Sentences with phrase «public occasions»

Again, chiefs who normally did not clap on public occasions now clapped when the President announced his plan to dualise the trunk road from Kumasi to Accra in his next term.
If so, it is deeply inconsistent for such officials to grant themselves the right to public religious legitimation and blessing while denying them to the rest of the population, who seek them at public occasions meaningful to their own lives.
Changes in federal rules usually emerge, when they do, from fierce struggles among competing interest groups that rage behind the high - flown verbiage of public occasions.
A clear vision: inclusivity and quality If our vision of a musical school is limited to spotting, attracting and encouraging a few high achievers for public occasions, then music will never be «at the heart of the school».
Those government acknowledgments of religion serve, in the only ways reasonably possible in our culture, the legitimate secular purposes of solemnizing public occasions, expressing confidence in the future, and encouraging the recognition of what is worthy of appreciation in society.
(Calvin Coolidge in particular was known to loathe public occasions and avoided them as much as possible.
And you have got to ask what purpose being all righteous would serve apart from giving the local public an occasion to feel smug.
What peaks her interests the most are the intimate moments in what is an incredibly public occasion.
His father, George V (Michael Gambon), has always considered «Bertie» superior to Edward (Guy Pearce), but mourns the introduction of radio and newsreels, which require a monarch to be seen and heard on public occasions.
However, it is not appropriate for the CEO of Nintendo of America to share my comments on your speculation at this sort of public occasion.
We know from their actions of today how Christians think they're being «persecuted» if they can't festoon their religious holiday decorations all over everybody's property and make everybody else recite Christian prayers at all public occasions or stamp their theology on our money and insert it into our pledge of allegiance.
My hunch was correct: at those public occasions, if you do not explain that there are required dispositions for Holy Communion, people will come up simply to be polite, in case it might be rude not to.
«David... believed in constant political campaigning as the daily style of politics and in exerting control - freak discipline over his colleagues, with steady injunctions about the use of set policy lines and slogans on all public occasions, of the kind which has given a talking clock style to many politicians.»
On public occasions, Nubian priests would hoist the ship onto their shoulders and carry it into the temple's forecourt, where oracles performed divinations and other sacred rituals.
The story takes place in a town in Japan and all the humans speak untranslated Japanese, except for some public occasions where there is a simultaneous translator.
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