Sentences with phrase «pull over portion»

Tips & Safety: The farther your hands are apart, the easier the drill will be, especially during the pull over portion of the exercise.

Not exact matches

J Vernon Magee tells a beautiful story about a Man who hands his son over to a another Man who impales his son, turns his insides out, and pulls large portions out of his gut.
The hands on portion takes 20 - 30 minutes, but then the stew simmers away in the oven for over two hours pulling double duty by heating up the house and making a delicious dinner the whole family will enjoy.
Often times I buy a rotisserie chicken to use in this dish, but since I tend to use shredded chicken in a lot of my recipes, I think I am going to start buying my chicken in larger packages and using this handy little time saving trick I saw over at The Pinning Mama for shredding my chicken, and then freeze dinner size portions to pull out as I need it.
With the other hand, pull the left portion of the swaddle blanket over the arm and body of the baby.
Pull the bottom portion of the swaddle blanket up and over the shoulder.
Tuck the sheet into the foot portion of the mattress so that it can't be accidentally pulled up and over their face!
Whether we're driving in a car, sitting at a computer or hunched over our smart - phones, most of us spend a good portion of the day with our backs completely relaxed and our arms and shoulders pulled forward in front of us.
To clear the bar, the head / upper torso must pass behind the bar during the pull - up portion, and then lean forward over the bar during the dip portion.
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