Sentences with phrase «pulled by its gravity»

In terms of visibility, your goal is to be in a kind of celestial sweet spot where you are orbiting not too far away from the big planets or the smaller ones (so you can keep an eye on both), but not so close that you get pulled by gravity into them (and crash).
I stare into the pool to see a small current still visible, pulled by gravity toward the lake almost a mile away.

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Proponents of the space elevator concept point out that the same physics would apply: The pull of gravity on an elevator cable would be offset by Earth's centrifugal force holding it up.
But people who have become proficient skiers will tell you that with practice, skiers gain control by leaning forward into the tips of their skis, actually releasing to the pull gravity.
You forget that gravity abides by a 1 / r ^ 2 relationship, meaning things very far away have very very little gravitational pull.
Pulling on the cord was first recommended by Mauriceau in 1673, who feared that the uterus might close before the placenta was spontaneously delivered.21 In fact, the recumbent (lying) postures, increasingly adopted under doctor's care meant that spontaneous delivery of the placenta was less likely: the upright postures that women and midwives have traditionally used encourage the placenta to fall out with the help of gravity.
This kind of feature is also used with the Cozy Bump in order to cradle the growing belly in a tilted manner, thus reducing pressure and tension on the spine and the posterior and uterine area that is often caused by the downward pull of gravity.
According to Newton, gravity was a force that could reach across empty space, pulling objects together by invisible threads.
Ongoing work includes reworking the calculations of the physics by factoring in smaller influences on a Mars - bound spacecraft than the pull of gravity from Mars itself, such as Jupiter's gravitational pull.
The name refers to the way microscopic particles ebb and flow within a cloud, pulled around by gravity.
And by testing the effect of gravity on BECs of two different types of atoms, an atom interferometer could test the principle that all objects, no matter their weight or composition, accelerate at the exact same rate under gravity's pull — as Galileo Galilei supposedly demonstrated by dropping balls of different materials off the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy.
One hint of trouble came to light in the 1970s, when astronomers realized the outer portions of a significant number of galaxies were rotating inexplicably fast, seemingly pulled by more gravity than general relativity could explain.
The Tadpole galaxy (top left) sports a long tail of stars and gas pulled out by the gravity of a galactic interloper, visible as a small blue clump in the upper part of the Tadpole's disk.
To achieve this, Einstein realised that the gravity pulling together all the matter in the universe had to be countered by a weird cosmic repulsion of empty space.
The intense geological activity is the result of heat produced by a gravitational tug - of - war between Jupiter's massive gravity and other smaller but precisely timed pulls from Europa, a neighboring moon to Io that orbits further from Jupiter.
«When rain droplets fall, their speed is governed by a balance between gravity pulling them down and drag holding them back.
The X-ray data also indicates that radiation from material surrounding this black hole has consistently surpassed the so - called Eddington limit, defined by a balance between the outward pressure of radiation from the hot gas and the inward pull of the gravity of the black hole.
[1] All objects that orbit the Sun, which are too small (not massive enough) for their own gravity to pull them into a nearly spherical shape are now defined by the IAU as being small solar system bodies.
The fact that Jupiter's gravitational field pulled apart Comet Shoemaker - Levy 9 in 1993 supported the theory that comets are an assemblage of debris weakly held together by gravity.
Arriving at their destination in a headlong rush, they must pivot, then blast their retro - rockets in a desperate effort to slow down enough so that they will be lassoed by the gravity of the target planet or moon and pulled into orbit.
In other words, the force of gravity that pulls the object in one direction is counteracted by an equally large force in the opposite direction.
Gravity tends to pull stars and planets into tidy spheres, but these shapes can be altered by random motions and interactions.
Balls fall down because «down» is defined by the direction of gravity, which exerts a downward pull on objects.
For nearly a century cosmologists have been studying the aftermath of this explosion: how the universe expanded and cooled down, and how galaxies were gradually pulled together by gravity.
Globular clusters are spherical clumps of hundreds of thousands of old, low - mass stars, held together by the mutual pull of their gravity.
Black holes whip out superheated gas from their accretion disks — pulled together from material in surrounding space by their massive gravity — at such temperatures that the resulting light can outshine entire galaxies.
By measuring the relationships between electric current, voltage and the pull of gravity, scientists can determine a number of fundamental values, including Planck's constant.
By precisely measuring the orbital movements of MESSENGER using the subtle Doppler frequency shifts of its radio signal, geodesist David Smith of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge and 16 colleagues measured how the pull of gravity varies across Mercury, as the team reports online today in Science.
Over time, Mars» gravitational pull would have pulled that moon toward the planet until it reached the Roche limit, the distance within which the planet's tidal forces will break apart a celestial body that is held together only by gravity.
And a near miss between Earth and Mars could cause much of the Martian crust to be ripped off by Earth's gravity, pulling thousands of meteors onto our planet.
That difference can be accounted for by the nonlinear nature of the waves, which are not sinusoidal — but instead have rounded troughs, along with sharp peaks that result from the water being pushed upward against the pull of gravity.
This difference was probably created by Earth's gravity, which could have pulled the heavier mantle underneath the crust toward Earth.
One can produce an equal and opposite magnetic force to counterbalance the pull of gravity, but gravity itself is interpreted as a curvature of space and time by mass.
That means, the team reports in an upcoming issue of The Astrophysical Journal, that the masers are following magnetic field lines, and therefore magnetic fields are controlling the star's evolution by pulling away material that otherwise would have been captured by the star's gravity.
Decades later workers realized that the photon - scattering rate could be increased to more than 10 million photons per second, corresponding to a force 100,000 times greater than the pull of gravity by the earth.
As matter is sent whirling into a black hole, tugged ever harder by the hole's irresistible gravity, the material heats up, and along its wild ride it radiates that heat away as light, until it disappears past the black hole's «event horizon» — the border beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape the hole's violent gravitational pull.
Comets or asteroids shifted by the planets» gravity could wander into this area, only to find themselves permanently entrapped by the sun's intense pull.
In a brief encounter at high speed, the second galaxy's gravity could have pulled away loosely bound gas without disturbing its stars, which are more tightly bound to the galaxy by gravity.
The strength of the pull exerted by a given object declines in proportion to the square of the distance from it, Newton told us, while Einstein explained gravity as the result of massive objects curving space - time.
Simulations predict that galaxies, pulled together by gravity, should buzz around at closer to 500 kilometers per second.
Theorists argue that small galaxies should form first, and then merge into ever larger objects, driven by the relentless pull of gravity.
While I no longer feel pressure pushing me into the back of my chair, I can sense Earth's dependable gravity pulling me down into my seat — a sensation that, on Earth, can be canceled only by a long drop.
Revealed in great detail in images taken in March 2017, this belt is cratered, with signs of a small landslide pulled downhill by the moon's gravity.
«Just like the Earth's oceans have tides, because they are pulled by the Moon's gravity, Europa should have a tide, because it's pulled by Jupiter's gravity,» explains Dr. Robert Pappalardo, a senior research scientist working at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
The highly elliptical orbit, however, suggested that the gravity of an unseen object farther away from the star was pulling the planet outward, which was later detected by direct imaging as a methane brown dwarf — more below.
For example, it is assumed that by the gravity between the planets and gas of the disk, the planets will be pulled to the central star and finally absorbed into it.
The observation suggests that Pluto isn't big enough and heavy enough to have the gravity to «clear its orbit,» removing nearby objects by either slinging them farther out into space or pulling them toward its surface.
Hubble Space Telescope observations indicate that the two galaxies, pulled together by their mutual gravity, will crash together about 4 billion years from now.
These massive worlds would exert a herculean tidal force on any small objects in their vicinity, and many would be ripped to shreds — like Comet Shoemaker - Levy 9 that was pulled apart by Jupiter's gravity and then spectacularly impacted the planet in 1994.
The main theory centers on a large group of comets that have been pulled in by the star's gravity.
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