Sentences with phrase «public education dollars»

Our students are being deprived of their fair share of public education dollars.
Choice programs give interested families public education dollars, or vouchers, to send their kids to private schools.
My question to you is, do you support companies and individuals profiting from public education dollars that is essentially taking money away from students to pay salaries for CEOs in return for investors?
But within months, K12 had decided to tap into public education dollars.
If approved, the N.C. Virtual Academy (to be run by K12, Inc., NYSE: LRN) and N.C. Connections Academy (to be run by Connections Academy, owned by education giant Pearson, NYSE: PSO) will be able to enroll up to 1,500 students each from across the state, and send millions in public education dollars to schools run by private education companies.
Also to be factored in is the serious consideration of what it means to mix public education dollars and religion in a country built on the separation of church and state.
[2] In addition to creating a federal role in directing public education dollars to policy goals, such as eliminating poverty, the ESEA was designed to transfer funding through state governments, thereby resulting in substantial increases in education bureaucracy at the state level.
Vouchers offer a portion of public education dollars for qualifying students to use at private (religious and nonreligious) schools.
Nevada went even further, passing legislation that would convert every single public education dollar into a voucher dollar.
«Our concern is that, as more public education dollars head outside the classroom, our kids will face huge class size increases, and fewer arts, technology, and other curriculum options that are critical for their futures.
In order to make a real difference, philanthropists must support programs that redirect how future public education dollars are spent.
Add to that impulse dwindling public education dollars and the specter of a beloved child doing without, and you get someone like Kevin D. Green Sr., who pounded the pavement in Jackson, Mississippi, to collect donations for the annual PTA raffle.
Earlier this month, ultra-wealthy hedge fund investors gathered in New York City to strategize on how to cash in on public education dollars at a conference entitled, «Bonds and blackboards: Investing in Charter Schools», as parents from the Alliance for...
ALEC is working to ensure that public education dollars get diverted to private profits.
Every year, millions of public education dollars flow through Mitchell's chain of four non-profit charter schools to for - profit companies he controls.
BS: I am strongly opposed to any voucher system that would re-direct public education dollars to private schools, including through the use of tax credits.
Both school districts have been under state control for years, while public education dollars have been diverted to privately operated charter school chains like KIPP, Uncommon, & Mastery.
Online schools allow students to take their full course load from home computers, and K12 has been a national leader, with close to 85 percent of its revenues coming from public education dollars.
However, the majority of state constitutions protect against the mixing of public education dollars and religious schools.
Our city's students deserve to reap the maximum benefit from our public education dollars, and under the current system, too many don't.
Then all these ignored, marginalized high achieving, affluent white students can take their public education dollars to private schools so they can be assured they will get an equal education.
It's their aim to expand the number of states and localities adopting voucher systems, the number and types of students reached, and the public education dollars diverted to private and parochial schools.
Senator Murphy: I can go through a long litany of examples in which people have made their fortune off of public education dollars, like the charter school principal in Orlando who got a $ 519,000 payout when his school or her school was closed for poor performance.
«A strategic use of state - funded vouchers could be appropriate, but this diversion of public education dollars was a step too far and diminishes resources for meaningful reform efforts already underway at the local level.»
Nevada: A new law, which is being challenged in the courts, would send millions of public education dollars to private schools.
By outlawing for - profit charter schools, we can protect students and taxpayers, and ensure our public education dollars go to classrooms, not profits.
«Private funders have been instrumental to charter school growth, but federal, state and local legislative bodies must also respond by investing a larger percentage of public education dollars to support the opening of new, high - quality charter schools to meet the demands of the families they serve.»
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