Sentences with phrase «publishing role»

Magique Productions is a small independent company with experience in publishing role - playing games and producing independent films / TV shows.
The takeover of traditional publishing roles by Facebook, Snapchat, Google, and Twitter raises «serious questions» about the future of journalism, it says:
She has been shortlisted for Literary Agent of the Year three times, and previously held a variety of senior publishing roles including publicity director at Penguin Books UK, senior editor at Hodder & Stoughton and editorial director at Duckworth.
As bitcoin core developer Peter Todd published his role in helping create the Zcash cryptocurrency doubt is cast on the system's «trustless setup.»
Now that I'm back in a publishing role I plan to take my own advice and make sure that we're getting the most out of our ebook samples.
Nintendo announced yesterday that they will publish the role - playing game Yo - Kai Watch, which has been something of a cultural phenomenon in Japan.
He suggests that as mature as Blogging is, it's just beginning to take on it's publishing role.
A degree in linguistics is useful for teaching abroad, publishing roles and roles in government administration.
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