Sentences with phrase «purchasing small quantities»

Average your price by purchasing small quantities at different times during the day, or even during the week.
Average your price by purchasing small quantities at different times during the day, or even during the week.
If you're using ground spices they do go off quickly so it's best to purchase small quantities at a time and store them in airtight containers.
Buy what you need Purchase smaller quantities of whole - grain products to reduce spoilage.
Purchase smaller quantities of whole - grain products to reduce spoilage.
Most of the assets purchased have been UK government securities (gilts), but the Bank has also purchased small quantities of high - quality private sector assets in order to support the flow of corporate credit.
Purchase small quantities like 5 - 10 pounds, or share purchase with a friend who also has a rabbit.

Not exact matches

After the QE was scrapped, the Fed continued to purchase the securities, only in smaller quantities.
The majority of ingredients used in baked goods — like baking soda, baking powder, yeast, and, yes, flour — have a relatively short shelf life, so if you don't fire up the oven frequently, purchase them in small quantities so they don't sit in your cupboard, quietly going rancid.
Ground coffee beans begins to lose its freshness almost immediately after grinding so it is far better to purchase it in smaller quantities if ground.
If you've purchased a large quantity of coffee beans that you will not use immediately, small portions, wrapped in airtight bags, can be stored for up to a month in the freezer.
They often buy in smaller quantities and, as a result, pay more for their diapers than a family who can make larger bulk purchases.
When purchasing any type of milled whole grain, it's always best to buy smaller quantities to ensure that your whole grains are used prior to them going rancid.
Now I just learned what a co-op was but what I've seen only small quantities of each product is being purchased through co-ops when retailers most likely selling much higher quantities.
3) Purchase in small quantities: Babies will quickly outgrow the clothes bought, so you do not need to buy a lot.
If you purchase a smaller capacity baby food maker, you would have to make multiple batches to get larger quantities which can be time consuming, but if you prefer to make the baby food as you need it, a smaller capacity maker would do the trick.
We sell in smaller and larger quantities, so it's easy to purchase the right amount for your needs.
Note: Sunflower oil can go bad quickly, so it should be purchased in small quantities and stored in a dark cool area.
It is possible to purchase raw almonds in the US, but it has to be done very carefully from vendors selling small quantities that have a waiver from the pasteurization requirement.
Investors who purchase these funds in equal quantities would have a good mix of large and small cap U.S. stocks that would likely beat or exceed the performance of the S&P 500 on a total returns basis.
Once you have it however, annual fee's are usually very little, and the fees to buy that companies funds are usually zero if it's a no - load company (Vanguard, TRowPrice, etc) With the larger companies that means you have a pretty large selection of funds, but generally EACH fund has a minimum initial purchase, once that's met then you can buy additional amounts in small quantities without a problem.
Amongst this group, Costco is probably best for small businesses, as even in - store, its items are available for purchase in large quantities and bulk.
The decision to purchase stock in terms of a small or large quantity is your personal preference.
It's great to have the ability to purchase in smaller quantities at competitive prices and receive a Member Volume Purchasing Discount!
If smaller quantities of hay must be purchased, chose someone that has their hay analyzed and will provide the analysis results.
Try purchasing it in smaller quantities, offering it in a hay rack clipped to the cage instead of loose, or getting a family member to take care of doling it out and cleaning it up.
Short of tasting your puppy's kibble before you serve it, the best way to make sure you hit a home run on both is to purchase dry puppy food in smaller quantities until your puppy picks a favorite.
Smaller quantities can be purchased but at a higher cost.
This is usually a good option if you're in a situation where you're just short on Avios and the math works out where it's cheaper or the same to redeem with Avios and Money than it is to purchase Avios outright, which will be rare for small quantities of Avios.
To participate, you must have MANA, which can be purchased on one of several crypto exchanges such as Binance or Bittrex, and you also need a small quantity of ETH for fueling the transaction and a browser that is compatible with dApps.
Prior to that, she purchased a quantity of cheap, small Australian flags.
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