Sentences with phrase «pump it up through»

They work with Bluetooth to create crisp, clear, and bass - heavy sound to keep you pumped up through your workouts!
The other, which has gained popularity in recent years, is that deep - sea vents at the bottom of the ocean acted as a cradle for life, offering both heat and nutrition via fluids pumped up through Earth's crust.
I would rather have the same amount of money made honestly through production (like Buffet), than have something pumped up through a fear, uncertainty, and doubt campaign.
The water is pumped up through the cobbles and falls back down into the reservoir below.

Not exact matches

Before the SBA funding came through to pump up small - business involvement, the cluster was serving as an innovation accelerator with the federal government.
In teasing the new duo of basic but useful YouTube copycat features — expected to debut after today — Facebook crowed that its video views have grown more than 50 percent from May through July, pumped up in part due to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge soaking everyone's news feeds, according to TechCrunch.
Morneau earmarked $ 15 billion in up - front capital — a thin slice of the $ 180 billion the federal government is pumping into infrastructure overall, mainly the old publicly financed way, through shared - funding deals with provinces and municipalities.
That amped up foreign sales considerably, as Yamaha pumped the apparel through its extensive dealership network around the world and soon formed an exclusive relationship with Reimer.
Next up was a system that streamlines the notoriously inefficient process of pumping and storing breastmilk, which new moms have muddled through for years.
Adding these workouts to my regular Pure Barre schedule pumps me up and keeps me motivated through the holiday season!»
Rather, they're interested in pumping up enough hype and valuation to find a quick exit through an acquisition at an eye - popping premium.
While tumbleweeds can be seen blowing through the aisles in the U.S., Alibaba has begun pumping up China's malls with a dose of New Retail.
Such schemes typically entail a group of investors quietly buying up a small, thinly traded stock, and then pumping prices higher via heavy promotion through emails.
Public companies try to demonstrate results through revenue allocation games, robbing from non-strategic SKUs to pump up strategic ones (e.g., «cloudwashing» as the megavendors are now often accused).
It also agreed to pump new money into the economy through the purchase of government bonds and will buy up corporate bonds to make it easier for companies to borrow.
They did not need the heart - pumping stomp of relentless praise that echoed through the neighbourhood and filled up our two - story house church.
And it has been my experience that the greater the leap the richer the rewards: o) THANK YOU for inspiring my kitchen, guiding me creatively through my new vegetarian diet, supporting my health and pumping up my zest for life.
She'll go over, under, through any obstacle and come up pumping her fist.
I had just knocked it onin two on the previous par - 5 and was pretty pumped up, and I felt so goodlooking at the shot that I rushed it without thinking it through
After getting a pass from Betz, McDavid pushes the puck up through the neutral zone, one hand on his stick, both legs pumping.
As we pump air through the water the pressure inside the bottle builds up until the force of the air pushing on the water is enough to push the cork out of the end of the bottle.
Today's bounce houses have gone to the extreme and places such as Jump!Zone, Monkey Joe's, PartyTime and Pump It Up are giving kids of all ages the opportunity to bounce through rooms filled with themed - inflatables that jump the birthday party celebration to an entirely new level.
But even those benefits don't seem worth it when your breasts are engorged, when your baby is sleeping through the night yet you still have to get up at 3 a.m. to pump, and when you can't enjoy more than a couple of beers on a Saturday night.
I have started using my manual pump since she is sleeping through the night and I wake up in pain, so I typically pump one side while she eats.
Pump it up: According to «The Family Nutrition Book,» by William Sears, sesame seeds are so small they tend to pass through the intestines largely undigested.
If not keep up with her feedings through the night but if not, you may want to consider adding a pumping session before you go to bed and then getting up a little earlier before she wakes to pump again.
When you want to draw milk, simply attach the containers to the breasts through the openings, pull the flaps up to hold the pumps in place, and begin pumping.
My baby sleeps through the night, but I still pump right before bed, in the middle of the night, and first thing when I wake up in the morning.
Once I started to pump, every time my son would nurse at the breast, I would also top him up using my expressed milk, either through the use of a lactation aid or finger feeding, and then bottles when he was a few weeks old.
My son sleeps through the night now but I still get up to pump 1 time like you said and in the day I pump every 2 - 3 hours..
«I can't pump enough for them to get through the day, should I sit up late at night pumping more?
If you are going to nurse your baby, a breast pump is really nice to have for the times that you won't be able to nurse baby or for when baby decides to sleep through the night and you wake up engorged and crying in pain because you have two rock - hard lumps on your chest.
My friend suggested maybe pumping once a day through a year so I won't dry up completely.
As if we had not been through enough, after making the hour trip to get my new rental pump, I got home and read the instructions, set it up, and tried it.
For some moms, if their babies are sleeping through the night, getting up once to pump a bottle is just more ideal time than trying to take an extra break when they're working.
Also, if baby is sleeping longer through the night, you can wake up and pump — or encourage baby to breastfeed.
In most cases, new mothers are covered for a free breast pump through insurance anywhere from as soon as the baby is born up to 1 year after birth (i.e. throughout their breastfeeding journey).
Then the heart pumps it through the organs, filling up the blood with nutrients and oxygen, all necessary for proper regeneration and muscle work.
It is harder for the blood to circulate through the pumped up varicose veins.
I am surprised at how rare it was for my family... our daughter slept through the night the second week home, I had to wake her up to feed her, I would wake up to tears because of engorgement and ended up just pumping since trying to wake her up was just a terror in itself... so when my sisters had moved in with us right before they gave birth it was soo strange that to me that their daughters were up all night (even though I knew it was normal) I only hope that I will be blessed once again with our little man who is to make his appearance in August.
It pumps the blood through organs such as the stomach and the lungs, where the blood fills up with nutrients and oxygen before travelling to the cells.
If you suspect your baby is going through a strike, keep pumping every 2 - 3 hours during the day and at least once per night to keep up your supply and continue to offer your baby your breast every day.
Hands - free pumping bras are designed specifically for pumping, and here's how they work: Unzip in the front, poke the flange through, zip back up, and attach the bottles.
For an amusing read that will leave you crying tears of laughter, pick up Have Baby, Will Date by Andrea Pasion, a story about a single mother and all the funny things we all go through as moms, from maternity clothes to breast pumps, and more!
I'm going through the screening process right now to donate... pumping up a storm over here will share my experience when I donate
I have read several things that say you produce the most milk between 1 - 5 am... but if your baby is sleeping through the night, who wants to wake up in the middle of the night just to pump?!
Ana also got me pumping to build up my supply and we were able to give her some breast milk through a bottle too.
Most new mamas are eligible to be covered for a free breast pump through insurance anywhere from as soon as the baby is born up to 1 year after birth?
If you're listening to this and you are like «I have a great breastfeeding or pumping tip» we certainly want to hear about it, you can email us through our website at, also through Facebook, Twitter, pretty much anyway you can hit us up on social media, let me know and we will share it with our audience.
Around three months, the weebles started sleeping through the night and I only had to get up once in the middle of the night to pump.
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