Sentences with phrase «published guidelines»

"Published guidelines" refers to a set of rules or instructions that have been made available to the public through books, websites, or other sources. These guidelines provide specific information or advice about how to do something correctly or how to follow a certain policy or procedure. Full definition
The last time the group published guidelines on the issue was 2008.
The purpose of publishing the guidelines was to help investors more readily grasp and «navigate» the review process.
The first set of guidelines were produced by an early childhood task force that began meeting in 2003 and published the guidelines in 2005.
Keep in mind though that you do need to adhere to traditional publishing guidelines when writing for children no matter what genre you're dealing with, even if you're self - publishing.
This professional organization for infertility specialists publishes guidelines and hosts meetings about the medical management of infertility.
All fifty states currently have published guidelines indicating the specific assessment accommodations that are permitted.
The most important publishing guideline is to put out a professional product.
It will show you all the steps you need to implement to get readers, what type of book marketing for authors works, kindle publishing guidelines and best practices.
The former legal publishing guidelines were not designed to prevent or reverse escalating increases in the prices of legal subscriptions.
However, when i was reading the Kindle publishing guidelines for Indesign plug - in, it says that images should be 500 to 600 pixels wide.
Kindle Publishing Guidelines calls for the internal cover image to be 300 dpi RGB Up to 127KB.
The IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] recently published guidelines on how to conduct greenhouse gas inventories in wetlands, so countries with a huge amount of wetlands are now looking to define where those areas are and how to report them.
This page is maintained according to Guilderland Central School District web publishing guidelines by Kim Harmon on behalf of the Guilderland Central School District.
This page is maintained according to Guilderland Central School District web publishing guidelines on behalf of the Guilderland Central School District.
In 2013, an expert panel made up of members of the College of American Pathologists, the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, and the Association for Molecular Pathology published guidelines describing the genetic tests that should be performed to evaluate a patient's lung cancer.
The new Publishing Guidelines also describe (in a new Chapter 12) a version of the KF8 Fixed - layout format without popups.
After the AAP first published guidelines on safe infant sleep habits in 1992, the SIDS rate dropped over 50 percent from 1.2 deaths per 1,000 live births that year to 0.57 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2001, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Apparently concerned that their bid for public awareness could prove a little too successful, Education Department officials published guidelines in the Dec. 16 Federal Register for the use of the America 2000 insignia.
She points out that while the National Institute for Corrections has published guidelines outlining suggested procedures, many prison officials are not aware that they exist.
The American Academy of Pediatrics published guidelines in November 2005 recommending pacifier use for all babies over 3 months of age to help reduce the incidence of SIDS.
It aims to promote prudent antimicrobial use among companion animal practitioners by contributing a baseline of antimicrobial usage data to the discussion on how to achieve better concordance with published guidelines.
The American Heartworm Society publishes guidelines for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of heartworm.
The US EPA publishes guidelines about the specific steps that you should take to clean up mercury in the event that a CFL breaks in your home.
That's why the Department of Health and Human Services publishes guidelines every five years to help you make healthy food choices.
The Attorney - General's Department publishes guidelines for funding and administering the scheme.
Rule 3 - 68 should be amended to remove reference to the «chief place of practice» requirement with respect to electronic records, and instead should require that electronic records be made available at the time of request in a format acceptable to the Law Society (the Law Society should publish guidelines as to what the Trust Regulation Department requires as an acceptable format);
The CCOHS publishes guidelines on workplace bullying, and Chappel says the most common signs of a bullied workforce are an office riven with gossip, innuendoes and backbiting, and high levels of absenteeism and turnover.
«Automakers have been working to mitigate distraction in vehicles since we developed the first set of distraction guidelines in 2003 — years before this issue entered the broader public debate and a full decade before NHTSA published its guidelines for vehicles,» said the Alliance of Automotive Makers, an automotive trade group made up of 12 car and light truck manufacturers including BMW, Chrysler, Ford, GM and Toyota.
In October 2009, the FTC published guidelines for paid reviews and endorsements that required reviewers and endorsers, including bloggers, to disclose the payments.
But each year the Pau school lunch chefs and menu development staff publish a guideline to the parents and teaching staff to support the tasting week's menu.
The AAP Section on Breastfeeding published guidelines to help pediatricians make changes within their practice to improve their support for breastfeeding.
The demands come as the DfES published guidelines concerning new legal powers available to teachers.
They were pointed to in June last year, when the director of public prosecutions published guidelines for how prosecutors should approach what is said on social media.
Mr Starmer had been forced to publish the guidelines after the law lords called on him to clarify the factors for and against prosecution in a judgement on the Debbie Purdy case.
The authors note that the existing, previously published guidelines still recommend Pap smears alone, or co-testing with a Pap smear and an HPV test, for cervical cancer screening.
«International experts publish guidelines for cardiac rehab in developing countries.»
While the Dickey Amendment prohibits NIH funds from being used to derive stems cells from human embryos (hence destroying them), the newly published guidelines do permit the use of federal tax dollars for research on stem cell lines already derived from human embryos, provided that (within the restrictions outlined in the guidelines) the embryos have already been destroyed.
This week, the Journal of the American College of Cardiology published its Guidelines on Lifestyle Management to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk.
The partners behind the project, which attracted the six - figure cash sum from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) Catalyst Fund, will then publish guidelines and solutions that could help tackle these pressing issues.
Except as set forth in this Privacy Policy, our Terms of Use Agreement («Terms of Use»), and other published guidelines, we do not release personal information about our users without obtaining their written permission.
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