Sentences with phrase «public unease about»

Leading the charge is none other than Prime Stephen Harper who — in gearing up to the elections in October 2015 — has been stoking Islamophobia by pandering to public unease about Muslims.
How can we explain the public unease about biotechnology?
However, with the poll revealing the extent of public unease about the plans, Unite is warning that this lack of support will grow as people give greater consideration to how the profits - first ethos could change the nature of policing in England and Wales.
Mr Cruddas» apparent willingness to sell access to the prime minister will increase the growing public unease about corruption in British politics.

Not exact matches

Mayor de Blasio said the city hit a milestone Wednesday toward eradicating homelessness among military veterans — even as NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton took to the airwaves to identify street dwellers as a source of unease about public safety.
The unease and instability referenced in the final text plate she said is about one's condition or status and «what would that mean kind of in a private sense or a public sense.»
The Bar's current campaign to sell itself direct to the public reflects understandable unease about its future.
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