Sentences with phrase «publisher and agents»

So you need to build your database up to a sizeable number of publisher and agent contacts, and you need to email each contact several times with each new manuscript you have.
No matter what traditional publishers and agents say, this is the key.
Most publishers and agents want freelance writers who have creative, expressive, captivating writing styles so readers subscribe to their publications, visit their websites or read their journals.
Its role is to bridge the gap between its client base of North American publishers and authors to foreign publishers and agents with similar genre interests on a worldwide basis.
Most audio book publishers are not open to self - published works as they prefer to receive submissions from publishers and agents where audio rights were retained.
This book provides information on publishers and agents in the children's writing arena.
You are not selling publishers and agents on your book.
Isn't that what publishers and agents are pushing authors to do?
I saw writers out there struggling to find freelance work and getting rejected over and over again by publishers and agents who saw no potential in their books.
While it's true that publishers and agents do perform many invaluable tasks, the truth is they don't do anything that an author couldn't do themselves.
I know legacy publishers and agents are scared about where the industry is going.
It is emailed to our complete list of thousands of foreign publishers and agents worldwide.
I met with several publishers and agents about my next two books.
Research publishers and agents, and consider which ones might be right for you and the kind of book you're writing.
I know of a number of other publishers and agents that have.
This is the future of publishing, no matter how much publishers and agents want to make people think otherwise.
Our site receives thousands of hits from foreign publishers and agents searching for unique titles.
She handles all data base management which is crucial to our follow up work with foreign publishers and agents so that we can report accurately to our client authors and publishers.
Maybe it was just that responses from publishers and agents came back so quickly.
A few months ago I had to make a choice between a small publisher and an agent for my debut novel.
The stronger your proposal's contents and presentation, the more willing publishers and agents will be to invest in your initial efforts.
At the time, it was with a couple of publishers and an agent.
Your objective statement should make publishers and agents want to read more.
Frankly, I don't have the patience or attention span for a book (at least for now) and dealing with publishers and agents.
Books fairs are mostly for publishers and agents, not so much readers... and even if they are readers, they aren't your target readers.
Focused exclusively on your book only, to foreign publishers and agents, informing them of your book and encouraging them to take a look and consider acquiring rights for it.
Publishers and agents got sick of urban fantasy, so they said the genre was «played out.»
It became easier to submit to publishers and agents as more and more began accepting electronic submissions but, at the same time, it seemed to become even more difficult to get a foot through the door.
What I got were publishers and agents telling me my writing was good — but didn't fit their list, or they didn't think they could sell it, or some other such thing.
The Combined Book Exhibit has been a marketing resource for publishers and agents at U.S. and International book fairs for almost 85 years.
It seemed like a perfect fit for «A Darker Moon», that and the fact that Vagabondage Press didn't shy away from complex cross-genre story telling in the way that the main publishers and agents seem to do.
Deciding to publish a book yourself can not only be cheaper (contacting publishers and agents takes time, and then they take a cut of your earnings too), but can also save time and stress and give you complete control over the finished product.
When I started out trying to get publishers and agents interested in my writing the odds were miniscule, virtually impossible.
In fact, most publishers and agents close down for the summer (July and August)-- they don't accept queries.
For goodness sake — many publishers and agents STILL won't accept emailed or uploaded submissions, opting for snail mail, and even one literary journal, that will go unnamed, wants 3X5 note cards with your name and title to go along with your printed manuscript.
Jody Rein, literary agent, publishing consultant and co-author of Writer Digest's How to Write a Book Proposal: Fifth Edition, knows how publishers and agents really make decisions about whether and how to publish your book, and which factors writers in - the - know use to decide whether to self - publish or try a traditional house.
We invite you to tour our web site to learn more about us and our services to the North American publishers and authors whose books we represent and the international publishers and agents interested in foreign rights.
But from speaking with the professionals in the UK at a recent conference, editors, publishers and agents alike seemed pretty positive about this.
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