Sentences with phrase «public policy goals»

Businesses can also increase their funding by showing that they meet public policy goals of reducing energy use or promoting alternative fuel consumption.
The desire not to regulate if other ways can be found to achieve public policy goals is legitimate.
The latter example reminds us that rhetoric can serve both dubious and desirable public policy goals.
Each forum seeks to develop recommendations for government and private action to improve the environment for small business capital formation, consistent with other public policy goals, including investor protection.»
Amounts also depend on whether or not they help create jobs or support public policy goals such as energy reduction, minority business development, or business district revitalization.
«We will each have different things to point to in our respective records, but that does not mean that we're not moving toward the same public policy goals.
As UN member nations have committed to implement the goals by 2030, the research suggests that far greater emphasis should be placed on considering cross-sectoral dynamics between energy, water, food, gender and education when considering wider public policy goals.
They are the true beneficiaries of TCS programs, and expanding educational opportunity should always be considered a worthy public policy goal.
The Attorney General's office filed an amicus brief in support of MTPC's position arguing that the common law rule ensuring strict compliance with public construction contracts advances critical public policy goals.
Balasa argued that the proposed legislation is imperative for achieving both of these vital public policy goals — ensuring greater access to care without diminishing the quality of care and the well - being of the residents of Washington.
MSPCC targets its children's mental health public policy goals to support proven efforts, improving capacity for early identification and treatment, and reforming practices that inhibit school success.
The two - day conference and expo features state - of - the - art building strategies, components and professional development necessary for us to decarbonize by 2050, the # 1 public policy goal of our time.
There is a more than plausible case to make that this distinction between the case law based justifications and Treaty derogations is artificial and out of line with the importance the Treaties attach to other public policy goals, notably environmental protection, protection of fundamental rights and consumer protection (although the Member States have never amended 36 TFEU in subsequent Treaty amendments).
DeMarco outlined several public policy goals to ensure a more effective and efficient housing finance system, including building a new infrastructure for the secondary mortgage market; establishing standards that promote a safer and more efficient housing finance system; and increasing private capital while retracting government participation in the secondary mortgage market.
Like the employment insurance fund, another mandatory insurance program with a public policy goal, CMHC's mortgage insurance business could soon become a healthy source of real money for the federal government.
Restructuring contracts around the nation's public policy goals would ensure that private operators provide more educational programming, job training classes, and work with their inmates to ensure they are set up for optimal success once they are eventually released.
If we can have a standard that accomplishes all of those and also accomplishes the public policy goal of having a unified fiduciary standard, then that is a win - win.
A religious conservatism that sees politics as important but not ultimate is necessary even for our public policy goals.
There's this public policy goal, which is shared by the US and the EU, to make information more accessible.»
And those who believe in a more prominent role for public policy concerns within competition law and who acknowledge that public policy goals may trump the goal of maximizing consumer welfare (Townley, Kingston).
To summarise (at the risk of oversimplifying), there are two main positions in this debate: Those who believe that public policy goals can only be taken into account within EU competition law to the extent that those goals can be measured in economic terms and contribute to maximizing consumer welfare (Amato, Odudu).
FDI's assertion ran counter to the public policy goal of having employers draft termination clauses that are compliant with minimum employment standards.
Joe Palazzolo, writing in the Wall Street Journal, points out that this underwriting criterion is a direct contradiction of the public policy goal of getting more jobs for ex-offenders.
Marketing communications powerhouse specialized in building creative teams aligned with revenue and public policy goals.
These plans further the public policy goal that children have frequent and continuing contact with both parents, and that both share in the responsibilities of raising their children.
Each dollar you contribute to RPAC takes us a little further toward our public policy goals at each level of government.
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