Sentences with phrase «public knowledge if»

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«So when Trump says he wants to «open up» libel law, he really means (if he has the slightest knowledge of the law) that he wants to open up — to change — the First Amendment, which, beginning in 1964, has been held to require in cases brought by public figures, proof that what was said was false, and that the newspaper knew or suspected that it was false.
When penalties initially became public knowledge, websites that violated search engine rules were encouraged to improve their practices — if they wanted good results in the SERPs, they needed to provide content that was worth a high page rank.
If the central bank's communications suggest that it has greater knowledge or greater precision in its inflation control than it does in reality, then when this becomes apparent and the public's expectations are disappointed, the central bank's credibility may be damaged.
-- Mueller's team is asking witnesses «pointed questions» about whether Trump had prior knowledge of the stolen Democratic emails before they were made public, and if he was involved in their release.
A much fuller knowledge of the horrific truth had been laid out in public hearings and in printed materials and could not be retracted, even if someone then willfully chose to ignore it.
I am tired of how people who believe in their own «gods» try to shove religion down other peoples throat, what I mean is if your religion doen not let you support guns then don't support it but also don't try to change it for everyone else who doesn't see it your way, I don't go around asking for you all's religion to remove crosses from public view because I don't believe and to remove the bible from public places (i.e. Hotels, Bookstores, etc.) so it can only be seen in their respective places of workship, Remember WE ALL ARE BORN ATHEIST, YOU ARE NOT BORN WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT THERE IS A GOD, YOUR PARENTS HAVE TO TELL YOU THERE IS A GOD, A DEVIL, HEAVEN AND EARTH... THEN IT BEGINGS.
If they prove themselves worthy of public confidence by maintaining high standards of competence, if through professional associations and voluntary accrediting agencies they discipline themselves in matters of knowledge, skill, and character, independence of political control can be assured, and unwarranted interference and coercion can be successfully resisteIf they prove themselves worthy of public confidence by maintaining high standards of competence, if through professional associations and voluntary accrediting agencies they discipline themselves in matters of knowledge, skill, and character, independence of political control can be assured, and unwarranted interference and coercion can be successfully resisteif through professional associations and voluntary accrediting agencies they discipline themselves in matters of knowledge, skill, and character, independence of political control can be assured, and unwarranted interference and coercion can be successfully resisted.
The extent to which the Bible is imbedded in our artistic and literary heritage would, even if no other factor were present, make a knowledge of the Bible imperative and highlight the cultural loss resulting from its exclusion from the public schools.
Furthermore, if there is truth behind the numbers, then it will undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on the player's shoulders to prove that he's worthy, while all concerned will likely be irritated that the figures have somehow become public knowledge.
So in the light of what is public knowledge your statement above should probably read: «if Arsene is really serious about this He should....»
In addition, this knowledge can create confidence, especially if someone were to confront you about feeding your baby in public.
Also take into account whether or not the news is public knowledge: «If you're telling anyone, tell your older child first,» says Charles Shubin, M.D., Director of pediatrics at Mercy Family Care in Baltimore.
If approved, the memo becomes public knowledge and is no longer classified.
The only issue with too deep questions is that, if there is no member in the public with enough knowledge of the issues, it might go unanswered.
If members are to be elected in future then it's vital that this knowledge gap is addressed to enable the public to make informed choices about their new representatives.
While there is no positive candidate in this race, NYSRPA believes the public should have the knowledge to make an informed decision and would remind everyone that if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
I fear the Home Office anticipated, if not engineered, the appallingly low turnout and wilfully permitted the elections to continue in full knowledge that the majority of the general public were not engaged with.»
The commission mandates reports from lobbying organizations, but can withhold the records of contributors to the lobbying groups if the donors might suffer «harm, threats, harassment or reprisals» from public knowledge of their support to the specific entities.
If you want public service trained, professional politicians, just look at the present Cabinet, to say nothing of Gordon Brown, and wonder why they have made a complete pig's breakfast of everything, as have every Labour government since 1945, to my personal knowledge and cost.
That was based on a portion of the law that allowed waivers from disclosure rules if donors might suffer «harm, threats, harassment or reprisals» from public knowledge of their support to specific entities.
However, if you're concerned you won't be able to publish at all, don't worry, says Nisha Narayan, intellectual property and partnerships lead at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research: «You may need to delay the publishing for a few months, but we ultimately want you to disseminate the knowledge and make it available to the public
If the growing awareness of an ongoing problem has led to more transparency, the scientific process, and the public who benefits from the knowledge it generates, will be better off.
Both public policy and justice are better served if public discourse on these issues is scientifically grounded and if people appreciate the promise of genetic knowledge and the human consequences of its uses.
«If this knowledge leads to new ways of helping people quit successfully, it will be an important step for public health worldwide.»
If you make your goals public knowledge and others are following your progress, you're less likely to fail because you'll be letting your supporters down!
Yet if they don't share any of the knowledge, how can the public ever hope to make better choices?
However, if there is a real and stated sense of the fact that a man is pursuing a woman with the intent of a desire to establish a relationship and, furthermore, wants to make the commitment public knowledge, then that is a more than acceptable use of the social media medium.
However, as Reimers warned in an interview for Usable Knowledge, «If individuals do not understand the global interdependencies that influence public affairs in every country, regarding trade for example, or environmental degradation, they are likely to make poor decisions as individual consumers, producers, or citizens.»
It would be important and valuable if Heckman's recent work filled in some of the large gaps in knowledge on this topic and pointed to the critical research that still needs to be carried out to increase the likelihood that new public investments will achieve their desired result.
This is exactly what policymakers and the interested public need if their goal is to ground early childhood programs and practice on conclusions derived from solid knowledge, both of what we know and what we don't know.
If CCSS were to enhance public knowledge of the performance of local schools as compared to schools elsewhere in the state and nation, the impact on the school reform debate could be substantial, especially (but not exclusively) in those districts that are ranked below average nationally.
What if it's more like other professions, say journalism, public policy, or business where credentials are valued but weighed alongside other factors because there isn't a field - wide core of knowledge or skills all practitioners must have?
Poor and middle - class urban families long ago recognized that education is critical to revitalizing communities and helping their kids be prepared for successful futures in an increasingly knowledge - based economic future — and have long - concluded that traditional public education practices such as zoned schooling and ability tracking no longer work (if they ever did in the first place).
Fundamentally, public education can not be universally successful if we continue to speak of what it does to students rather than how it creates the conditions for empowered students to construct their own knowledge and skills.
If you would like more information about our current educator preparation programs, please visit the following links to our website: Graduate programs Certificate / endorsement programs Undergraduate teacher education programs Our graduates comment often on the rich knowledge base acquired in the College of Education's educator preparation programs, the commitment of our faculty members, and the valuable experience they receive in public school classrooms.
If shared background knowledge is essential for effective reading, writing, speaking, and listening in a nation, then the schools of a nation need to be common schools that teach this shared knowledge of the public sphere.
If you have a question that you already know the answer to, and you would like to document that knowledge in public so that others (including yourself) can find it later, it's perfectly okay to ask and answer your own question on a Stack Exchange site.
If forced to name a single educational skill set that all learners should have as part of their coursework, Grauer feels a greater emphasis on real computer science will have the greatest impact on future learners, even going so far as to suggest that knowledge of coding should be taught in public schools, almost as a foreign language.
For one thing, a publisher's contract boilerplate is general if not public knowledge.
Trading based on insider knowledge is illegal, and even if it were possible, not enough investors would be privy to such non public information to make any significant impact on the overall returns of any stock.
• Be careful with public networks — You do not know who else is sharing that network; if they have the right computer knowledge, they may be able to get private information off of your computer without ever coming in physical contact with your laptop, desktop or smartphone.
If you're going to be critical of my performance, remember, the only reason you have knowledge of it is because I shared my public return and made people aware of it.
If they get an adult dog that is 18 months to 3 years, then at least a year from the time they get the dog, depending on how much previous training and public access experience the dog has done and their own skill and knowledge of training dogs.
You might be a qualified candidate if you have knowledge and experience working with community cats and would feel comfortable answering questions from the general public in any of the following categories:
Your organization might be qualified if you have knowledge and experience working with outdoor cats, and feel comfortable answering questions from the general public about one or more of the following topics:
Individuals that hold a college degree and have a high working knowledge of the English language make nearly four times more working in the tourism industry, which dominates 90 % of the economy, than if working in the public schools.
Everyone's dice are public knowledge, too, so if you're feeling a tad villainous you can eye up your opponent's roll and then proceed to block them where possible.
The discussion Chris Mooney's Washington Post piece has rekindled about why the public «doesn't get it» about science, and your question, «What if the public had perfect climate change information,» both presume there is some ideal «It» to «get»... some «perfect» knowledge, some unassailable truth.
It should therefore logically follow that IF climate scientists truly desired to communicate their knowledge to the public and politicians and corporate boards, then rationally and logically they would engage highly qualified experts in the field of Public Communication after realizing and admitting to their own severe limitations in this regard — already historically proven ad nauseum,public and politicians and corporate boards, then rationally and logically they would engage highly qualified experts in the field of Public Communication after realizing and admitting to their own severe limitations in this regard — already historically proven ad nauseum,Public Communication after realizing and admitting to their own severe limitations in this regard — already historically proven ad nauseum, imho.
Supporting the generation and dissemination of public knowledge of the sciences relevant to the global eco-crises we've produced (and how best to undo / manage such crises) is not a bad idea / activity to pursue; especially if we're determined to nurture and secure the kinds of clear signals for which future generations are likely to say thanks for your life - affirming, freedom - loving labors.
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