Sentences with phrase «public questions»

For most people, religion plays virtually no role in shaping their opinions on a long list of important public questions.
Does it follow that model citizens should leave their religious convictions at home (where they are relatively harmless), and base their votes and arguments concerning public questions on secular considerations only?
In a more general sense, the courtesy we owe to fellow citizens argues for framing public questions in language that invites everyone to participate in the discussion on comfortable terms.
These are not happy choices, and a political culture that frames our most important public questions in these ways is in trouble.
In his earlier address to the bishops, Benedict urged «a clear and united witness» on public questions of great moral moment, recognizing that «it can not be assumed that all Catholic citizens think in harmony with the Church's teaching on today's key ethical questions.»
The churches at this point have a great responsibility not to advocate over-all idealistic solutions but to emphasize the distinctively Christian message that is relevant to these issues, to help their members to see the world without the characteristic American ideological blinders, to challenge many of the prevailing assumptions about the cold war and nuclear armaments, and to encourage the debate on public questions about which most people prefer to be silent.
Post public questions for other members, or even ask our experts.
Corbyn's problem here is his reliance on public questions means he can't do follow up questions.
Twitter was my public chat board, my place to share blog content, my place to ask public questions and to debate.
BlackSingles is devoted to continuously upkeep member's attention with public questions, so people have an extra means to learn more about new people.
When asked he verified there is NO reason to believe or infer that any change is on the foreseeable horizon — yet he insisted that the funds will go away, the project would end, and the public would suffer solely if public questions continued.
12:19 - On the other hand, that public questions strategy will never deliver a victory at PMQs.
At the same time, a significant portion of the American public questions whether global warming will really cause any major harm; many still doubt that human - driven warming is happening at all.
So women speaking about gender issues in the church have a lot working against them when public questions or critiques are automatically dismissed as divisive and whiney.
Plus, the email solicits public questions that will be answered by new DNC chair Tim Kaine via video at the parties.
Vivien Lowndes and I argue it will be essential that the Mayor learns from the good practices of (some) Police and Crime Commissioners and avoids some weaknesses in opening up transparency of decision making — allowing public questions and providing information about the timing and outcomes of decisions.
No - one hosting her should be allowed to do so without facing public questions about the quality of their product and the judgement of their editors and proprietors.
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has long ruled over his chamber with very little public questioning of his authority.
Moore explained, «You can imagine a State of the State address, like we recently saw with Governor Christie, you can imagine there being some pretty pointed public questions around that and with Congress, you can imagine for the State of the Union, in all 435 Congressional districts, we have a page for the representative, and we're seeking to encourage people to say, what issue would you have President Obama address in the State of the Union.»
His laid - back disappointed school - master stares, at the Tory benches and his (now limited) use of public questions appear to have both disarmed the Tory benches while highlighting some of Cameron's biggest weaknesses.
The rare public questioning of the respected IFS came as Labour tried to move on to the front foot over the economy by asserting it had made the right decisions to pull Britain from recession, and had detailed plans to attack the deficit.
State Sen. Andrew Maynard, D - Stonington, who suffered a brain injury in a 2014 fall that has prompted public questions about whether he can effectively perform his duties, would quickly qualify for a lifetime of generous state health benefits if he...
More than 250 people gathered at the district offices Thursday night for a heated public question - and - answer session on the report.
When Orleans schools Superintendent Henderson Lewis Jr. was applying for his job, the district held public question - and - answer sessions with finalists.
This new period of contention and public questioning offers the charter industry an opportunity to reconsider and retool, not it's PR apparatus, but its very mission and its tolerance for much needed regulation.
A study done in 2009 asked the general public this question, «Do you think that it is morally wrong to walk away from a house when one can afford to pay the monthly mortgage?»
Or, if the investor has a secretary in an office that can handle public questions about the homes and facilitate the sale, can that be done without a license since the secretary works for the investor?
The probable answer is that in these lectures he was addressing an audience of modernist liberal rationalists, and wanted to persuade them that even their own philosophical system had to concede at least some room for nonrational opinions on public questions, and therefore for religious opinion.
Since TPUB CEO Jack Griffin fired his L.A. Times Publisher Austin Beutner in early September, the company has endured L.A. civic backlash, public questioning of its strategy by financial analysts, and a further drop of its share price.
In a public question - and - answer session that he participated in on Tuesday, the Facebook CEO reiterated his pitch for Instant Articles, saying the new feature is simply an attempt to help users consume more news by making those stories load faster and look better on mobile devices.
The Facebook CEO took part in a public question - and - answer session with students at the A&T State University at North Carolina, where he was asked what minority students should do to try and progress in the white - male - dominated sector.
As Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg testifies before Congress, he's likely wondering how his company got to the point where he must submit to public questioning.
The protection of innocent human life is the first responsibility of the limited state, and abortion is inescapably a public question.
The concern here is with the public question this figure embodied.
So I have a public question for Katie Prown, who was instrumental in gaining licensure for CPMs in Wisconsin, and who insisted that licensure would ensure the safety of homebirth in Wisconsin:
The Union faces a crisis internally and in its relations with Europe, devolution in England is now a pressing political issue, parliament needs to find a serious role, the Human Rights Act faces abolition, our massive over-centralisation creates sclerosis, disenchantment with politics and democracy, and the public questioning of the legitimacy of government is at an all - time high.
Ensure all Combined Authority public meetings are webcast and include the opportunity for public questions.
But Rubin's point — basically that Cuomo's «this or a control board» response to Miner's public questioning of his plan was overkill — is well taken.
The tone Corbyn is using here is oddly effective, I think, even if this public questions tactic is flawed.
Corbyn's strategy of public questions could work - but he will need to be less strapped down to it and give himself more room to manoeuvre.
But in a public question - and - answer session at the ECC South Campus in Orchard Park earlier this month, county Comptroller Stefan I. Mychajliw asked Hocoy — then one of four finalists for the ECC presidency — for his thoughts on reducing from three ECC campuses to one or two.
«If we can get [federal agencies] and people on Capitol Hill to think like scientists about public questions, so they can get the most reliable knowledge on public matters, we would be much better off.
There are a lot of little moments like that sprinkled throughout the picture, enough so that once the inevitable dramatic tensions begin to crop up (a dressing - down of the suitor, a public questioning of the corporate godhead), In Good Company's built up a measure of forgiveness.
The 46th annual Phi Delta Kappa / Gallup poll on the public's attitude toward public schools also shows that although America's support for the Common Core State Standards is waning and the public questions the benefits of standardized tests and international assessments, two out of three public school parents would still give high marks to the school that their children attend.
«There is already a lot of discontent and public questioning and public concerns about stability of the leadership.»
So I need to ask the public a question, I recently purchased a 2016 Dodge Grand Caravan SE plus with a 3.6 liter pentastar V - 6 coupled with a 6 - speed transmission.
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