Sentences with phrase «published author involves»

The first and simplest way to protect your E-books from piracy as a self - published author involves registering your copyright to prove that you are the original creator of the material in question.

Not exact matches

«These mirror neurons are involved when someone views pornography because what they view, they vicariously experience and learn from,» neuroscientist and author William Struthers wrote in his published study, «The Effects of Porn on the Male Brain.»
What's interesting is that though both these reports by independent and secular organisations (NSPCC and JJC) either state or imply that child sex abuse is part of a problem in society as a whole and not a particular problem for the Catholic Church, in other words that Catholic priests are no more likely than anyone else to be involved in it, Dr Pravin Thevathasan, the author of the third document on this subject published around the same time, «The Catholic Church & the Sex Abuse Crisis», published by the CTS, is not inclined to deploy this fact to get the Church off the hook.
To investigate this, the authors conducted a study involving participants of Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified Re-lease Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE) trial (published in The Lancet in 2007 and the New England Journal of Medicine in 2008), with its cohort described by the authors as being generally representative of people with diabetes in developed countries such as Australia, New Zealand, China and nations of Europe, and also including China, a developing country.
«These medicines have been very effective at reducing the rate of transmission of HIV from mother to child,» added Dr. Lipshultz, the lead author of the study, «but the findings we've just published show clearly that further investigation of their long - term impact on the heart health of the children involved is needed.
'' [Type 1 diabetes] is clearly is one of these complex genetic disorders,» involving mutations in several genes acting in concert to predispose someone to the condition, says Hakon Hakonarson, director of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's Center for Applied Genomics and lead author of the new study, published this week in the online edition of Nature.
The first author, Mariko Tomita and last author, Naoki Mori, take full responsibility for the duplication and misrepresentation of the figures in this paper, state that none of the co-authors were involved in or aware of these events, and apologizes to the readers, reviewers and editors of Retrovirology for publishing these duplicated images.
For example, in one review published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition, the authors came to the conclusion that people who perform strength training need to consume 0.8 - 0.9 g / lb (1.6 - 1.7 g / kg) of protein, while those who're involved in endurance training need around 0.6 - 0.8 g / lb (1.2 - 1.6 g / kg) of protein per day.
They are professionally involved in these matters; they are researchers, clinicians, doctors, professors, influential bloggers, published authors etc..
Indie Publishing Group was formed with the intention of helping independent authors find a home where they can be involved with the publishing of their own eBook or paperPublishing Group was formed with the intention of helping independent authors find a home where they can be involved with the publishing of their own eBook or paperpublishing of their own eBook or paperback book.
Jane shared about how she got involved in the publishing world, and how she began helping authors.
She reminded us that there are actually seven processes involved in publishing, processes every indie author has to be prepared to handle personally or engage professionals for assistance:
All of her experience in the publishing industry has led Ms. Ferguson to a deep understanding of how to make the author / agent connection a win - win deal for everyone involved.
If an author is involved in the writing community at a grassroots level with conferences, workshops and has published in esteemed literary magazines, that can help.
And I believe this is what everyone loves about author publishing: all the actors involved, especially the authors, are positive, energetic people.
Cindy was really asking me whether or not I believe using a news clipping service was a good investment for most authors and publishers who were involved in the world of independent book publishing.
Written by a publishing consultant and author, with plenty of advice from other industry professionals, this book offers an objective analysis of the processes and companies involved in self - publishing.
#Book Title Tweet is the first book for authors, entrepreneurs, and subject area experts that describes the key issues, and specific steps, involved in creating compelling titles for nonfiction publishing success.
Find out who other writer friends are using, or get involved in self - publishing forums or groups — such as KBoards, or the Alliance of Independent Authors.
-LSB-...] what everyone loves about author publishing: all the actors involved, especially the authors, are positive, energetic people.
While the overwhelming majority of traditionally published authors are still responsible for much of the legwork involved in reaching... [Read more...]
One of the recent controversies in publishing involves the creation of an app called Clean Reader that has authors of every level crying censorship.
If you're a self - published author, you have an opportunity to get involved today.
While indie publishing might be equally unsuccessful for a lot of authors, at least it doesn't involve a large monetary commitment up front, the way vanity publishing does.
Part of her job involves finding new authors to publish, but she's recently noticed an increase in writers self - publishing.
With vanity publishing the author pays an inflated price of ALL the costs, involved with producing and marketing of their books, just like a self - publisher or traditional publisher.
Heather Hart shared with us a little bit of her background and how she got involved with self - publishing, marketing her own books, as well as helping other authors when it comes to marketing their own books.
Ron was involved with his first self publishing project in the early 1970's and has helped thousands of authors like you since then.
In turn, as authors gain knowledge and awareness of the steps involved (including professional editing, of course), the quality of self - published books improves, lending further credibility to self - publishing in general.
The Florida Authors and Publishers Association is an organization for authors, publishers, independent publishers, illustrators, editors, printers, and other professionals involved in the publishing inAuthors and Publishers Association is an organization for authors, publishers, independent publishers, illustrators, editors, printers, and other professionals involved in the publishing inauthors, publishers, independent publishers, illustrators, editors, printers, and other professionals involved in the publishing industry.
Your book — the way you want it Some authors decide to self - publish so they can be involved in the entire creative process and have their book turn out exactly as they choose. — For book authors, self - publishers, publishers, publicists, ebook authors, and others involved in writing, publishing, and marketing ebooks and books.
Next, you have the issue as has been described which involves the publishing industry holding on to their intellectual property rights, which by the way they have every right to do since not only do they want to make a profit but they have bills to pay such as the payments to the authors they publish.
While there are clear steps, benefits, and drawbacks to the distinctly separate models of self - publishing and traditional publishing, hybrid publishing allows authors and publishers to take what they want from each model in order to create a tailored, innovative approach to publishing, which offers mutual benefits to all parties involved.
Author Dean Takahashi said users can submit their work to Smashwords through a simple process that involves uploading a Microsoft Word file, setting the price and deciding where the book is to be published...
That competition won't be coming from other publishers but from your own authors, self - published authors, web and app developers, tech companies, and specialists looking to capitalise on their expertise without involving a middleman.
So you chose to involve an independent editor as well, even as a traditionally published author.
And this is what the author (either traditional or self - publishing) MUST be in relation to his or her book: the Responsible Partner among all involved.
He and the other parties involved in creating Author Earnings stood a very real chance of violating those terms, and as Howey himself stated, he worried about pressing publish on the website and finding all of his books removed from Amazon the very next day.
For a traditionally published author to give away numerous copies of his book — and as of Day Two of the Tour, over 700 comments have been posted to the various blogs involved, meaning 700 copies to readers and an additional number to soldiers — would be impossible on this scale.
Any publisher — whether he's from a major publishing house or a room - over-the-garage author who publishes his own writing — can tell you that the most significant expenses involved in creating a book are not in which format to use.
When self - publishing first began to take off as a viable option for authors (at least in terms of publishing and book sales, if not exactly for acceptance and respect), a typical scenario involved «resorting» to self - publishing after disappointment from the traditional industry.
Long - time self - publishing giant Author Solutions operates on a model that involves a purchased package as well as a portion of the royalties, and the author has a hand in what level of involvement he opts for in those pacAuthor Solutions operates on a model that involves a purchased package as well as a portion of the royalties, and the author has a hand in what level of involvement he opts for in those pacauthor has a hand in what level of involvement he opts for in those packages.
Massive change is being sparked in the publishing industry, thanks to the enterprising — and exhausting — work of authors who've taken it upon themselves to share sales information with the intention of helping authors make informed decisions where publishing opportunities are involved.
While the overwhelming majority of traditionally published authors are still responsible for much of the legwork involved in reaching out to readers and generating book sales, all of that effort falls squarely on the author's shoulders if he decided to self - publish.
As with self - publishing, the author does everything involved in publishing a book, either personally or by hiring others to do some or all of the tasks.
The people who know me well as an indie - published author and who are also involved in the self - publishing industry, will say, «but why would you do this?»
Amanda Hocking has helped pave the way for authors to follow in her footsteps without the traditional «gatekeepers» of publishing being involved.
So even though I'm involved in several book editing companies, I would never advise all self - publishing authors to dish out money for editing.
Self - Publishing The author does everything involved in publishing a book, either personally or by hiring others to do some or all of the tasks (editing, proofreading, indexing, typesetting, cover design, printing, distribution, marketing, and pPublishing The author does everything involved in publishing a book, either personally or by hiring others to do some or all of the tasks (editing, proofreading, indexing, typesetting, cover design, printing, distribution, marketing, and ppublishing a book, either personally or by hiring others to do some or all of the tasks (editing, proofreading, indexing, typesetting, cover design, printing, distribution, marketing, and promotion).
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