Sentences with phrase «public discussions about»

Public discussions about the natural greenhouse effect and climate sensitivity to rising CO2 concentrations often indicate a misunderstanding of the roles of long lived greenhouse gases (LLGHGs) relative to those of water vapour and cloud feedbacks within the climate system.
It is the decoupling of dispassionate from skepticism that makes public discussions about climate science and environmental issues in general so uninformative.
The Nicaraguan government has girded public discussions about the project, but claims the canal will bring newfound prosperity to the impoverished nation.
By experimenting with the use of words visually displayed in public spaces, Holzer is able to stimulate public discussions about violence, sexuality, oppression, human rights, feminism, power, war, and death.
(*) ECSCA - RP discourages public discussions about dogs where the identification of the breeder can be easily surmised or disclosed and serves no purpose beyond gossip or even slander.
You can also stay active by responding to editorials and letters to the editor, attending public hearings and taking part in public discussions about school choice.
This state of affairs may not much matter when it comes to the study of material science or Renaissance poetry, but it does if we're hoping to see responsible researchers contribute to public discussions about schools and schooling.
In many public discussions about online learning, broad generalizations about radically different programs and teaching models are accepted at face value.
Is it good enough to produce citizens able to cope with public discussions about science?
It's an important point, because the apparent rift over the Inner Harbor development project has raised questions about the relations between the two offices, which will be critical to the future of Central New York — public discussions about different possible regional government arrangements are on the horizon, via the upcoming Consensus report and the fact that a plan to consider alternative governing structures was embedded in the recent $ 500 million aid package from the state.
NABCA offers numerous resources and research about regulatory, operational, policy and public health issues to inform public discussions about the alcohol landscape.
«What this shows is that increased competition among manufacturers, the aggressive negotiations by pharmacy benefits managers, and to some extent the significant public discussion about drug pricing and prices have all contributed to a relatively modest level of growth in 2015,» says Murray Aitken, Executive Director of the IMS Institute.
«Even if the bills are not implemented, it creates a public discussion about discrimination, and that creates the idea that discrimination is important to religious freedom,» says Marieka Klawitter, a professor of public policy and governance at the University of Washington.
I thought about the women at Google who are now facing a very public discussion about their abilities, sparked by one of their own co-workers.
There should be a public discussion about how much safety we'd be willing to sacrifice for the convenience.
As Mr. Mowat described it, it is critical to separate overlying vision (which is inherently emotional) and the complex technical structure (which is very complex) of Alberta's natural resource royalties when trying to have a public discussion about the issue.
The very fact that there is a public discussion about contemporary bioethics and the Holocaust may be taken as a sign of determination that that not be our future.
It is to begin the long process of public discussion about the resources, ideas, and actions needed to liberate this great medium from the constraints imposed on it by the mechanisms misnamed the free marketplace.
feels unavoidably tied to an ongoing public discussion about the role of the press in this new era of so - called «fake news» and whether or not it will survive this shifting landscape — or if it deserves to in the first place.
So for obvious reasons, The Post feels unavoidably tied to an ongoing public discussion about the role of the press in this new era of so - called «fake news» and whether or not it will survive this shifting landscape — or if it deserves to in the first place.
AMR Managing Director, Oliver Freedman, said the change could be attributed to public awareness of financial issues, including the future of the Masters brand, teamed with ongoing public discussion about whether it was losing the battle against Coles and Aldi.
Beloved welcome the efforts as they contribute to tackling childhood obesity, as well as encourage public discussion about improved nutrition.
If you ignore them, you're missing a valuable way to shape the public discussion about your issues.
Electoral campaigns and local or regional advocacy campaigns should start connecting with local bloggers as early as possible, both as a channel to reach potential supporters and as a way to begin to shape the public discussion about the political race or issue.
But Dadey says there was no public discussion about what is essentially a new level of bureaucracy to the state government.
But as Karen DeWitt reports, there has been little public discussion about a corruption crisis that has led to the two most powerful men in the legislature both on trial in federal court this month.
Abby Kinchy of Troy said there should have been more public discussion about the county joining the program.
Obviously, Christie doesn't want any more public discussion about him and the Port Authority, which might help explain his desire to veto the bill at the witching hour and abruptly end the conversation.
But there has been little public discussion about a corruption crisis that has led to the two most powerful men in the legislature both on trial in federal court this month.
Overall, the ABO's report found the Environmental Facilities Corp. engaged in little public discussion about the circumstances of the loan or sought to determine whether there were any assurances its approval met federal regulations and guidelines.
The committee also recommended a focus on working strategically across «departmental silos» and a more public discussion about how public spending is divided between what its report called «entitlement and investment priorities».
What New York requires now is «a healthy public discussion about the need to move on and get back to the business of democracy,» said Dick Dadey, executive director of the government watchdog group Citizens Union.
That is a very laudable position for a public broadcaster in assisting public discussion about the options for taking action on climate change.
Its organizers aimed to keep the details under wraps until this more formal proposal was published — a move that rankled those hoping for a broader public discussion about its ethical, legal, and social implications.
The United States is engaged in an ongoing, public discussion about how to best expand afterschool time and opportunities for children and youth, to support their learning and development across the day, throughout the year, and from kindergarten through high school.
The suggestion posed by the article is that there should be more «public discussion about the ramifications of similar tech - industry cultivation of teachers.»
How can educators separate fact from fiction in heated public discussion about testing?
Concerns about Discovery Learning have fueled a robust public discussion about math education methods.
It is our hope that exposure of the malignant effects of the unions on public education and the threat for the nation's future will provide some direction for a much - needed public discussion about an issue that may be among the most critical for our continued survival as a world leader.
But that discussion can't take the place of public discussion about policy, according to Marshall and the Louisiana Attorney General's Office.
We hope that more people will get informed and join the public discussion about what we as a city need to do to provide our students with what they need.
We hope with this report to contribute to a public discussion about the challenges and opportunities facing higher education finance in California.
«Public discussion about the fluidity of identity has become so commonplace that it might be difficult for a younger audience to appreciate how original and startling Cindy Sherman's work was,» says Marco Livingstone, co-curator of «Post Pop: East Meets West» at London's Saatchi Gallery, which closed in March and featured Sherman's work.
House had opened up a public discussion about contemporary art like nothing before it, and like Ghost it was unsurprisingly nominated for the Turner Prize.
Artist Tania Willard and poet Natalie Diaz will have a public discussion about the motivation and struggles behind learning to speak Secwepémcstin (Secwépemculecw / Interior Salish, British Columbia, Canada) and Mojave (Arizona, USA) respectively — learning the languages of their parents as a second language and as a subject that informs their different disciplines.
It also urges museums to stay on the cutting edge of technology, pushing their way out of the white - cube sensibility with 3 - D printing, online learning, smart buildings, interactive displays, and increased engagement in public discussion about themes like urbanism and ecology.
Even the framing of the public discussion about the piece has been telling.
«The best art speaks for itself,» someone stated at a recent public discussion about Boston Creates.
Lowe and Hunt will have a public discussion about art and social practice, a practice that emphasizes people in their relationships to each other and their surroundings.
The prize is intended to promote public discussion about contemporary British art and has developed a reputation for receiving both positive and negative media attention, with artists, critics and members of the public questioning the role of art and the Turner Prize itself.
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