Sentences with phrase «public truth»

When This site was set up it was with the express purpose of telling the buying public the truth about life insurance, all the truth.
President Obama is uniquely qualified to cut through the fog created by misleading and manufactured controversies by telling the American public the truth.
Something, they decided, had to be done to show the public the truth.
«We report it and tell the public the truth of every tweet.
The status of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception as the national patron is currently a piece of Catholic trivia; Catholics can make it a public truth by the simple means of food, drink, song, and bunting.
But it's a really exciting moment because there's a public lament and public truth telling.
The public truth about past evil so essential to repentance in politics can be recovered only in a context of public hope for reconciliation and a measure of forgiveness.
By a slim 45 - 42 percent margin, more voters say they trust the Trump administration to «tell the public the truth» than the reporters who cover the White House.
«The question was really are we telling the public the truth,» Ms. Rosa said in a recent interview.
The next Secretary of Education needs to be tough enough to tell the public the truth about the student loan crisis, which is this: Millions of people have taken out student loans they will never pay back.
The eyeball is a watchdog in the political arena or a myopic lens filtering the public truth while the teacup symbolizes the manufactured civility of our society.
They were then faced with a dilemma: tell the public the truth, with the risk that lay people would lose faith in the CAGW hypothesis; or, to preserve that faith as long as possible, keep this information within the scientific community in hopes the planet would start warming again.
Instead of telling the public the truth, he said, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration officials are insisting that hurricanes are worse because of a natural cycle.
2) True but when the Code of Ethics stops you from telling the public the truth, you probably have a bigger problem.
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