Sentences with phrase «public reactions in»

«As you are aware, a set of policy measures that have caused strong public reactions in Brazil are making their way to Congress,» he added.
The immediate public reaction in the USA was colored by «Islamophobia» and «Arabophobia», somewhat similar to Christianophobia and Judeophobia among a number of Muslim communities around the globe.
After a series of secret private viewings organized for the benefit of existing customers for the new car, we know that we have a surefire hit on our hands, and very much look forward to seeing the public reaction in September.»
His first version was small, and provoked a public reaction in the South Florida art scene.

Not exact matches

Among other things Mr. Newsom helped set up a public - relations department within the company and retained the firm of Elmo Roper to poll public reaction to the oil industry in general and Jersey Standard in particular.
Among the risk factors listed in Freshii's prospectus, the company notes «investors» general perception of us and the public's reactions to our press releases [and] open letters,» and cites the froyo missive.
Meanwhile, the corporation has been conducting town halls across the country in recent months, trying to gauge public reaction to the prospect of significant reductions in service levels, especially in those older urban areas where homeowners still get (costly) delivery to the door (equivalent of about 40 % of households).
The reaction from the public, and in our newsroom, was immediately and overwhelmingly negative.
The reaction to the Royal Society's report in Alberta provides a clue: hire teams of scientists outside the government orbit to investigate such claims and make their findings public.
The poll, the work of the Kaiser Family Foundation, the Harvard School of Public Health, and National Public Radio, asked 1,704 adults for their reactions to the reform proposals put out by Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (still in the game!)
«However, using the rules as reference points and discussing why our policy may differ from these policy descriptions could go some way in helping to explain our own policy reaction function to the public
They know those contributions might become public at some point, and no company that sells a product wants to risk the kind of consumer reaction that engulfed Target in 2010, after it contributed $ 150,000 to a Minnesota group backing a conservative candidate opposing gay marriage.
In reaction to the war, our British colonial government rejected all things American, including public education, democracy and to the detriment of our portfolios, industrial capitalism and entrepreneurial innovation.
The CEO said he would indeed remain a member, reaffirming a commitment to stay part of the group he made prior to the meeting, following the resignation from the council of Uber CEO Travis Kalanick in response to both employee and public reaction.
In the face of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, reaction from the public has been swift, emotional and intense.
«There's a visceral public reaction to the whole rapid pace of change in the city symbolized by, and perhaps blamed too much on, Amazon.»
Public reaction to this complex picture has been reminiscent of the last time there was widespread outrage about social media in political life — the revelations made by Edward Snowden in June 2013.
After it was revealed that New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's office is investigating what oil giant ExxonMobil knew about climate change compared to what it told the public and investors, reaction poured in quickly.
Should the trade deal go through, it may produce a public reaction similar to the one that occurred when Chinese company CNOOC invested in Canada's oil sands.
As I've written before, the difference in reactions «opens up a complicated discussion about who gets empathy in America, what issues are deemed important, and the types of activism and activists that the public responds to.»
Yvan Allaire has a great analysis of Dow Jones» overreaction to Snapchat's IPO and the dual class stock phenomenon in general:» In July 2017, Dow Jones, goaded by the reaction to Snapchat having gone public with a class of shares without voting rights, announced that, after extensive consultation, it had decided to henceforth eliminate companies general:» In July 2017, Dow Jones, goaded by the reaction to Snapchat having gone public with a class of shares without voting rights, announced that, after extensive consultation, it had decided to henceforth eliminate companies -LSB-..In July 2017, Dow Jones, goaded by the reaction to Snapchat having gone public with a class of shares without voting rights, announced that, after extensive consultation, it had decided to henceforth eliminate companies -LSB-...]
But for some black racial justice activists, organizers, and public figures, the reaction to the students of Stoneman Douglas has also led to another truth: Organizing around Black Lives Matter and the larger Movement for Black Lives, another youth - led movement demanding policy change in the wake of trauma, was not and has not been as readily embraced.
While there are reasons Trump may want to skip an interview — «there is no point in walking in and providing more information to the special counsel and risk the possibility of making false statements» — the president and his team must also take public reaction into account, Ray said.
The SEC alleges Amro Izzelden «Andy» Altahawi, Dorababu Penumarthi, and Suresh Tammineedi illegally sold large blocks of their restricted shares to the public immediately after Longfin stock soared in reaction to the acquisition of Ziddu.
Amanda Marcotte thinks that the «Christian Right» have correctly identified their adversaries, and that the religious reaction — increasingly, she thinks, played out in the public square — amounts to the death throes of an old order.
From the liberal standpoint, the essential thing is that the new issue provokes opposition from the forces of reaction, who may then be conquered in a public and dramatic fashion by the political mobilization of liberal forces.
Public humiliation, like Yvonne endured in the reactions to her childhood rape, which may be a part of the dismissive practices surroundign sexual violation must take place with appreciation of the victim - survivor's contribution of a counterpublic voice as a valuable societal contribution.»
The Wheaton alumni group, OneWheaton, was initially a private Facebook network that went public partly in reaction to an April 2011 chapel service at Wheaton featuring Wesley Hill, a gay Wheaton alumnus who says he chooses to be celibate, a path that some gay students and alumni take.
This negative reaction to black conservatives by most blacks partly explains the reluctance of the new black conservatives to engage in public debates in the black community, and their contrasting eagerness to do so in the mass media, where a few go so far as to portray themselves as courageous, embattled critics of a black liberal establishment — while their salaries, honorariums and travel expenses are paid by well - endowed conservative foundations and corporations.
Since under modern conditions the actions of all people in key positions of power and influence are thus likely to be known almost immediately by nearly everyone, these people can not make decisions without reference to the reaction of the public.
«Because I first heard Rachel's voice in reaction to public tomfoolery about women's roles in the church and society, I half - expected A Year of Biblical Womanhood to be sort of... reactionary.
The Planned Parenthood videos and, just as important, the reaction of liberal elites to the Planned Parenthood videos demonstrate the enormous obstacles and the equally enormous opportunities that conservatives face in reaching a large fraction of the American public.
The questions about religion and public life, those calling for «public» discussion, no longer focus on the verifiability of religious speech but concern quite other issues: methods of understanding and describing the religious realities, old and new, that we see appearing around us; useful criteria for assessing these religions and for defining and comprehending this new set of powers in our public life; and ways of protecting vital religious groups from the excesses of the public reaction to them, and protecting the public from the excesses of powerful religious groups — hardly questions a secular culture had thought it would have to take seriously!
Although based much more on fantasy than on proven fact, the marihuana «evils» took root in the public mind, and now continue to color the public reaction to the marihuana phenomenon... It has been astutely observed that any statement frequently repeated in public assumes the status of fact.
Hence the cross would be misunderstood if its chronological distinctness from the public ministry were looked upon as a basic theological separation from the public ministry, as is all too easy in reaction against Ritschlianism.
This was a violation of something very sacred in the minds of the people; so it is little to be wondered at that soon after his own early death a reaction against the reform developed, and that finally his own name and the name of the god Aton, whose name he had incorporated in his own when he had it changed from Amen - hotep to Akhnaton, were likewise erased from public monuments.
To test public reaction, the Bush administration may talk about sending in U.S. troops.
Highly publicized reactions to science and social science on the part of religious conservatives, as evidenced by lawsuits concerning the teaching of evolution in public schools and court cases challenging the influence of «secular humanism» on school textbooks, suggest that Habermas's forces of «secular rationality» have by no means carried the day.
In our own land, the violent reactions evoked by the Supreme Court's decision of May 17, 1954, that segregation in the public schools is unconstitutional have revealed how deep are the differences that divide uIn our own land, the violent reactions evoked by the Supreme Court's decision of May 17, 1954, that segregation in the public schools is unconstitutional have revealed how deep are the differences that divide uin the public schools is unconstitutional have revealed how deep are the differences that divide us.
While there has been occasional criticism of the limitations of the surveys in measuring public reaction to programs, the surveys» reliability and validity in measuring audience sizes is generally accepted.
In reaction to fundamentalism, many administrators intentionally avoid any mention of religion in the public - school setting — an unhappy educational situation, to say the leasIn reaction to fundamentalism, many administrators intentionally avoid any mention of religion in the public - school setting — an unhappy educational situation, to say the leasin the public - school setting — an unhappy educational situation, to say the least.
Modernization theory emphasizes long - term weakening of religion's capacity to influence the public realm but also posits periods of reaction in which religiously inspired backlash movements may appear.
«The public reaction to this event reveals very deep fault lines in our understanding of Muslims» and Christians» perception of the God revealed in the Bible and the Qur «an, and indeed of the gospel itself,» wrote Darrell Whiteman, interim executive director of Overseas Ministries Study Center.
«The Catholic Church's experience with this has raised public awareness, which probably helps to explain the swift reaction in this case,» says Francis X. Rocca, who covers the Vatican for the Religion News Service.
Also, in the mean time the reaction that some males (especially young males) may have in public to such events is not just uncomfortable and distracting but could be socially damaging.
Single men and women account for nearly 30 percent of all households in the United States, but yet the public perception of eating alone remains negative.I inadvertently tested the social reaction of being a solo diner at a local restaurant / bar this past weekend while waiting to meet friends after work.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a non-profit food - safety organization based in Washington, D.C., has heard from more than 2,000 consumers in Europe, the United States, and Australia / New Zealand who suffered reactions to Quorn.
While none of us want a reaction to take place — in a theme park or at all — it is comforting to know that Disneyland is aware of increasing allergens in the public.
:) especially the reactions you get when drinking it in public lol;)
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) says natural flavors «may trigger an acute, allergic reaction, intolerance, or other problems.»
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