Sentences with phrase «pumped up as»

Are you as pumped up as we are to see what Google will showcase at the Oct. 4 event?
At least the music adds enough excitement to keep you pumped up as your blasting through enemies, with each tune fitting in perfectly with both the time - bending action and the espionage vibe of the story.
The environments aren't as impressive as they don't carry as much detail nor do they do anything to really get you as pumped up as the character models.
Since the Atlas was held at the plant, the Tiguan complete redesign was not pumped up as much.
The hip, abs, obliques, chest, back, shoulders, and arms are going to be pumped up as you work with the highest intensity you can produce for the time of each set.
Arnold always chased the pump and he always trained to get his muscles as pumped up as possible.
The players did not look no where near as pumped up as they did against city!
Democrats are demanding increases in non-defense spending if military budgets are pumped up as Trump has demanded.
This is why all these stocks that the media pumps up as the end of the world actually end up being useless in a crisis.
It may never become a great rivalry, but we're pumping it up as such right now and the Tour obliged by putting them together for the first two rounds.
Guaranteed to pump you up as you pump iron.

Not exact matches

Before the SBA funding came through to pump up small - business involvement, the cluster was serving as an innovation accelerator with the federal government.
The engine itself may be made up of various parts, such as an oil filter, a fuel pump, a radiator and so on.
Even as a teenager, Ellison had a propensity to pump up the facts.
That amped up foreign sales considerably, as Yamaha pumped the apparel through its extensive dealership network around the world and soon formed an exclusive relationship with Reimer.
But at the same time, we have prices at the pump rising out of control, the burdens of insurance costs (which also keep going up), as well as complicated taxes, and you can see why small business owners continue to proceed with caution on hiring.
Just as McDonald's is out tweaking its marketing message, using Pac - Man and the Smurfs to pump up the appeal of its brand, Chipotle is concerning itself with the integrity of its product.
Insert Coin (s) gives customers an option to go old - school with 60 vintage arcade cabinets, from Street Fighter to Tetris, or play modern video games while lounging in its 50 - foot LED illuminated bar as DJs pump up the music.
As the skaters pick up speed, they rest their arms on their back instead of pumping them.
More than 80 corporate sponsors — such as the St. Paul Cos., Lamperts (a local lumber company), and St. Paul Pioneer Press — not only plaster the fence with signs bearing their names but also pump up group sales.
Shell companies are a great opportunity for scammers, because they can be easily set up as a «pump and dump» stock.
Rivals in the insular media world carp that BuzzFeed is gaming Facebook's algorithm, or buying ads to pump up its content, and both are unsustainable; viral smashes like the dress are mere luck; even traditional brands such as The Washington Post can beat BuzzFeed with their own traffic - oriented gambits.
It can be a tired feeling as your formerly pumped - up selling emotions trickle down the drain.
But if this article was meant to convey an opinion (i.e. «We shouldn't export oil because higher pump prices are an unstoppable evil») then you might as well argue that we shouldn't export ANY goods because that causes the price of those good to go up at home.
Moreover, companies increasingly follow the practice of under - depreciating assets to pump up their operating earnings, writing down their assets instead as «extraordinary losses» which aren't included in that operating earnings number.
Last week's strange diesel exports are more likely an anomaly than a trend: As the U.S. continues to ramp up output of light, sweet, Texas oil, refiners» ability to pump out diesel will be threatened, and the U.S. will soon face a shortfall, Fitch's BMI Research analysts said Wednesday in a note.
As a result, petrol prices at the pumps have contributed significantly to CPI inflation over the year and, to a lesser extent, have probably also contributed to some of the pick - up in underlying inflation measures.
I forgot how much you beefed up your positions within your ROTH account, it's fricken awesome, gets me pumped to see large smackers, such as your TD.
Only a few gas bargains could still be found across South Florida on Monday even as most retailers were pumping up prices.
To top it off, Iran said they will pump as much oil as possible, even after the Saudi's talked up a production freeze.
Gasoline prices up: Americans are expected to spend an average of $ 400 per household more on fuel this year than in 2016, as the rebound in crude prices is reflected in the cost of petrol at the pump.
The drops are not indicative of deliberate supply cuts to prop up prices, sources in the survey said, and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is still pumping close to a record high as major producers focus on defending market share.
While the inflation impact from higher oil prices and commodity prices in general, continue to pump up inflation expectation and push bond yields higher, keep in mind that much of the recent spike in Yields is about as much about supply as it is about inflation.
Public companies try to demonstrate results through revenue allocation games, robbing from non-strategic SKUs to pump up strategic ones (e.g., «cloudwashing» as the megavendors are now often accused).
By not checking your credit report at least once a year, you are setting yourself up for potential fraud, as you constantly hear these days about credit card information being caught at the gas pump or leaving your card out for too long when paying a bar tab.
I care much less about how Israel has profited from all of this chaos as I do about how much the United States has lost and is currently struggling after having spent trillions to pump up Israel.
everything is made up of atoms (don't believe me do some research) its the different variables of heat and light and things like that that cause different reactions to make different things and these things when they interact can create something completely different and you and slowly the process of mitosis or miosis starts to work and form stuff hell i learnt that in high school and it was a catholic one at that a millions of years ago i bet the universe was completely different and had things in it that our minds cant even imagine that have since changed over time from action and reaction to what we have today and in another million years who knows with all the different gases we pump into the air and the weather getting more intense on both ends of the scale life as we know it will be different the human race will have to evolve to survive and will probibly form into a slightly different species hell maybe well evolve into 2 different species like in the movie time machine
It featured not Arnold Schwarzenegger but Jesus Christ as the pumped - up, steroid - loaded body builder.
Instead, it once again went to war pumped up on our own propaganda — especially the conjoined beliefs that the United States was the «indispensable nation,» the «lone superpower,» and the «victor» in the Cold War; and that it was a new Rome the likes of which the world had never seen, possessing as it did — from the heavens to the remotest spot on the planet — «full spectrum dominance.»
This was about as unexpected as the lyrics of Pumped Up Kicks (never trust a song with whistling in it)
You can always pump it up more as you go!
These legumes work great as a side dish when mixed with herbs and spices, but they also pump up the protein and fiber in soups, salads, chilis, tacos and even burgers, says Haas.
Secret Ingredient: aged cheese Because aged cheeses, such as Parmesan, are relatively pungent, you don't need much to pump up the cheesy flavor of a lower - fat variety such as mozzarella.
While I am happy with the ingredients and outcome as is, when I have time, especially when serving this to guests, I like to pump it up a bit by adding 1 cup diced carrots and 8 ounces of sliced mushrooms.
These natural ingredients are superfoods (typically found on the health food, spice and tea aisles) and not only pump up the pigment, but boost nutrition as well!
Pump up the starch: Restaurants use the same batch of water to cook pasta all night, and as the night wears on, that water gets more and more starchy.
Healthy Helper Blog [vegan, raw, gluten - free, healthy, healthy food, healthy snack, healthy recipe, cherry, coffee, chocolate, dessert, treat, Valentine's Day, healthy Valentine's Day, easy to make, paleo, vegetarian, bites, balls, truffles]» width =» 477 ″ height =» 477 ″ > Stores start rolling out the goodies as soon as the lock strikes 12 on January 1st and keep pumping up this «Hallmark Holiday» right up until the big day.
I started with a basic garlicky kale recipe, but pumped it up so it could round out as a main dish.
To be fair to Arsenal I thought we started the game pretty well against a very pumped up Crystal Palace roared on by a vocal home support, as well as being in good recent form and fighting for survival.
When they talk as if they are all pumped up for a game is when they play lackadaisically and end up losing the game.
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