said.
It's arguably worse because it gives a double x stamp of approval to gendered stereotypes in public discourse.
If you talk about public discourse right now, thirty years after, the things people are talking about are true federalism and devolution of powers and state supremacy, there are things that he had actually answered to, but people were not able to put the questions together and also to process it because of the way that Nigeria had being divided into craters and valleys.
Because our immune response to its content had been repressed through our inability to engage in constructive public discourse about issues of race relations and police brutality.
For example, Van Blerkom and Albertini have a gentlemanly disagreement about recent research that may spill out into the public discourse soon because it raises the possibility that some popular IVF techniques might have subtle but long - term health implications for children conceived in a dish.
Because many of the fetish topics are considered taboo, or at least not polite public discourse, those that feel they want to explore a fetish or even discuss it with someone can sometimes find themselves stymied.
I founded Bankers Anonymous because, as a recovering banker, I believe that the gap between the financial world as I know it and the public discourse about finance is more.
The logic of standards - based reform is «fundamentally at odds» with that of loose - coupling, because reform violates the premise that teachers should be buffered from outside interference and makes «what actually gets taught a matter of public policy and open political discourse
This conclusion is admittedly provocative, if only because of the connotations the words «public» and «private» carry in contemporary discourse.
To deny the right of public comment is to exclude someone from science, because except by open discourse, there is no advancement of science.
Your question is worth responding to because it highlights two major problems in the public climate discourse: (1) lack of scientific knowledge and (2) the disinformation campaign by interest groups.
We need to find good solutions from which come from anywhere else, because people need better principles and a good amount of statesmanship to boot in counteracting the doctrines of politically - correct worldviews currently in the public discourse across the globe.
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