Sentences with phrase «public school space»

«We exist because we are in public school space,» she said.
As a result, the three charter schools will not be able to use public school space and will have to find new homes before the next school year.
One of the main contributors to this lack of safety that, in my experience, is rarely explored, is the sharing of traditional public school space with charter schools.
We will see corrupt deals where public school space is handed over to entrepreneurs who have made contributions to the politicians making the decisions.
At 11 a.m., NYC Council Member Jessica Lappin, Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott and NYCLU Director Donna Lieberman hold a press conference to speak out against a resolution that calls on Albany to allow religious groups to use New York City public school space for worship services; Tweed Courthouse, 52 Chambers St., Manhattan.
Chicago, September 19, 2017 — July 29, 2018 - This Fall, Jane Addams Hull - House Museum opens Claiming Space: Creative Grounds and Freedom Summer School, a collaborative exhibition with artists, educators and students that explores the transformation of public school space amidst the backdrop of depopulation, divestment and school closures on Chicago's West Side.
Member Update: CCSA v. OUSD (Prop. 39) regarding CCSA's lawsuit against the Oakland Unified School District because of its failures year - after - year to equitably share public school space with all public school students in OUSD.
The Best Side runs as a compatible show with Claiming Space: Creative Grounds and Freedom Summer School, a collaborative exhibition with artists, educators and students that explores the transformation of public school space amidst the backdrop of depopulation, divestment and school closures on Chicago's West Side.
By now, you've probably heard that the Supreme Court has denied certiorari in the Bronx Household of Faith case, letting stand an appellate court's ruling that the New York City Board of Education can refuse to make public school space available to churches, many of which will be....
Like Dilan, Medina supports charter schools, but believes they should not be taking public school space.
Independent charters are particularly desperate for facilities funding, while large charters — mostly sited in co-located public school space — are focusing on increasing the amount of public money each charter school student receives.
According to Hawkins, money is also at the root of Mayor de Blasio's seemingly capitulation in the fight against further charter school incursions into public school space.
During the campaign for mayor last year, Mr. de Blasio, a Democrat, criticized Ms. Moskowitz and her charter schools, which the administration of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg had provided with free public school space.
The state budget that Mr. Cuomo and legislative leaders announced later that month prohibited the city from charging charters rent and required it to find public school space for them or pay much of the cost for a private location.
But it's likely to be just the first step in what promises to be a long fight for Moskowitz over public school space and the future of the controversial charter network.
Now RYH is sponsoring a petition against the Chicago Public Schools space utilization formula used to declare dozens of schools «underutilized» and therefore in danger of closure this year.
Efforts to tell charters where they can or can't locate would be particularly galling given how stingy the District has been in making surplus or underused public school space available to them.
As part of the State law extending mayoral control of the schools, the NYC Department of Education (DOE) can not close, move, or share public school space without a public process designed to ensure accountability.
Though New York City's charter school sector and Mayor Bill de Blasio's administration have had no shortage of conflict over the last three years, disputes over how much public school space the city should give charters have proved the most consistent sticking point between the two sides.
The Commissioner annulled the DOE's decision to give more public school space to Girls Prep, ruling that «District 75 schools are public schools that are located within the city school district, and Education Law § 2590 - h (2 - a) does not except them from their application.
More than 3 million square feet of public school space became designated as «under - utilized» or «under - performing» and was turned back over to the City of Chicago for resale or repurposing.
Opponents of the new school said the co-location would drain resources and space from public school students and that charter schools don't pay their fair share for using public school space.
In the letter, Moskowitz returned to the subject that propelled her feud with de Blasio to front - page fodder last year: public school space for her growing charter empire.
To this day the fight continues to rage over our decision to collocate charter schools in public school space.
The lawsuit centers on LAUSD's continued failures to share public school space with all public school students in the LAUSD area, despite clear and unequivocal obligations under the law.
Mr. de Blasio, a steadfast ally of teachers unions, advocated on the campaign trail for charging charters — which often pay administrators like Ms. Moskowitz salaries far exceeding their public school counterparts — rent for the use of public school space, and supported curtailing the further expansion of the privately - run learning institutions.
«We wanted our daughter to go to a Waldorf school so as to experience a deeper connection with her education, and her childhood — something that we found difficult in the public school space.
Outmaneuvered by Governor Andrew Cuomo, the mayor conceded, at least for now, unfettered charter access to public school space.
They do not see themselves as collaborators with public schools but business competitors and in some cases, they actually want to take away the public school space and take away the public school business.»
An explicit UFT policy against school closings, the proliferation of charter schools, and forced co-locations of charters in public school spaces.
The law enabled the charter school to exert its rights to fair access to public school space, as intended.
We also pray for our schools and the children to enjoy the safety provided in our public school spaces and the protection from the evils that may lurk in someone's mind wishing them harm.
With the dynamic of the public school space argument flipped from charters as victims to charters as aggressors, the groups have not been able to stir up public sympathy or much media coverage around the cause.
In New York, the Families for Excellent Schools, Inc. campaign pushed to allow privately run charter schools virtually unlimited and free access to public school space.
We believe that equity should be the guiding principle when lawmakers make decisions about charter school funding, access to public school space, services that can help schools better serve English language learners and special education, and pre-kindergarten.
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