Sentences with phrase «publishing company name»

At the end of the day, if you don't purchase your own ISBN under your own publishing company name, then you are not the publisher.
For example, I started my own company, Dead River Books, so that I can publish all of my own works under the same publishing company name.
I have a new book coming out this winter: (published by <b><a class="lz-ctx-inline-link" title="Sentences with < PUBLISHING COMPANY NAME" href="/sentences-with/%3C+publishing+company+name">< publishing company name</a></b> >). <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2317483" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> Several years ago, when Law <b><a class="lz-ctx-inline-link" title="Sentences with BULLETIN PUBLISHING COMPANY NAMED" href="/sentences-with/Bulletin+Publishing+Company+named">Bulletin Publishing Company named</a></b> Gene Murphy to its annual «40 Under 40» list of 40 outstanding young Illinois lawyers, they quoted from one nomination that said: «His skills as both a civil and criminal trial lawyer are extraordinary, and are those of a litigator well beyond his age.» <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/3450436" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> You need to publish under your <b><a class="lz-ctx-inline-link" title="Sentences with OWN PUBLISHING COMPANY NAME" href="/sentences-with/own+publishing+company+name">own publishing company name</a></b> (called an imprint). <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2395548" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> Or you can do what I tried to do, which is set up my corporation (or <b>my publishing company name</b>) under the Amazon Advantage program at this LINK. <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2302149" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> And, it's recommended that your own them outright in <b>your publishing company name</b>. <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2311752" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> The main reason for taking this step at all — to have <b>a publishing company name</b> even if that «company» goes no further than you and your own email inbox or phone number — is to provide a consistent and professional point of contact for orders, returns, and other business communication that surrounds the sales and distribution of your titles. <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2321073" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> Remember, though, that as long as you're focused on building your own author brand and body of work, the author name you publish under should take precedence over <b>the publishing company name</b>. <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2321073" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> Pick <b>a publishing company name</b>, get a logo designed and trust me when I say, it's simple from there (unless you prefer it to be complicated in which case I can tell you how to make a mess of it too!). <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2321294" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> It's possible to use <b>a publishing company name</b> as a DBA («doing business as») without creating a formal business entity (such as an S corporation or an LLC). <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2321073" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> CreateSpace even allows self - publishers to use their own ISBNs and <b>publishing company names</b>. <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2350262" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> Be creative enough with <b>your publishing company name</b> that it's not obvious that you're the publisher. <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2384333" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> <b>A publishing company name</b> coming across as professional and not screaming «self - published» really only matters if someone is interested in getting reviews from sources that normally don't review self - published books. <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2400207" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> These are the same comments and arguments we have seen from the heads of <b>the publishing companies named</b> in the suit. <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2395262" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> In the email, provide <b>your publishing company name</b> and your publisher ISBN prefix. <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2420658" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> When you try to register, you'll be asked for <b>your publishing company name</b>. <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2420658" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lz-ctx-item"> It was also barred from signing agreement with <b>the publishing companies named</b> in the case for the next two to four years. <div class="lz-ctx-item-source"> <a href="/sources/2452295" class="ctx-title"> <img src="/images/lz/ctx/lz-ctx-item-source-icon.png"> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container-fluid index-band" id="bottom-bar"> <div> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/a'>a</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/b'>b</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/c'>c</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/d'>d</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/e'>e</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/f'>f</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/g'>g</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/h'>h</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/i'>i</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/j'>j</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/k'>k</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/l'>l</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/m'>m</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/n'>n</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/o'>o</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/p'>p</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/q'>q</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/r'>r</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/s'>s</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/t'>t</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/u'>u</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/v'>v</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/w'>w</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/x'>x</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/y'>y</a> <a class='index-item' href='/words-and-phrases-starting-with/z'>z</a> </div> </div> <footer class="footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="row lz-footer-row"> <div class="offset-lg-1 col-6 col-lg-4 v2-margins"> <p><a href="">Follow us at Facebook</a></p> <p><a href="">Follow us on Twitter</a></p> <p><a href="/feedback">Leave a feedback</a></p> </div> <div class="offset-lg-1 col-6 col-lg-4 v2-margins"> <h3 style="line-height: 1.4em; margin-top: 32px;"><a href="/" class="h3-link"></a> — English language discovery tool <sup class="nav-beta">BETA</sup></h3> <p class="about"> Search phrases with a word or a set of words, find usages in context, see related terms and expressions, topic distribution and much more. </p> <p class="about" style="margin-top: 32px;"> <b style="font-size: 16pt;">Disclaimer</b><br/> website aggregates word and phrase usages for educational and informational purposes only in accordance with fair use principle. 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