Sentences with phrase «public financial support»

There has been a gradual decline in public financial support of higher education over the past 30 years.
In comparison, only 49 % approved of public financial support for nuclear, 57 % for clean coal and just 40 % said the government should provide support for shale gas.
Given that level of incentivization, and its short - and long - term impact on tax revenues and the local tax burden, the Elon Poll explored what residents in these locations in contention think about public financial support for the project.
Of all European countries, Germany provides the best public financial support for the biotech industry, according to Bulmahn.
To learn more about the gradual decline in public financial support of higher education over the past 30 years, read Webber's «Higher Ed, Lower Spending» online.
February 8, 2018 — In the past few years, four states have established or expanded initiatives that provide public financial support to students who choose to attend a private school.
The 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals held that then Massachusetts Attorney General properly denied certification of a proposed initiative to amend the state's Blaine Amendment to allow public financial support to be directed to students attending private, religiously affiliated schools because a separate constitutional provision places the Blaine Amendment off - limits to the initiative process.
One of the major requirements charter schools must satisfy in order to receive such public financial support is to «meet certain minimum requirements and academic targets» (Ravitch, 2010).
Failing to reduce these costs would mean falling public financial support for CCTs in emerging Asia, resulting in the region's use of non-Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) financing or other forms of financial support and, thus, greater use of low - efficiency power plants.
Furthermore, without public financial support, maintenance expenses for such office are covered mainly by income from the Carnet operation.
Public financial support of Canada's humane societies and SPCAs is on par with public support of arts and culture initiatives or development / housing organizations.
Public financial support is needed annually to cover our structural operating deficit.
In the extreme, there is bred in our culture of science a level of entitlement to public financial support for research.When members of Congress fail to pass funding increase upon funding increase, year after year, the scientific community reacts with disbelief and indignation.
All of these strategies establish an important and unambiguous principle: teacher education exists to serve the needs of Pre-K — 12 schools and public financial support should depend on its ability to do so.
CAN Europe is working with members and non-members across Europe to support the development of a strong, common narrative on phasing out public financial support for fossil fuels.
In the last four years PCI gas projects have received more than $ 1 billion of public financial support — twice as much as electricity projects.
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