Sentences with phrase «public health risk»

The researchers argue that adopting such a policy could lead to significant public health risks.
It cites several public health risks associated with very high temperatures.
The primary focus should be on reducing public health risks and promoting a healthy environment.
Beyond the financial impact food fraud can lead to serious public health risks and damage brands.
But some critics say that while these platforms have expanded options for many people looking for love or sex, it's also increased public health risk.
But microbes, too, may upset the ecological balance at their destination, in addition to creating public health risks.
A recent study of leading public health risks ranked ambient fine particle pollution ninth among all risk factors in 2010, contributing to 3.7 million deaths in 2012.
Lead poisoning has long been recognized as a serious public health risk.
Though the air may be cleaner today than half a decade ago, exhaust from vehicles and industrial emissions still pose public health risks that might even extend beyond the lungs, as Laura Beil reports.
Heartland Institute: «Cold kills far more people than heat» This administration has long used public health risks as a backdrop for its climate policies.
From France to China to San Francisco, governments worldwide are taking the emerging evidence of public health risks from everyday radiation seriously.
A new study by scientists from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that these small spills add up and may cause public health risks in communities living near gas stations.
Environmentalists, a well - organized constituency in the state, oppose fracking because extracting gas from deep underground can contaminate the state's air and water supply and pose other public health risks.
But so are the analogies, including the shockingly irresponsible conspiracy - theorizing petition - mongering by people with irrelevant doctorates (and the odd head of state) at great public health risk to the world in general and much of Africa in particular.
Everyone loves sleeping, but not everyone does it well — according to the CDC, 30 % of adults sleep less than six hours per night, and there are a bunch of terrible public health risks because of it.
Cuomo acknowledged that the plant had reported that the leak did not pose an immediate public health risk.
TNR also does not address public health risks and nuisance issues in populated areas of Catalina, and sterilized cats are still susceptible to diseases and parasites that can be transmitted to wildlife, humans, and pets (Lee et al. 2002).
By combining microbial and molecular biological techniques, we are in the process of establishing an efficient analyses set which can provide us with exclusive supporting information for public health risk assessment,» Lisa Paruch says.
Measuring leak rates, plume locations, and plume composition would also help officials assess public health risks, the effectiveness of leak control, and climate and air - quality impacts.
Set in the near - ish future of 2030, Isle of Dogs takes place in the fictional Japanese city of Megasaki, where «dog flu» has run rampant, turning beloved pets into public health risks thanks to «snout fever» and increasingly aggressive behavior.
«Further review by pediatricians, pediatric dermatologists, and children's public health risk experts confirm these findings.
At this point in America, gun violence is a definite public health risk and as a society we need to improve our current limits.
Kemp Hannon, a Long Island Republican, who is the Senate bill's sponsor, cited in a news release on Wednesday a 2013 study that he said showed a low public health risk from dogs in outdoor dining areas.
Millions of people around the world live in unmapped urban environments, presenting huge public health risks.
Yeh said the findings could be one weapon to fight what has become a major public health risk, but overcoming drug resistance will require a full arsenal.
But the findings are a reminder that amidst the frenzy over Zika, travelers were also susceptible to other, long - standing public health risks that did not receive the same level of scrutiny.
«Small spills at gas stations could cause significant public health risks over time.»
Despite Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) messages that the water was safe, we fought to educate residents about severe public health risks.
«There are grave public health risks from water abstracted from the river,» says Mervyn Richardson, a member of the mission.
Even with corrosion control, Edwards said the continued use of lead pipes throughout the country poses a constant public health risk.
Among their objections: «TNR legislation routinely interferes with the ability of public health professionals to abate public health risk (e.g., presence of fleas and feces associated with feral cat colonies).»
Cats sterilized by Operation Catnip are anesthetized, examined, given pain relief medication, vaccinated for rabies and feline infectious diseases, given antibiotics, treated for fleas and de-wormed to lessen public health risks and to improve the quality of their lives.
A rabid Puerto Rican «rescue pup» imported by a Massachusetts animal shelter exposes the glaring public health risk of «humane relocation.»
Sure, there are public health risks involved in eating from the trash, and every freegan has to take personal responsibility for their health.
Investor Environmental Health Network is a collaborative partnership of investment managers and nongovernmental organizations concerned about the financial and public health risks associated with corporate toxic chemicals policies.
But in a surprise move, five days later on Dec. 17, the Cuomo administration determined that fracking would pose significant public health risks.
Organic products reduce public health risks to farm workers, their families, and consumers by minimizing their exposure to toxic and persistent chemicals on the farm and in food, the soil in which they work and play, the air they breathe, and the water they drink.
«It's all a matter of good planning and coordination to be sure that the kind of activities we do, either for aesthetic or for any other reason, don't increase public health risk
Indoor air pollution is one of the five greatest public health risks, according to the EPA, and our appliances, cleaning products, and heating and cooling systems all add to this dirty problem.
In general, while the individual has a right to privacy, the state may temporarily suspend this right in case of serious public health risks, when revealing private medical information would help protect the public at large.
The agency could impose fines or stop the studies if the university violated its rules, said FDA deputy director Lester Crawford, who added that there appeared to be no immediate public health risk.
This complexity, though not a new idea, was acknowledged anew by a recent report on better ways to assess public health risks, published Jan. 5 by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Lack of a clear picture of public health risks from fracking should not dampen public discussion that provokes the kind of study that eventually leads to answers.
Pinker warns that, social isolation is «the public health risk of our time.»
«With the Sodium Mandate, the Board has required the disclosure of just enough inaccurate and controversial information about sodium in certain food items to cause far reaching negative consequences rather than help consumers and reduce public health risks
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