Sentences with phrase «public theology»

We always risk making bad judgments in the political mode of public theology.
I've read them all; some are genuinely impressive exercises in public theology,....
It was explicitly public philosophy; it was (largely) implicitly public theology.
As compared to the critical and prophetic, the political mode of public theology is often fraught.
One could almost tell the story of American public theology during the latter half of the twentieth century through the prism of Williams's scholarship and activism.
Thus, the struggles against torture and terrorism require us to recover and recast a genuinely ecumenical and normative public theology, one willing to engage in the patient yet urgent task of identifying, clarifying and defending those universal principles of right and wrong inherent in the Christian understanding of life.
The necessity of dealing with international institutions, with lawmakers who defend total national sovereignty, with an American public that is often fixated on its own context, and with churches preoccupied by their own confessions demands new steps toward a Christian public theology.
The term public theology is not my own but Martin Marty's.
This kind of public theology detaches us from an idolatrous earthly politics and frees us to pursue the common good with a fitting awareness of the fragility, transience, and ultimate inadequacy of our worldly endeavors, however necessary and noble.
A prophetic public theology can take a more confrontational form, which White thinks our present moment calls for.
With so much of our individual lives revolving around theology we did not want to impose more public theology on our private life together.
Its promise was not fully developed in the sense that it did not generate a genuinely public theology, a social ethic able to withstand the change, or a philosophy or religion that allows dialogue between both Christianity and other religions and Christianity and jurisprudence.
Not only the confessional legacies of Barth, Barmen and Bonhoeffer but also the Catholic metaphysical and the Protestant covenantal public theologies will surely be necessary if churches are to offer a faithful and effective witness.
But in spite of the cognitive elite, philosophical liberalism has not completely destroyed biblical religion as public theology or republicanism as the ideology of the common good and the public interest.
A strong public theology has opposed our more unjust wars, especially the Mexican - American, Spanish - American, and Vietnamese wars, demanded racial and social justice, and insisted on the fulfillment of our democratic promise in our economic as well as our political life.
That means talking about androcentrism, patriarchy, sexism and misogyny in the scriptures and in the church from the pulpit, in the theological classroom, in congregational conversations, in public theology and the scholarly literature.
St. Augustine engages in a prophetic form of public theology in The City of God.
Few these days have time for King's style of American public theology.
The challenge to developing a public theology comes not only from secularizing forces in society but also from anti-intellectual attitudes within the Church.
David Koyzis is Fellow in Politics at the St. George's Centre for Biblical and Public Theology, Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
The Paradoxical Vision: A Public Theology for the Twenty - first Century By Robert Benne Fortress.
A public theology is neither «biblical politics»; nor «civil religion.»
In this regard, the most decisive indicators of social righteousness in society are the structural freedom of religion and the ethical dependence on an ecumenically shaped «public theology
The Search for an American Public Theology: The Contribution of John Courtney Murray by robert w. mcelroy paulist press, 216 pages, $ 10.95 The Ethics of Discourse: The Social Philosophy of John Courtney Murray by j. leon hooper georgetown university press, 283 pages, $ 17.95 William Lee....
A public theology is thus focused on what is truly holy as a life - and - death - orienting question that links mind and heart, personal life style and community - building.
In this regard, a public theology is not «orthopraxis» - oriented; it tells no one how he or she must act on this or that issue.
A public theology is one that takes seriously the importance of systematic reflection on God.
For this reason, too, we are in desperate need of a public theology.
Where freedom of religion is allowed but not governed by a public theology, the sharing at the communion rail has little chance of being translated into the sharing of bread and drink with the hungry and thirsty.
Finally, a public theology will set forth the first principles of social ethics.
A public theology will, of course, be engaged in responding to this or that particular issue which preoccupies the body politic.
A public theology, therefore, must be accessible to the people and filtered through their convictions.
This tension has led to the ethical quest for a «public theology
A public theology holds to the latter view.
A public theology is not only God - centered; it is «logos» - centered, For Christians, this has specific meaning within the church; but it has a meaning beyond the faith community as well.
This observation leads to a further point: a public theology is historically alert.
Where religion is independent of the state but confined to merely «private» questions and not governed by a public theology, social morality becomes merely opportunistic.
It is for these reasons that I believe the ecumenically oriented churches must face the nature of the crisis at its deeper levels and must gird up their minds and souls for the slow, long - term hard work of reconstructing a public theology while vigorously preserving the institutional separation of church and state.
This strategy let him keep his most specifically Christian beliefs somewhat private, even as he never shied away from a public theology of praising God's creation.
It is for this reason that public theology in this mode should cultivate humility.
One Holy and Happy Society: The Public Theology of Jonathan Edwards by Gerald R. McDermott Pennsylvania State University Press, 203 pages, $ 29.95 Gerald McDermott, who teaches religion at Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia, has written a persuasive revisionist account of Jonathan Edwards....
At other times, a public theology that is properly political needs to articulate the conditions for coalition and compromise.
It's a false narrowing of public theology to limit it to natural law reasoning on the one hand, or direct evangelical proclamation on the other.
Michael Hanby's «A More Perfect Absolutism» (October 2016) is public theology in the critical mode, as are portions of Laudato Si».
Henri de Lubac's Catholicism: Christ and the Common Destiny of Man is another book of public theology in the prophetic mode.
But both are fitting enterprises of public theology in the political mode, however flawed the justifying arguments may be.
Public theology has a critical, interpretive mode.
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