Sentences with phrase «public health issues rather»

It includes a commitment to continue directing five per cent of its annual budget to Indigenous research and notes that community consultations viewed public health issues rather than medical advances «as particularly important», it says.
The campaign's creators were well aware of the impact these ads would have; one member of the AAP's breastfeeding committee claimed the campaign signified «a change to promote breastfeeding as a public health issue rather than simply as a personal parenting choice.»
«It is time for NYS to consider drug use as a public health issue rather than a criminal justice issue.

Not exact matches

Although I don't pretend to understand all the «ins & outs» of banking, public financing, etc., it seems to me to be self - evident that if Canadian governments at all levels were able to borrow, at low or preferably no interest rates, to finance infrastructure projects and other issues such as health care and education, rather than indebting Canadians in perpetuity in order to pay big interest payments to the greedy Big Banks, it would ultimately be in the best interests of most ordinary Canadians.
In fact, rather than a lifestyle choice, they believe it is a public health issue.
«Keeping breastfeeding as a private choice rather than a public health issue hampers momentum.»
But we also believe that our governments at all levels should be stepping up to issues like ensuring health care for all Americans rather than letting the public policy agenda be dictated by those who are not acting in the broader public interest.»
In the days after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, for example, many public health officials worried that rather than infectious diseases, mental health was going to be a more pressing issue for the country.
They can frame the issue the issue in terms of national security, religion, public health, or economics — with emphasis on policies that would lead to societal benefits rather than sacrifice and hardship.
The reports came as Canadian First Nations woman Carol Hopkins told the World Congress on Public Health, held in Melbourne this month, that staggering rates of suicide among Indigenous communities worldwide could only be reduced by strengthening culture, rather than just focusing on issues such as drug and alcohol abuse.
The rural and remote health sector often looks to what distinguishes it from the wider health sector and broader public debates, rather than emphasising the commonalities of the issues affecting everyone's health.
Rather, consider covering it as a public health issue.
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