Sentences with phrase «public school reform»

Successful union - management collaboration in public school reform must focus on substantive areas affecting the quality of teaching or student achievement.
Moreover, it offers strong evidence for this alternative direction to the policy debate on public school reform by analyzing the role of union - management relations in educational quality.
Alongside the best public school reform proposals outlined above, as a nation we should invest equal resources in testing a voucher plan.
The report shows that collaboration between teachers, their unions, administrators, and school boards is both possible and necessary for any meaningful and lasting public school reform.
Some, like the teachers unions, contend that choice programs exist in isolation from mainstream public school reforms and point to limited participation rates.
Furthermore, school choice can have a positive impact on public school reform.
Tinkering Toward Utopia: A Century of Public School Reform explores the dynamic tension between Americans» faith in education as a panacea and the difficulty of improving educational practices.
With their commitment to new approaches to teaching and learning, charters were initially seen as potential informants and inspirations for public school reform efforts.
New Orleans» post-Katrina public school reform efforts and outcomes have been the focus of intense national scrutiny as other districts consider undertaking what they consider to be similar reforms.
This study looks to understand the contingent historical processes that shape our present conceptions of «innovation» in urban public school reform, and follows these lineages to see how they are taken up, resisted, or undermined in the day - to - day practices of an «innovative» classroom.
Shanker realized that the transformation of vouchers from a theoretical idea proposed by conservative economists in the 1950s to a viable political threat by the late 1970s gave union leaders the opportunity to engage in public school reform as never before.
Many of these bright young teachers will stay in New Orleans, and TFA alums are providing key leadership to individual schools and to organizations supporting public school reform in our city.
With Reform Fervor in the Air, Local School Board Elections See Record Outside Spending This year, huge amounts of money and passion are flowing down the ballot into the school board elections — part of an all - out war over public school reform.
They would also need to report to state and federal educational officials so that the methods and results of the different local public school reforms could be compared to each other and to voucher experiments.
Cruz does misunderstand the significance of the charter school threat — and Sol Stern does an admirable job of explaining the danger of «public school reform schemes» in his blog — but for the most part Cruz avoids the elephant in the room: THE Catholic Church.
This interpretation creates a tension within the reform community because it potentially pits public school reforms like charters and school closure against reforms like vouchers.
Specifically, her research and teaching integrates these three fields to examine how organizational factors constrain and enable the success of U.S. public school reform.
In fact, these are the same kinds of regulations that have apparently generated such positive effects in the New Orleans public school reforms.
Many proponents of such a system point to our consumer market and its dizzying array of choices as evidence that competition will initiate public school reforms to meet the needs of society.
Charter schools were envisioned as a way to prompt public school reform and give low - income families better educational options.
Andy ShallalDC Candidate for Mayor Andy Shallal issued an analysis of DC Public School Reform on his Web site February 14.
All three families / foundations fund a plethora of organizations, all of which endorse, promote or in some way support one or more of the following public school reforms: charter schools, vouchers, data - based decision making, high - stakes testing, parental choice, merit pay, eliminating tenure, union busting, and superintendent training.
With the passage of the Chicago Public Schools Reform Act of 1989, funding for supplemental programs increased for five years until it reached $ 261.0 million in FY95, eliminating at the same time any funding for basic programs.
The idea of society providing a quality, comprehensive education for all children is inspiring and attainable, but the old model for delivering that education — a monolithic government entity led by politicians with a captive audience of students forced into grossly unequal schools — has got to go, one of the nation's pioneers in public school reform told a Tulane audience on Thursday.
The short answer to the question is that the Common Core State Standards are potentially the most revolutionary and controversial public school reform in the history of United States public education.
Dr. Jacqueline Elliot has been dedicated to public school reform since 1986 when she first became a teacher in Pacoima, California.
The seven guiding principles anchor the Canberra public schools reform directions and provide a summary of the key objectives of the SRA Program, including the SRA school funding model.
The invite to the May 12 event, which costs between $ 1,000 and $ 3,800 to attend, features a photo of the mayor and a note from him lauding the Buffalo Democrat as a «champion for charter schools in the Assembly,» (which is, for the record, a place where that sort of behavior is not widespread), and also an «outspoken advocate for public school reform
In «Learning from Rudolf Steiner: The Relevance of Waldorf Education for Urban Public School Reform,» a study published in 2008 in the journal Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice, researcher Ida Oberman concluded that the Waldorf approach successfully laid the groundwork for future academics by first engaging students through integrated arts lessons and strong relationships instead of preparing them for standardized tests.
«A growing body of evidence demonstrates that public school reform efforts such as challenging standards and rigorous course - taking can improve achievement for the majority of students who are in the public schools.
Drexel University Center for Graduate Studies and School of Education is hosting a panel discussion on public school reform as part of their «On the Leading Edge» series.
The Cox Trust's grants in the field of education have expanded access to underserved populations and supported public school reform, and they continue to shape opportunities for young children to get the best possible start.
For more than a decade, the debate over public school reform has created friction between teachers unions, administrators, school boards, parents, policymakers, and other stakeholders in public education and has fueled disagreements over how to improve the quality of teaching and learning for children.
His honors thesis in the education department focused on public school reform for equity in Cambridge, MA.
The Rationalizing Logics of Public School Reform: How Cultural Institutions Matter for Classroom Instruction.
Washington D.C. is running one of the most agressive experiments in public school reform in the country under its school chacellor, Michelle Rhee.
David Tyack Tinkering Toward Utopia: A Century of Public School Reform...
In Applying organizational research to public school reform: the effects of teacher human and social capital on student performance, Pil and Leana (2009) state «When teachers trust one another, they are more likely to reveal their weaknesses and perhaps address them using the support and guidance of their peers».
«Applying organizational research to public school reform: the effects of teacher human and social capital on student performance».
Again, this is also what happened with the public school reforms.
When the billionaire philanthropist Walter H. Annenberg announced last December that he would contribute $ 500 million to public school reform, he stressed that his gift alone would not be enough.
Their paper, «Institutional Complexity and the Embedded Logics of Public School Reform,» employs a unique methodological approach to examine how teachers» beliefs about instructional reforms are informed by the logics of broad cultural institutions.
What is missing in the discussion, however, is a systems perspective on the problem of public school reform that looks at the way schools are organized, and the way decisions are made.
The AFT and a broad array of parent and community partners have collaborated on events across the country to advance a community - and educator - driven agenda for public school reform.
The mission of the Rhode Island League of Charter Schools is to advocate for its members by supporting charter public schools as leaders in expanding choice and supporting and informing the public school reform movement across the state of Rhode Island.
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