Sentences with phrase «public educational system»

«Today we have two public educational systems if we want to tell the truth, one for the rich and one for the poor,» he said.
«It was when I discovered that my country's public educational system at the primary and secondary levels was simply too weak to prepare low - income students for college.
On the campaign trail, Donald Trump has continually slammed the American public educational system, though he has avoided discussing the specifics of what his education plan would resemble.
«Our future depends on us having an excellent public educational system, where all students graduate from high school prepared for college or the world of work, no matter what the color of their skin, the language they speak, or where they happen to be born.
When we talked the much - celebrated Finnish public educational system, he said that increasing mentorship and career development time was a key component of turning teaching into one of the more desirable professions in the country.
Unions have historically played leading roles in improving public education, and most nations with strong public educational systems have strong teacher unions.
Public educational systems can not accommadate every single religion when it determines the school schedule.
I've been inspired by Kohn's work and especially appreciate that he is vocal in the public educational system.
Over the past 48 years, there have been significant gains in several areas of our public educational system.
«The public educational system is a monopoly,» he wrote in 1967, offering choice only to «those who [can] afford to buy education outside the public schools» and thereby amplifying the influence of family background on student achievement.
«Children don't attend a public educational system, they go to school.
Its basic claim was that the American standard of living was threatened by the loss of major manufacturing industries — such as automobiles, machine tools, and steel mills — to other nations, which the commission attributed to the mediocre quality of our public educational system; this claim shifted the blame from shortsighted corporate leadership to the public schools.
It analyzes how Illinois compares with other states across 55 data measures tracked for the current year, 2 -, 5 - and 10 - years prior, and it details key initiatives that will unfold during the coming years as Illinois works to strengthen the public educational system.
A comprehensive, public educational system is what a democracy needs.
AFC has spent nearly $ 400,000 in its lobbying efforts in Wisconsin in the past four years, focusing on numerous bills that critics say are aimed at privatizing the public educational system.
Instead of seeking to dismantle public education, parents and community members are working together to reaffirm the value of a public educational system that is controlled by democratically elected representatives and is directly accountable to the public.
Jafet has knocked on hundreds of doors, worked to increase voter turnout, and engaged hundreds of families on their experiences with the public educational system.
Newly released data from the National Bureau of Economic Research, shows that charter schools in North Carolina are becoming increasingly segregated and provide a way for white families to secede from the public educational system.
But the new student attendance policy coupled with the fact that the virtual charter schools» contracts don't require students to be actively working online for a minimum amount of time would suggest that there is great potential for «gaming the system» by those who want to invest minimal effort in order to progress through the state's public educational system.
There are massive barriers in making them mandatory in the public educational system to distribute to ALL students because of the inability to appeal to the entire student body.
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