Sentences with phrase «punishing us for something»

Future generations are punished for something done by their ancestors.
Even if there is no serious sin in someone's life, bad things happen to all people, and when these things happen, the tendency of the average human being is to think that God is punishing them for something.
People do not do this today, but many of us still think that when bad things happen, it is because God has neglected us, or is out to punish us for something.
Why should children get punished for something their parents did?
Sometimes I was punished for something that was not my fault.
Why in the world would anybody write something like this... was the writer being punished for something by the editor?
I believe the US is bigger than this and again people should know that the real peace - loving Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11 and should not be punished for something that hurt them just as much if not more.
I do nt see how you think being punished for something you were told not to do is immoral.
People don't do this today, but many of us still think that when bad things happen, it is because God has neglected us, or worse yet, is out to punish us for something.
Unless bell is being punished for something in house, I think the Ws are SHOWCASING Looney.
Is West Virginia being punished for something beyond its control?
See what I'm mean about Sky Sports, they never wanted to talk about the excellent comeback with more or less a second string eleven or how well that Arsenal, the police and the stewards done to control a very difficult situation at the stadium, all they wanted to talk about was the disorder at the ground and how Arsenal may be punished for something completely beyond our control.
All in the name of punishing us for something we did.
If your toddler has a tendency to run into the street, rather than punish him for something his brain is not mature enough to handle (the ability to stop, think, remember what you said and make a conscious decision to turn away), find a solution that meets everyone's needs.
If she is unable to use the potty and does not receive a reward, then she might feel disappointed or punished for something that is beyond her control.
«I knew when they would read about this story, they would feel horrible for Mr. Ashta that he would be punished for something all of us would do in his place,» Mehta said.
«We absolutely feel like we're being punished for something that we really had nothing to do with,» Crosier said.
It's fine if I'm punished for something because I wasn't skillful enough, but cheap obstacles can really ruin the enjoyment level of a challenge based title.
When they're punished for something they didn't do, they see the world as an unpredictable place where consequences have nothing to do with choices.
If you toss the dog into the dog crate, slam the door and leave the poor creature alone for a long period of time it will definitely think that it is being punished for something.
An animal should never be punished for something bad it has done unless it is caught in the act, she said.
Animals don't understand that they're being punished for something they did hours, minutes, or even seconds before.
Again, experts say that your cat is not urinating outside the box to get back at you or punish you for something.
As such, you shouldn't punish him for something that he may not think is a punishable offense.
It is a shame that so many allow fear and ignorance to rule them, hence the existence of Breed Specific Legislation, but someday it will become apparent to the public and those who make the laws that BSL does NOT keep the public safe but only brings pain to those being unfairly punished for something that has yet to occur.
However, one frustrating thing is that you'll often get missions that need themes or locations you simply don't have and since getting them through the reward system is based on luck it feels like you're being punished for something outside of your control.
When Sony is punishing you for something you purchased a decade ago, they got their system wrong.
We will do our best to make sure you are not unfairly punished for something beyond your control.
So if you see «Installer Enabled» on a SourceForge download, it means you are about to be punished for something.
You suspect he doesn't attend to the leaky faucet as a power play, a way to punish you for something.
My friend had a kid who couldn't attend because they were being punished for something or other.

Not exact matches

Not all Jews believe this, BTW, but in Judaism I have yet to run across someone who believe that G - d would punish anyone for their «beliefs» and not their «deeds» (take a good look at the Tanach... the contract with the Jews (known as the «teachings of G - d», not «the law») is all about behaviour; and while many Christians have been raised to view «the teachings of G - d» (the law) as something to be «freed» from... one has to ask the simple question..
I've never felt a need or fear of trying to please God or that I'm going to be punished for not doing something right... I'm forgiven, not perfect, but God puts a desire in my heart to serve thise that are less fortunate.
Why would god create humans and then punish them for eternity for not suspending all disbelief and having faith in something that never appears, never does anything?
At the behest of a couple of fanatical Frenchmen, leading politicians suggest that the government of the U.S. should punish a French citizen for something he did in France fifty - three years ago.
Its very unhealthy to punish yourself for failing to be something that no one could ever be.
Have you never punished your child for something that they have done and felt horrible about doing it, but did it anyway because you knew it was for their good?
That's the deterministic argument against punishment in a nutshell, under that philosophy it makes no sense to punish something for doing something that it can not avoid doing.
How exactly is it fair or just to punish a person for not believing in something they have never heard of?
Now that we know something of these other religious communities and their quality of the lives they engender, we can not suppose that a gracious God would punish their saints for failure to join the Christian church.
Isn't there ALWAYS some mental deficient squealing about God warning or punishing someone for something every time anything that can be contrued as bod happens to anyone?
and, if god is going to punish someone for something in which they have no choice (also a claim made by blog christians), what does that say about the nature of god?
I often wonder if God is there or if I have done something wrong and am being punished for wanting my inheritance.
When I was a child and did something wrong, I was punished for it immediately.
Would you punish a child for not understanding something that is outside their mental reach?
Imprecatory prayer is when you beseech God to harm or punish someone you think deserves it, either as an act of vengeance for something they did to you, or generally because their behavior or lifestyle offends you.
Why would your god create something as staggeringly amazing and powerful as the human brain, and then not only fail to reward people who use it, but actively punish them for thinking and questioning.
To create something imperfect, and then to punish not only it, but it's progeny for all time for this imperfection is so evil as to almost be beyond description or belief.
Something I don't see when you punish people eternally for their limited time on Earth.
The murderous beast, Yahweh, wanted to punish Pharaoh for something.
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