Sentences with phrase «public watchdog»

This is not how a public agency is supposed to act when legitimate ethical concerns are raised by a respected public watchdog.
I ask Hevesi if his authority as public watchdog has been compromised.
Several scientists, federal union officials and public watchdog groups have expressed concern that these individuals could be targeted for retaliation once Trump takes office.
I have no problem with either industry PR teams or self - proclaimed public watchdogs, Left or Right, tangling in the public square.
Aldous Huxley, in his 1962 essay collection «Brave New World Revisited,» notes that Thomas Jefferson described newspapers as public watchdogs that could save democracy by maintaining an informed citizenry.
However, salary issues have caused contention in recent years between teachers» unions and public watchdog groups.
The open campaign system would make the audit process easier and less expensive for campaigns, public watchdogs and overworked election officials.
That public watchdog probe was supposed to address how the New York City Transit Authority made knowingly false, fake and inflammatory information about myself, when they chose to state in writing to the Department of Labor that I had falsified records, documents and company sign sheets.
But Gabe Elsner, co-director of the public watchdog group Checks and Balances Project, said the legislation and economic reports amount to «a one - two punch against clean energy laws across the country» by fossil - fuel interests.
The Commission said, in effect, that the absolute exemption to disclosure at section 32 (2) of FOIA was the end of the story, while Kennedy argued that Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights imposed a positive obligation of disclosure on public authorities, particularly when the requester was a «public watchdog» like the press, and that s32 (2) should be read down accordingly to require disclosure in the circumstances (I paraphrase).
A neighbouring right «may well set back the function of the press as public watchdog», a recent University of Amsterdam study warned, while it «will not foster quality journalism», a legal analysis from Frankfurt's Goethe University concluded.
The media has important privileges in the public interest to enable it to perform its role as a public watchdog.
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