Sentences with phrase «public sees the issue»

There would be no consensus, which ought to be on a major change in the nation's constitution, and the public sees the issue as low among its priorities.

Not exact matches

But the bottom line: «Most companies did not see a sustained rise or drop in stock price following their CEO's public statement» on a controversial issue.
With the public finely attuned to these issues, finance companies that demonstrate their commitment to doing right by their clients and employees by leading with integrity are seeing big financial rewards in the marketplace.
While smart watches or other pieces of wearable technology are interesting concepts, the issue lies in getting a whole lot of people to see why they need these devices — and why on earth they'd be caught dead wearing them out in public.
While it's rare to see CEOs here take a public stand (witness the silence of Toronto's business leaders when the Rob Ford scandals unfolded), a growing number of American executives are stepping into the public spotlight, taking stands on issues like religious freedom, gay marriage and gun control.
Retail consultant Burt Flicking saw the move as part of a shift at Wal - Mart under Chief Executive Doug McMillon to pay closer attention to public opinion on social issues, noting the company had raised wages for entry - level staff ealier this year.
On May 29, Paint Dat Face issued a questionable apology via a public Instagram post, which said: «I deleted the post, not because I had regret or saw wrongdoing, but because of the negativity social media turned it into.»
It is in the best interest of the issuing company to see that the stock is sold to the public at the highest possible price.
The sadness to see that kind of point of view,» she said in her first public remarks on the issue.
When Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo on marijuana to federal prosectors Thursday, reiterating their leeway to prosecute federal marijuana laws as they see fit, regardless of whether the plant is legal under state and local law, he likely spurred future infringements on liberty, struck a blow against federalism, and defied public opinion.
IN CANADA, we have seen the issue become the focus of a broader public debate under both the previous Conservative...
It comes as a new study shows nearly 80 per cent of the British public see no signs of improvement for hundreds of thousands of vulnerable children who are at risk of serious issues such as neglect, poverty, bad health or homelessness.
The debate on the final statement concerning the war — which took nearly all the time allotted for discussion of public issuessaw the Assembly initially adopt a repudiation of the Christian moral tradition that justifies the use of force in «last resort» circumstances in favor of a pacifist approach.
• «A Catholic Call to Civility in Public Life» is issued by a distinguished list of Catholic laity, led by Thomas Melady, former U.S. ambassador to the Holy See.
In a Public Religion Research Institute poll released last week, 18 % of black Americans surveyed said they see same - sex marriage a «critical issue,» putting it behind the economy, education, deficit, a growing wealth gap and immigration.
Moreover, the poignancy of the sense of public guilt was reflected in private self - accusation, and the issue is seen in such prayers as the psalmist's confession of deep - seated sinfulness,
Now it takes little reflection to see that most major problems of ecclesial and political controversy have always been and will continue to be divergent and not convergent ones; accordingly, there is an especially vexing irony in the fact that those who want to find a «mainstream» position on the Big Issues are almost always those who are committed on other grounds to a pluralist or relativist stance in matters of public debate.
If we take a look at our Catholic brothers and sisters, we can see how Pope Francis has quickly shifted the public perception of the Catholic Church, even though many of his official positions related to contentious issues remain the same.
What I would like to see from the Mosque's Imam is a public, unequivocal statement that he does not tolerate violent teachings or attacks against Americans and issues a Fatwa forbidding any moral, monetary or logistical support for people planning or contemplating jihadist violence.
after losing friends and all our safety personnel and the consideration of the families i see no good coming from this and only animousity and ill feelings and betrayal by our public officials in asllowing this to happen... it is deplorable and an insult to the 3,000 dead and the thousands affected by this horrible act and time must pass to heal the wounds before the issue is even discussed.
One reason that public issues evoke controversy in congregational life is that people tend to see themselves as either being summoned or sent, not both.
George Weigel calls for the Church to «discipline itself» into a narrow public witness addressing religious freedom and life issues only, what he sees as «the points of maximum confrontation with the dictatorship of relativism.»
The questions about religion and public life, those calling for «public» discussion, no longer focus on the verifiability of religious speech but concern quite other issues: methods of understanding and describing the religious realities, old and new, that we see appearing around us; useful criteria for assessing these religions and for defining and comprehending this new set of powers in our public life; and ways of protecting vital religious groups from the excesses of the public reaction to them, and protecting the public from the excesses of powerful religious groups — hardly questions a secular culture had thought it would have to take seriously!
In speaking to the Bundestag last 22 September Pope Benedict issued an «urgent invitation» to engage in «a public debate» on the cultural influence of positivistic philosophy (see our Road from Regensburg column).
That the issue at stake is a spiritual one is evident in the religious imagery that pervades Callahan's account of technological medicine: that the war on death is a search for «immortality»; that the dying patient might be «saved»; that medicine is seen as «omnipotent, holding life and death wholly in its hands»; that a lobbyist equates heart attacks, cancer, and strokes with sin (interesting rhetoric in the public sphere, but I'll save that discussion for another day).
The churches at this point have a great responsibility not to advocate over-all idealistic solutions but to emphasize the distinctively Christian message that is relevant to these issues, to help their members to see the world without the characteristic American ideological blinders, to challenge many of the prevailing assumptions about the cold war and nuclear armaments, and to encourage the debate on public questions about which most people prefer to be silent.
The day after the deportations, the Vatican issued a public statement expressing gratitude for the German military's respectful and civil treatment of the Holy See, with no mention of the horrors that had just occurred.
Some see the issue in communism, some in devotional exercises in public schools, some in concern over pornography, some in issues of social justice.
Despite the attraction of existentialist philosophy and theology to process theologians daring the sixties the major senior representatives of the movement continued to give attention to public issues in portions of their books, See for example, Henry Nelson Wieman, The Intellectual Foundations of Faith (New York: Philosophical
For contributions of process theology to discussion of public issues in the seventies see Note 1 to the Preface.
Granted, the Fairness Doctrine has to do with the FCC ensuring that public broadcasts show both sides of controversial issues, but it's easy to see the hypocrisy where you argue against forcing a company to show both sides of an issue and then you argue for it!
The next three years will see a number of issues relevant to rural voters feature in the public debate, including the re-regulation of the sugar industry and a renewed focus on animal welfare.
See public register, including statment of issues.
She agrees one of the issues facing new mothers is aggressive advertising by formula companies, but also says negative public perceptions of breastfeeding have seen women asked to cover up when feeding.
It has been a matter of great concern among public health activists who work on child health and nutrition that the issue of malnutrition was being converted into a marketing opportunity to be addressed through products that big corporations could sell as the answer, instead of being seen as a basic lack of access to food caused by structural inequities in food distribution.
I think the in - person groups — I went to Robin Support Group, and that was great, but then the everyday connection with people, and seeing things, and being able to see how people manage their breastfeeding in public issues — I just think that helped a lot, just the consistency, normalizing it, making it part of everyday life versus once a week I go to this group and I can just breastfeed.
The boycott holds Nestlé to account and forces it to make changes, while also keeping the issue in the public eye (see Nestlé boycott successes).
I think constipation issues, (which I'm mentioning because it seems to be one of the big concerns people have with EC from what i have seen), have way more to do with diet and unavailable places for babies and toddlers to relieve themselves out in public in North America.
The new pope's comments suggest he sees eye - to - eye on the Falklands issue with Argentine president Cristina Kirchner, even though the two are known for their public disagreements over gay marriage and adoption.
We would like to see this grow, but this issue is increasingly posing a threat to that prospect and, at the same time, risking Labour and Conservative plans to improve public service delivery.
The Commons lags behind public debate on most issues, but in the case of the drug debate it can barely be seen in the rear - view mirror.
It's hard, therefore, to see what political advantage there is in Cameron fighting his own side over an issue of supreme unconcern to most of the public.
Britain is heading toward a «car crash» on the issue, according to Jesse Norman, a Conservative Member of Parliament and member of the Committee, who said the public resents seeing a UK bank bonus pool expected to reach 7 billion pounds ($ 11 billion) for 2010.
Maybe this is his strategy — stay out of the last leadership race — it's likely to produce a dud, get the position of party chairman, make challenging powerful speeches and articles (he has identified the English democratic defecit, Toque, in his New Statesman article, which is about the best on the issue from any MP see:, make more of a public name for himself, then stand when the prospects of victory are real.
Others see corporations and unions as legitimate participants in public debate whose views can help educate voters as they form their opinions on candidates and issues
Yet it is often seen wrongly as a niche, complex and particular issue which has little role in public debate and in recent years has increasingly, around the world, been conducted on narrow and introspective lines.
In regards to the proposals within the Executive Budget, S.7508 - A / A.9508 - A, Part Q, that are based on recommendations of the 2016 Disparity Study, we see the following as among the most significant issues for our members engaged in public contracting:
«While many in the public think homeless individuals in Erie County are single adult males with a mental illness or substance abuse issues, in fact, in recent years we have seen more and more families without a home and the existing shelters had difficulty meeting their specific needs,»
The current concerns regarding funding of the 2016 referendum campaigns may see the issues of regulation and public funding re-opened.
And we can see that the public has largely lost interest in deficit reduction from the low priority ascribed to the issue during this campaign.
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