Sentences with phrase «public regarding landlord»

Among other duties will be answering questions from Judges, attorneys, sheriff's department and the general public regarding landlord and tenant cases...

Not exact matches

This appears to be fertile ground for a proportionality defence and, one suspects, that the pleadings presumptions in Pinnock and Powell (the right to possession coupled with the duties regarding distribution and management of their housing stock) will need to be supplemented with more particular justifications; and, more substantively, that the comment that the public authority landlord's unencumbered property rights are of real weight (Pinnock, at [54]-RRB- will require revisiting.
The management and allocation of housing stock by a housing trust which is a registered social landlord under the Housing Act 1996, including decisions concerning the termination of a tenancy, is a function of a public nature, with the effect that the registered social landlord is to regarded as a public authority for the purposes of s 6 (3)(b) of the Human Rights Act 1998 and so is amenable to judicial review on conventional public law grounds in respect of its performance of that function.
In reaching this decision the following were considered to be decisive factors: (i) LQHT was permeated with state control and influence with a view to meeting the government's aims for aff ordable housing; (ii) the nature and extent of the public subsidy of LQHT's activities; (iii) 10 % of LQHT's stock had been transferred to it from the public sector; (iv) that LQHT, as a registered social landlord, was obliged to cooperate with the local authority, if requested, in offering accommodation to people with priority under the authority's allocation scheme; (v) the termination of a tenancy could not be regarded as separate from housing management so as to be considered an act of a private nature.
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