Sentences with phrase «publishing known quantity»

But if a writer does gain the interest and sympathy of a publishing known quantity, there is no way to «quantify» the meaning and value of a single phone call made by such a person.

Not exact matches

Their provisional (and constantly updated) ranking of nearly 35,000 researchers relies on queries made through Google Scholar to normalize the popular metric known as the h - index (a scientist with an h - index of 20 has published at least 20 papers with at least 20 citations each, so the measure takes into account quantity and popularity of research).
A Lover's Discourse was published in 1977, three years before Barthes's death and eleven years before Denis made her first feature, and he was certainly a known quantity among the Parisian cinephile generation of the 1970s, when Denis was coming of age — for example, before starring in Jean Eustache's The Mother and the Whore (1973), Françoise Lebrun was a contributor to his journal Communications, and several critics, including Alain Philippon, have speculated as to Barthes's influence on the lovers» dialogues in Eustache's movie.
You can see why this self - dare would appeal to him: before Hopscotch, the novel for which he was best known was a little thing called Death Wish, published in 1972 and made into a film in 1975, both of which feature altogether ample quantities of shooting.
I do sell paperbacks, but not in the quantities that you'd expect from, you know, one of the traditionally published authors.
140 titles is impressive if quantity matters to you, but no where near the output of the doyenne of the romance novel, Barbara Cartland (who published her first novel at 22 and died aged 98).
POD: As a self - published author, you no longer have to order large quantities of your book and store them in a corner of your living room.
Focusing mainly on quantity, no writer, no matter how prolific, can possibly crank out books fast enough to keep up with the thousands of new titles being published each week.
Orders are placed before the titles are published, allowing publishers to print quantities to known orders, not estimates.
Krypton and xenon are released into the atmosphere in known quantities as the ocean warms, according to the study, which was published Thursday in Nature Journal
As you all know, CanLII has grown in the past 15 years into a robust legal search engine with comprehensive coverage of current Canadian case law and legislation, in addition to hosting a significant and ever growing quantity of «historical» materials (i.e. cases published prior to CanLII's founding).
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