Sentences with phrase «puny little»

The ones that have just sorta been hanging there - unfinished, unpainted, and sporting puny little knobs and brass hinges covered in primer?
And, to my ear, it sounds at least as good as the Dot does — which is to say that it's a pretty puny little speaker.
There are so many other large heat / energy exchanges happenning that the puny little back radiation is knocked over on it's a $ $.
It took me around 15 runs at the first stage to hit the required targets, with each run becoming easier as any perk unlocked is permanent adding a feeling of progression to your little emplacement; turning it from a puny little one man dugout into a rocket - equipped death bunker dealing out thousands of rounds per minute.
As far as I could see there were two big options, then this puny little startup caught my attention.
Finally, Froyo brings support for Adobe Flash 10.1 the full version, not the puny little Flash Lite we've seen in previous phones.
They have become the standard to which our puny little book trailers are held.
The puny little Earthlings quickly discover their fancy fission cannons and laser blasters are no match for the bigger, better and badder invaders from outer space.
Yeah, using puny little weights is weird at first, especially if you train at a gym, but you get used to it.
So the puny little creatures got so smart and proved to themselves that their evolved from monkeys!
Atheists are accused as representatives of puny little man bloated with pride who dares to stand up to God to challenge him.

Not exact matches

How much more, then, when the means of the penetration of man's otherwise impregnable little fortress - tomb, the tiny, sealed capsule of his puny life, is a Word - the Word» How totally impossible to describe the process initiated and executed from Without, by Another, himself quite unseen, or rather seen only in the limited form of a particular function, or to explain the breaking of the walls of the fortress - tomb, and the granting of a kind of release from the capsule!
In comparison, Nick Clegg's little local difficulty with Lord Rennard seems puny.
A sperm whale has this puny lower jaw, but it eats a huge variety of prey, from little bitty lantern fish about the size of a pocketknife to giant squid as long as a school bus.
A modern tomato — heirloom, organic, process, vine - ripened, or otherwise — bears little resemblance to its puny, sour, undomesticated relations that sprout in the Peruvian Andes.
Brown dwarfs are too puny to force atoms to fuse together and release nuclear energy, and so they have only the little heat they were born with.
The Triassic was a strange time, Gay notes, with «little tiny, puny things running around getting eaten by everything else out there, giant toilet - headed reptiles, strange plant - eating crocodiles with giant pig snouts.
The duo recreate their favorite cinema classics as puny and humorous little shorts: «Eyes Wide Butt,» «Senior Citizen Kane,» a riff on Jean - Luc Godard's «Breathless» called «Breath Less» (about guy who has to use an inhaler), and «Pooping Tom» (a play on Powell & Pressburger's «Peeping Tom»).
IT»S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT Storage Compartments (Puny, Fair, Ample, Galore): Puny Cargo / Trunk Space (Puny, Fair, Ample, Galore): Fair
IT»S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT Storage Compartments (Puny, Fair, Ample, Galore): Fair Cargo / Trunk Space (Puny, Fair, Ample, Galore): Fair
IT»S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT Storage Compartments (Puny, Fair, Ample, Galore): Ample Cargo / Trunk Space (Puny, Fair, Ample, Galore): Galore
Sadly, there are many with little or no martial arts experience that believe a puny female can't fight to save her life.
Is your Parakeet looking a little puny?
Banish the thought of little square tanks with plastic labels identifying puny schools fish; this aquarium joins the ranks of the world's best, with enormous floor - to - ceiling windows letting you peer into entire underwater ecosystems.
Sure, this story may look a little puny compared to Modern Warfare 2's 34287 units in a single DAY, but seeing that Uncharted 2 is still currently my Game of the Year, it always has a place in my column.
Most sites write about them in little short, puny articles that seem like they're written by a 5th grader.
«Little» is perhaps the key word here, as estimates of # 500,000 or so BP annual sponsorship deflated to the reality of a puny # 330,000 in 2006 (the latest year for which figures were revealed) for the polluting oil giant's privilege of mugging every visitor to Tate Britain with its corporate marketing.
But even little children would know that only gods, not men, not puny men so self - destructively maladapted to technology, could do that.
When Gort first visited in 1951, it spent little effort on climate change issues, focusing on other aspects of our planet instead: Gort returned in 2012 to answer puny human climatologist questions about whether climate change caused particular weather phenomena by making an obvious point: rather than struggle with theoretical analysis, you can simply use your Climate Changeometer to remove all the excess greenhouse gases and aerosols above natural levels and then measure the outcome.
This sort of «real» science on the ground (instead of playing around with your computer programs) shows how little we really know about how the Earth reacts to changes and how impossible it is to forecast the future based on the puny amount of observed and verified data technological man has aquired so far.
There is danger of breathing life into the blogs of these puny, insignificant pukes, but I'm a little sadistic and don't mind watching a good old butt kicking.
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